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Week Five Science Lee County Adult and Community Education

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1 Week Five Science Lee County Adult and Community Education
GED Online Week Five Science Lee County Adult and Community Education

2 Review of class assignments
3 weekly webinars Math (only attend one math webinar per week) Reading/Language Arts Science/Social Studies You must submit a summary of the webinar to your teacher if you miss the live webinar 3 weekly webinar assignments Math (only complete the math assignment that corresponds to your webinar) assignments to your teacher 6 hours on

3 Students Viewing Recording
If you are watching the recording of this webinar, you must submit a one paragraph summary of this webinar to your teacher.

4 Website for Webinars and Assignments

5 GED Online Social Studies Assignment
Webinar Review Geography Geography is the study of everything on earth. These maps show natural features of the land. Physical Maps These maps show borders between countries/states. Political Maps These maps focus on a specific element of a specific place. Thematic Maps These maps show climate and elevation. Physical Maps Scientists study these maps for settlement and migration patterns. Physical Maps These maps are sometimes referred to as graphic essays. Thematic Maps

6 9. The units between degrees. Minutes
8. Latitude and Longitude are measured in degrees. 9. The units between degrees. Minutes 10. These lines measure distances North and South of the equator. Latitude 11. These lines measure places East and West of the Prime Meridian. Longitude 12. Latitude will always have either North or South written before the degree. 13. Longitude will always have either East or West written before the degree. 14.What is the hottest place on earth due to direct sunlight? Tropics 15. What is the line of 0 degrees longitude called? Prime Meridian

7 Career of the Week Early Childhood Education

8 Fort Myers Technical College
Experience the joy of creating fun and amazing activities for children who are full of life and love learning. Influence the future of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers by shaping their intellectual, social, emotional, and physical development. Utilize critical and creative thinking skills necessary for working with young children. This Child Development Associate (CDA)/Equivalency program provides the advanced credentials necessary to meet Department of Children and Families (DCF) licensing standards. The purpose of the Early Childhood Education program is to prepare students for initial employment and career advancement in the field of early childhood education. Job opportunities are available as child care aides, child care workers, attendants in children’s institutions, nursery school attendants, school or playroom attendants, or preschool teachers.

9 FMTC Early Childhood Education
The content includes, but is not limited to, conducting activities which promote physical, intellectual, emotional and social growth, and development of children; clean and healthy environments; nutrition, health, and safety; awareness of child abuse and neglect signs; rules and regulations which govern child care; and interpersonal relations. The State of Florida has approved Fort Myers Technical College's Early Childhood Education program for the mandatory 45-hour child care training. The Fort Myers Tots Learning Center has earned Gold Seal Quality Care Program . The Center operates a DCF licensed child care center, Fort Myers Tech Tots Learning Center

10 The Program at FMTC TOTAL HOURS Course # OCP Course Name Hours HEV0870
The following table illustrates the program structure: The Program at FMTC Course # OCP Course Name Hours HEV0870 A Child Care Worker 1 150 HEV0871 B Child Care Worker 2 HEV0872 C Teacher Aide (Preschool) HEV0873 D Preschool Teacher TOTAL HOURS 600

11 What You Will Learn State-Mandated Training (DCF)
Orientation to Early Childhood Careers Career Ready Practices Childcare Regulations Health, Safety, and Nutrition for Young Children Child Development Assessment Methods Recognition of Child Abuse and Neglect Emergency Literacy Development Appropriate Practices for Young Children Inclusion of Children with Special Needs

12 Starting Salary and Employment Opportunities
$14,425 - $35,110, depending upon experiences when entering employment Child Care Centers Head Start Pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, public and private primary schools. School age child care Programs for individuals with special needs Public school paraprofessionals as defined by No Child Left Behind Act Child care resources and referral agencies Early intervention programs

13 According to O'Net Online, jobs for preschool teachers are expected to grow faster than average (15% to 21%) between FMTC Information Sessions will be held every Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. and also will be held at 5:30 p.m. A school counselor will host these 1-hour sessions. Learn more about the career training offered at FMTC, financial assistance, and enrollment steps. A campus tour will follow. Please call the school at (239) for more information.

