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9A Unit 4 Grammar.

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1 9A Unit 4 Grammar

2 Millie likes watching Golden TV. It is her favourite TV channel
Millie likes watching Golden TV. It is her favourite TV channel. Help her plan what to watch.

3 Conclusion from 6.30 7 and 7.30 7.30 to 7.40 7.40 to 8.15 From 8.15
9.00 between 9.45 10.00 9.00 to 9.45 between 10.00 Conclusion from…to 表示“从……到” between… and 表示“在……和……之间”

4 My family's watching plan
We are looking forwarding to watching the Olympic Games. My mother likes weightlifting, so she can watch the Women weightlifting 48kg final _____ am ______ on CCTV 5. My father likes basketball, then he can watch the Women Basketball match ________ China _____ Spain. On CCTV 1, I can watch the Women 10 meters air gun final ________10.30 _______ I like Gymnastics very much. I won’t miss one of the match. So I can watch it _______16.00_______ ________18.00 _____20.00, there will be Judo match on CCTV 2.My sister like Judo very much. She can watch. Oh, there are so many wonderful matches on TV. This is my family’s watching plan. We can’t wait to watch them. from to between and from to from to Between and

5 Practice: What were you doing between 7 and 9 last night ?
1.昨晚你在7:00到9:00之间做什么? 2.“动物世界”从8:30到9:10每星期三晚上在10频道播放。 What were you doing between 7 and 9 last night ? “World of Animals” is from 8:30 to 9:10 every Wednesday on Channel 10 . 3. 这家店通常周一到周五营业。 The shop usually opens from Monday to Friday. 4. 这个小女孩喜欢在午饭和晚饭之间吃些零食。 The little girl likes to eat some snacks between lunch and supper?

6 before after until 意思是“直到……的时候” 意思是“比……早一点的时候,在……之前”

7 until before after After before After until Before

8 So 当他爸爸在看奥运会的时候,她在做暑假作业。
Amy travelled to the USA in July, so has a lot of homework to do in August. 当他爸爸在看奥运会的时候,她在做暑假作业。 So While his father was watching the Olympic Games on TV, She was doing her homework.

9 While Millie was watching TV, Eddie was sleeping.
long action long action While/As Millie was watching TV, Andy opened the door. longer action shorter action

10 While/As Millie was walking past the bookshop,
she suddenly thought of buying a TV guide. longer action shorter action

11 Work out the rule. as 当有两个长动作同时发生时, 只能用_________ . while
当有两个短动作同时发生时, 只能用_________ . 当长动作给短动作提供背景时, 可以使用________ 和_________. while as while as

12 Using while and as to translate the following sentences:
我父亲在看电视时睡着了。 2. 妈妈做饭的时候,我在做作业。 My father fell asleep while/as he was reading the newspaper. While Mum was cooking dinner, I was doing my homework. 3. 我到家的时候, 他正在吃晚饭。 4. 她沿着那条路走着, 心里想着她父亲。 While/As I got home, he was having supper. As she walked along the road, she thought about her father.

13 Practice Fill in the blanks with before , after , until ,while ,or as While _______ I was on the school bus this morning , it started to rain . Luickily , it stopped _______ we go to school so I didn’t get wet . ______ school , I played tennis with Amy . Then ______ that , I saw Daniel at the bus stop . ______ we were waiting for the bus , it started to rain again . We waited inside ________ the bus came . before After after While/As until

14 Later in the afternoon , I talked to S Andy on the phone _______ I got home from school . We chatted _____ 5.30 p.m. ______ we finished talking , I did my homework . ______ I was doing my homework , Mum came home . She said I should finish my homework ______ dinner because she knew that I wanted to watch TV _____ dinner . after until After While/as before after

15 1 2 3 faster the fastest fast
Millie came third in the race. She ran fast. Sandy came second in the race. She ran faster than Millie. Amy came first in the race. She ran the fastest.

16 1 2 3 the highest high higher Amy jumped high.
Kitty jumped higher than Amy. Sandy jumped the highest of all.

17 Faster Higher Stronger comparatives the Olympic Spirit
Do you know the spirit of the Olympic Games. the Olympic Spirit Faster Higher Stronger comparatives Do you know comparatives and superlatives?

18 副词比较级和最高级的构成

19 Favourite drama series
better than better than the most regularly the best the worst more slowly than

20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Competition Let’s see who is the winner!
Choose your lucky number and do the exercise. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

21 harder A If you work ________, you will be able to do it better.(hard) B I’ll be more careful _________ what you have said. after

22 A He left the classroom latest yesterday.(用比较级改写,意思不变)
He left the classroom later than any other students. B The students sang ________ they went along.(as) as

23 A Who jumped the ______ in the high jump ?
A longest B higher C highest D most high B Sandy was reading newspaper, ________ Millie was watching TV. while

24 A To our surprise , the old man acted _____ of all .
A the best B most good C better D very good While B _______ I was writing letters last night, he was watching TV.

25 A --What time is the news on the radio?(7-7.45p.m.)
--The news on the radio is ___________ and ________. between 7 7.45 B We won’t start our trip _________ the rain stops. until

26 A The little boy always has some snacks ______ lunch and supper.
between B Please wait here ________ I come back.(until) until

27 A --Where will you be in the afternoon?(3-5p.m.)
--From ________________, I’ll be at a meeting. 3 to 5 p.m. B He asked me another question _______ I could answer the first one. before

28 A Can I watch TV ________8 a.m. to 9.30 a.m.?
from As B ______ the tiger came, all the animals ran away.

29 1 Finish the exercise on your workbook. 2 Review the grammar.
Homework 1 Finish the exercise on your workbook. 2 Review the grammar.

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