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part of the GDP (Gross domestic product) that the central government spends on education (%) Expenses made by the Junta de Andalucía. Expenses per pupil.

3 a) Part of the GDP (Gross domestic product) that the central government spends on education
The educative expenses in Spain is 4,36% of gross domestic product. The Ministry spends in education in total the year 2014, euros.

4 b) Expenses made by the Junta de Andalucía.
The Andalusian goverment spends in total the year 2014, ,95 euros.

5 The expenses per pupil in Andalusia was 4110 euros in 2014.
c) Expenses per pupil. The expenses per pupil in Andalusia was 4110 euros in 2014.

Scale of responsibility (from the principal to the classroom teacher) Educational levels (compulsory, non-compulsory, Kindergartens, primary schools, secondary schools, Vocational Training, University) Ratio of students at classroom by levels.

7 a) Scale of responsibility.
President of the Government – Ministry of Education – Andalusian Government – Office of Education - Office of Education in Almería – Management of the centre – Teaching Bodies.

8 b) Educational levels. Nursery school: 0-6 years. Non- Compulsory.
Primary Education: 6-12 years. Compulsory. Secondary Education: years. Compulsory Vocational Training of médium and Superior Degree: It provides a professional quality to determined professions. Non- compulsory. Access to Univeristy. Medium Degree: Non –compulsory to which we can Access only with the title of Compulsory Secondary Education. Superior degree: Non- Compulsory to which we can Access with the title of Non- Compulsory Secondary Education or a médium dregree. Non- Compulsory Secondary Education (Bachillerato): Non- compulsory. Access to University. University: Non-compulsory.

9 c) Ratio of students at classroom by levels.
In Compulsory Secondary Education the legal ratio per class is of 30 pupils, in Non-Compulsory Secondary Education is of 35 pupils, and 20 pupils in Vocational Training. In an exceptional form, it could be increased in a 10% more. The ratio of our High School, IES Francisco Montoya, in the different levels is the following one:

10 *Compulsory Secondary Education: *Non Compulsory Secondary Education:
1º: 28 pupils 2º: 29 pupils 3º: 29 pupils 4º: 28 pupils *Non Compulsory Secondary Education: 1º SCIENCES: 13 pupils 1º SOCIAL SCIENCE AND HUMMANITIES: 31 pupils 2º SCIENCES: 13 pupils 2º SOCIAL SCIENCE AND HUMMANITIES: 24 pupils *Formative Cycles: 1º: 12 pupils 2º: 11 pupils

Qualification to access. Training throughout the development of work Mobility of teachers, how you can change your working place

12 a) Qualification to access.
The credentials of initial formation required to give the corresponding subject are reflected in the Annex of this Royal Decree. The certification of having get over the proof to which makes reference the article 21.1 of the Royal Decree 276/2007, 23rd February, by which it is regulated the rules of Access and acquisition of new specialities in teaching bodies which makes reference the Organic Law of Education 2/2006, 3rd May. There it is regulated the transitional regime of Access which makes reference the transitional provision 17 of this law, and the subjects reflected in the annexes III, IV, V of the Royal Decree 1834/ 2008, 8th November, by which they are defined the conditions of the formation of the Teaching Bodies in Compulsory Secondary Education, Non Compulsory Secondary Education, Vocational Training and the teachings of special regime and they are established the specialities of Teaching Bodies of Secondary Education.

13 b) Training throughout the development of work.
Teaching Bodies of Secondary Education and Non- Compulsory Secondary Education will have to confirm the pedagogical and didactic training established in the Article of the Organic Law of Education 2/2006, 3rd May,. Moreover, they are in possesion of the title of Master regulated by the Order ECI/ 3858/2007, 27th December, by which they are established the requirements of verification of University titles established to the teaching bodies of Secondary Education, Non Compulsory Secondary Education, Vocational Training and School of Languages.

14 c) Mobility of teachers.
The plans of mobility and international excange improve the quality of education and provide academic and professiional profits which contribute to the integral development of the person. By this, we are conscious that mobility and internationalization are the key aspects of our High School. Therefore, each year a group of students, teachers and administrative staff carry out part of their training in our High School. As well, members of the Educative Community of our centre perform stays in other high schools abroad.

how many hours each subject has. general methodology used. Workload.

16 a) Subjects. The subjects that each students give in each course are:
1º ESO: Instrumental: Languaje, mathematics, english. Theorical subjects: French, religion, physical education, biology-geology, music, free disposal, art and tutoring. 2º ESO: Instrumental: Languaje, mathematics, english. Theorical subjects: French, religion, physical education, technology, art, physical- chemical, social, music, free disposal and tutoring. 3º ESO: Instrumental: Languaje, mathematics, english. Theorical subjects: French, religion, physical education, technology, physical-chemical, history, biology-geology, citizenship, tic and tutoring. 4º ESO: Instrumental: Languaje, mathematics, english. Theorical subjects: French, religion, physical education, latin, history, economy, art and tutoring.