14 Introduction to the Scientific Method

15 What is Science? Science deals only with the natural world Scientists
The goal of science is to investigate and understand the natural world, to explain events in the natural world, and to use those explanations to make useful predictions. Science deals only with the natural world The scientific method has allowed scientists to show that their ideas are clearly supported by observations and data. Scientists collect and organize information in a careful, orderly way, looking for patterns and connections between events.

16 Science begins with an observation.
This is the process of gathering information about events or processes in a careful, orderly way. Data is the information gathered from making observations.

17 The Steps In The Scientific Method
Ask a question Once scientists have posed a question and formed a hypothesis, they must design and conduct an investigation. Develop a hypotheses Test the hypothesis with an investigation Analyze the data and draw a conclusion.

18 A hypothesis is a scientific explanation for a set of observations.
A hypothesis must be stated in a way that makes it “testable”. The hypothesis is just a possible answer to a question, and it must be thoroughly tested. Hypothesis

19 Scientific Method The Scientific Method is:
A series of steps used by scientists to solve a problem or answer a question. Observation / asking a question Form a hypothesis Design a controlled experiment with an investigation Record and analyze results and draw conclusions.

20 Step 1: Observation / Asking a Question
A problem or a question must first be identified. How much water can a root hair absorb? Why does a plant stem bend toward the light? What effect does temperature have on heart rate?

21 Step 2: Form a Hypothesis
A possible explanation to the question or problem. It is simply a prediction and has not yet been proven or disproven. A hypothesis never can be proven true, but it can be supported. If a hypothesis is supported repeatedly by investigation, it becomes accepted in the scientific community as valid and eventually may be considered scientific theory or law.

22 Step 3: Designing a Controlled Experiment
The factors in an experiment that can be changed are called variables. Some examples of variables would be: changing the temperature, the amount of light present, time, concentration of solutions used.

23 Controlled Experiment:
A controlled experiment works with one variable at a time. If several variables were changed at the same time, the scientist would not know which variable was responsible for the observed results. In a controlled experiment only one variable is changed at a time. All other variables should be unchanged or controlled.

24 An experiment is based on the comparison between a control group with an experimental group.
a) These two groups are identical except for one factor. b) The control group serves as the comparison. It is the same as the experimental group, except that the one variable that is being tested is removed. c) The experimental group shows the effect of the variable that is being tested.

25 Example: In order to test the effectiveness of a new vaccine, 50 volunteers are selected and divided into two groups. One group will be the control group and the other will be the experimental group. Both groups are given a pill to take that is identical in size, shape, color and texture.

26 Describe the control group.
Even though the volunteers are given identical looking pills, the control group will not actually receive the vaccine. Describe the experimental group. This group will receive the vaccine What variables are kept constant? The size, shape, color, and texture of the pill. What variable is being changed? Whether or not the pill contains the vaccine.

27 There are two variables in an experiment:
The independent variable is the variable that is deliberately changed by the scientist. It is the addition of the vaccine to the pills that were given to the volunteers. The dependent variable is the one observed during the experiment. The dependent variable is the data we collect during the experiment. This data is collected as a result of changing the independent variable. The observed health of the people receiving the pills.

28 Step 4: Recording and Analyzing Results
The data that has been collected must be organized and analyzed to determine whether the data are reliable. Does the data support or not support the hypothesis?

29 Step 5: Drawing Conclusions
The evidence from the experiment is used to determine if the hypothesis is proven or disproven. Experiments must be repeated over and over. When repeated, the results should always be the same before a valid conclusion can be reached.

30 Forming a Theory Theory:
A theory may be formed after the hypothesis has been tested many times and is supported by much evidence. Theory: A broad and comprehensive statement of what is thought to be true. A theory is supported by considerable evidence.

31 Practice Problem: State your hypothesis: Possible answer:
You want to determine the effects of a certain fertilizer on the growth of orchids grown in a greenhouse. Materials that are available to you include: greenhouse, 100 orchid plants, water, fertilizer, and soil. You want to know if the orchids will grow best with a weak concentration of fertilizer, a medium concentration of fertilizer, or a high concentration of fertilizer. How will you design an experiment to test different concentrations of this fertilizer? State your hypothesis: Possible answer: I predict that the orchids will grow best with a medium concentration of fertilizer.

32 How will you set up a controlled experiment?
The 100 plants will be divided into 4 groups as follows: Group 1: 25 plants will receive plain water. Group 2: 25 plants will receive a weak concentration of fertilizer. The plants will be watered daily. Over a period of a month, the plants will be measured to see which ones grew the tallest. Group 3: 25 plants will receive a medium concentration of fertilizer. Group 4: 25 plants will receive a high concentration of fertilizer.

33 Experimental Control Group
What is the control group in this experiment? The control group consists of the 25 plants that are receiving plain water. What is the experimental group in this experiment? The experimental group consists of the 75 plants that are receiving various concentrations of fertilizer.

34 What variables must be kept constant in this experiment?
In a “controlled experiment”, all variables must be kept constant except the one variable that is being changed. What variables must be kept constant in this experiment? All plants are grown in pots of equal size. All plants are grown at the same temperature. All plants receive the same amount of sunlight. All plants must receive the same amount of fluid each day. What variable is being changed in this experiment? The variable being changed is the amount of fertilizer received by each group of plants.

35 Is your hypothesis supported or disproved by these results?
After one month of measuring the orchids, the following data is obtained: Group 1 (Control Group): Grew to an average height of 15 cm. Group 2 (Weak conc.): Grew to an average height of 35 cm. Group 3 (Medium conc.): Grew to an average height of 28 cm. Group 4 (High conc.): Grew to an average height of 10 cm. Is your hypothesis supported or disproved by these results? We hypothesized that the orchids would grow best with a medium concentration of fertilizer. The results do not support this. The results disprove our hypothesis.

36 What is your conclusion based on these results?
After one month of measuring the orchids, the following data is obtained: Group 1 (Control Group): Grew to an average height of 15 cm. Group 2 (Weak conc.): Grew to an average height of 35 cm. Group 3 (Medium conc.): Grew to an average height of 28 cm. Group 4 (High conc.): Grew to an average height of 10 cm. What is your conclusion based on these results? Orchids grow best with a weak concentration of fertilizer. At medium to high concentrations, plant growth is inhibited.

37 Terms to Remember Hypothesis - a statement that uses a few observations - an idea or proposition based on observations without experimental evidence Theory - uses many observations and has loads of experimental evidence - can be applied to unrelated facts and new relationships - flexible enough to be modified if new data/evidence introduced Law - stands the test of time, often without change - experimentally confirmed over and over - can create true predictions for different situations - has uniformity and is universal 


39 Did You Know? Students who prepared for the GED test using the official practice test from GED Testing Service pass at a higher rate. The best way to find out if you are ready for the GED test is to take the GED Ready practice test. The majority of people who score “likely to pass” on the GED Ready practice test, go on to pass the real test in that subject.

40 The GED Ready has the same look and feel as the
real GED test. The score report tells students if they are likely to pass or if it’s too close to call and they should keep studying. The GED Ready is scored on the same day you take the test. The GED Ready gives each student their own study plan based on the skills he or she needs to work on including specific guidance on what to study in publisher’s test prep materials. The GED Ready takes about 45 minutes to complete and is available in English and Spanish. You will receive an Enhanced Score Report that gives you specific pages or chapters in resource materials you need to study to score higher.

41 How To Register For the GED Ready Test
Log into your MyGED account to register. You can also purchase vouchers in your MyGED account which are good for 12 months. You will take the GED Ready practice test in your MyGED account where you can stop and start the test as needed. The GED Ready practice test is the closest thing to taking the GED without actually taking the test! See what you can do!

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