17 b) How many hours each subject has.
1º ESO: Instrumental: Language 4h, mathematics 4h, English 4h. Theorical subjects: French 2h, religion 1h, physical education 2h, biology-geology 3h, music 2h, free disposal 2h, art 2h and tutoring 1h. 2º ESO: Instrumental: Language 4h, mathematics 3h, English 3h. Theorical subjects: French 2h, religion 1h, physical education 2h, technology 3h, art 2h, physical-chemical 3h, social 3h, music 2h, free disposal 1h and tutoring 1h. 3º ESO: Instrumental: Language 4h, mathematics 4h, English 4h. Theorical subjects: French 2h, religion 1h, physical education 2h, technology 3h, physical-chemical 2h, history 3h, biology-geology 2h, citizenship 1h, tic 1h and tutoring 1h. 4º ESO: Instrumental: Language 3h, mathematics 4h, English 4h. Theorical subjects: French 3h, religion 1h, physical education 2h, latin 3h, history 3h, economy 3h, art 3h and tutoring 1h.

18 c) General methodology used.
-In most classes we start correcting the task that the teacher has sent the day before, then we read the theory that implements that day and the teacher explains it. -In some classes we also work in groups to do activities. -Except in physical education we start with the heating and then practice the sport we play that day.

19 Participation, attitude:
d) Workload. Subjects: Participation, attitude: Tests: Direct observation: French 20% 60% English - 70% 30% Social Sciencie Chemistry Spanish language 10% 75% 15% Natural Science Maths 80%

how many hours each subject has (in percent). general methodology used. evaluation system. concepts to include in the evaluation (exams, daily work, works...)

21 a) Subjects. The subjects that have more practical activities are Physical Education, Plastic and Visual Education and Music. They make up the artistic field; and they have socializing component.

22 b) How many hours each subject has (in percent).
SUBJECTS HOURS PER WEEK PERCENTAGE Physical Education 2 6,70 % Plastic and Visual Education Music

23 c) General methodology used.
In these subjects it is a little different; futhermore it depends on the kind of students, content and teacher. Altouhg some main features are: -Master classes. With a board or digital board, videos, power points, .. teacher explains content. Normally, it is used to introduce a topic or a very theoretical part. -Work in group is essential and individual. The students have to find the solution of the activity with the knowledge that the teacher has taught. Futhermore to get the target has to cooperate with the partners. To sum up, methodology is based on group work, daily work, effort and attitude towards practical activities. So the role of the student is essential.

24 -A theoretical work about the sport or activities done.
d) Evaluation system. These activities for the evaluation are different from the other subjects; so the type of learning is different too. With our experience the typical activities for the evaluation are: 1. Physical Education: -Daily work: the teacher takes note all days about the work in class. It takes into account the effort, ability to work in group, capacity for improvement, fair play,…. -Practical exam about sport and skills that the students had been working in class. -A theoretical work about the sport or activities done. Futhermore, it is very important the good habits in physical activity; for example suitable clothes, hygiene after the class,..

25 d) Evaluation system. 2. Plastic and Visual Education:
-The main instrument of evaluation is a class note, where the students do each day the activities and is checked by the teacher daily. -Daily work. -Some theoretical exam. 3. Music. -Practical exam about the skills practiced in class, for example the flute.

26 e) Concepts to include in the evaluation (exams, daily work, works...)
RATING SYSTEM SUBJECT THEORIC EXAM/ WORK WORK DAILY HOME WORK Physical Education 60% 20% Plastic and Visual Education Music

27 6- FAMILIES. involvement of the families with the education with their children. involvement of students in their own training. assessment of education by families. assessment of education by students. evaluation of the educational center.

28 a) Involvement of the families with the education with their children.
Most families think is good education for their children going to school authorities until the age of 16, families are also involved managed to their children, taking them to private lessons for to learn and resolve your doubts...

29 b) Involvement of students in their own training.
Some students are involved in approving to take good notes, removed a title, ask questions in order in future to have a job that you like... Some think that it is not important and are not involved, they don't want to attend classes, approve,...

30 c) Assessment of education by families.
The valuation of their children's education the most has been valued by 8 to 9 out of 10, because there are some families who see most important happiness, health,... of their children or other reasons, the majority of the people say that it is more important for their children's future education, have respect for other people ... and no disrespect.

31 d) Assessment of education by students.
Most of the students think it is important to have a professional training in the future have a job, an education. Others think that it is not so important because they think that if they will not remove a career won't be required to work in the world of work.

32 e) Evaluation of the educational center.
The assessment of the educational center is about a 9/10, because they think that we should learn a lot, the Center has very good teachers, good organization in tours, classes,... There are also extra school classes to help students in the afternoons,... There are helpers and mediation teams to avoid problems among students.

33 7- STUDENTS. future perspectives.
Bachelor’s degree, Vocational Training or working world. Further studies, which ones? b) educational programs and projects offered by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry.

34 a) Future perspectives.
It is estimated that 55,5% of students of Non- Compulsory Secondary Education are satisfied or very satisfied with their educative results: 67,4% are satisfied with their formation in Humanities and 60% with the other one in Sciences. It is established a comparation of rankings in the educative sectors, in which it stands out the fact of being the sectors of Maths and Stadistics, followed by Law and Information Technology, those which present, according to the Employment Institute, a major rate of employment among the people who have this qualification, they are so far to be among the sectors more demanded by the students of Non- Compulsory Secondary Education.

35 Plans and educative projects
b) Educational programs and projects offered by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry. Plans and educative projects Development Film class 01/09/ /08/2017 Erasmus +, Europe work by projects Students exchange TIC 2.0 permanently Master of Secondary Education 01/09/ /08/2017 Plan of Labour Health School coexistence Sport schools Teenagers plan in the educative system Educative compensation Peace school Coeducation Environmental education


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