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What color are you? Find out!

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Presentation on theme: "What color are you? Find out!"— Presentation transcript:

1 What color are you? Find out!
True Colors What color are you? Find out!

2 Have you ever? Gone sky diving?
Felt like everyone comes to you for advice? Wondered why people do not see the value of an orderly and organized office? Wished you could live alone as a hermit? Tried bungee jumping? Told an authority figure when someone broke the rules? Hated being in a group because you knew you would end up doing all the work? Procrastinated? Been in trouble for talking too much? Felt someone else’s pain? Felt that no one understood your analytical and theoretical ideas? Loved to be the center of attention? Cried all night long for no reason? Led the group? Felt you had to have all A’s? Felt the need to take care of everybody? Wondered why everyone else doesn’t’ like being alone like you do? Struggled to understand why most people do not get your sense of humor?

3 Why do you ask? Questions define your personality True Colors
Four distinctive personality types None is better than others All of us have all four colors First color: Innate color (Nature) Second color: Learned color (Nurture) Third and Fourth colors: Underdeveloped colors

4 So What? Fun Educational Learning your colors
Finding out the colors of your colleagues, friends, and family members Guessing your friends/family members’ colors Educational Why do you just “click” with some people and just “clash” with others for no apparent reason? Why are there students who just don’t “get” you or your teaching methods? Perhaps True Colors can help

5 Why True Colors? True Colors is a simple method for understanding behavior and what makes people tick. The first step to fostering successful working relationships is to identify the dominant color style of yourself and others. When a person is “shining” brightly, they are using their skills, talents and natural preferences in positive resourceful ways. They have a sense of worth and self-respect, often referred to as positive self-esteem.

6 Why True Colors? When our inherent needs are being met, our behavior is positive and contributes to an overall productive work environment. Understanding our own colors and the colors of our colleagues and students can help us make our working environments better in a variety of ways.

7 What is my color? Take the three tests by following the directions and discover the order of your true colors. The colors are Blue Gold Green Orange

8 Blue Blue represents calm. Thoughts of this color pacify us, as does a calm blue sea. It creates physiological tranquility and psychological contentment. Those with BLUE as a Primary Color value balance and harmony. They prefer lives free from tension…settled, united, and secure.

9 Blue Blue represents loyalty and a sense of belonging, and yet, when friends are involved, a vulnerability. BLUE corresponds to depth in feeling and a relaxed sensitivity. It is characterized by empathy, aesthetic experiences, and reflective awareness.

10 NURTURER BLUE Sensitive To Needs Of Others.
Sincere. Expresses Appreciation. Cooperative. Collaborative. Creative. Caring. Team Builder And Player. People Person. Engages Others. Artistic. Inspirational. Spiritual. Inclusive. Mediator. Peacemaker. Idealistic. Intuitive. Romantic. Loyal. Seeks Unity And Harmony. Caretaker. Famous Blues: Mozart, Dorothy (Wizard of Oz), Thomas Jefferson, Cinderella, Gandhi, Mohammed Ali, Jimmy Carter

11 Gold GOLD represents a need to be solid and responsible, to fulfill duties and obligations, to organize and structure our lives and lives of others. Those with GOLD as a Primary Color value being practical and sensible. They believe that people should earn their way in life through work and service to others.

12 Gold GOLD reflects a need to belong through carrying a share of the load in all areas of living. It represents stability, organization, efficiency, and dependability. It embraces the concepts of home and family with fierce loyalty and faithfulness.

13 TRADITIONAL GOLD Respects Authority Rules, Routines, Policies
Alligant, Faithful, Dependable, Prepared, Efficient Remembers The Traditions That Work Values Family Work Comes Before Play Practical. Systematic. Orderly Identifies With Groups Strives For A Sense Of Security Thorough, Sensible, Punctual, Convential, Proper A Right Way To Do Everything Stick-To-Itivness. Evaluates Actions As Right Or Wrong Stable. Organized. Punctual. Helpful Famous Golds: Mother Teresa, George Washington, Santa Claus, LBJ, George Washington, Joan Rivers, Henry Ford, Florence Nightingale

14 Green GREEN persons increase their own esteem by being assertive and intellectual. They tend to depend upon information rather than feelings. Green values practical and creative application of theory and data.

15 Green GREEN represents persistence, determination, firmness, and consistency. Those with GREEN as a Primary Color value intellect and capability above all else.

16 VISIONARY GREEN Looks Forward And Sees Impact Of Actions Taken Now.
Explores All Facets Before Deciding. Checks for Accuracy. Careful Planner. Systemataic. Enlivened By Work. Status Quo Buster. Designer Of Change. Inventive. Systematic. Logical. Theoretical. Self-Sufficient. Often Not In The Mainstream. Persistent. Thorough. Intellectual. Inquisitive. Impartial. Improvement Oriented. Famous Greens: Socrates, Sherlock Holmes, Benjamin Franklin, Carl Jung, Thomas Edison, Eleanor Roosevelt, Katherine Hepburn, Rosalyn Carter

17 Orange ORANGE represents energy, power, and strength. Those with ORANGE as a Primary Color feel the will to achieve results to win, to be successful. They desire all things that offer intense living and full experience.

18 Orange ORANGE is action: sport, struggle, competition, and productivity.

19 ADVENTUROUS ORANGE "Just Do It" Action Oriented.
Quick-witted, Charming, Spontaneous Playful. Injects fun into work. Lives In Here & Now. Risk taker. Creative. Enjoys Diversity, Variety, Competition. Multi-tasker, Cheerful, Energetic. Bold. Quick Thinking and Acting. Takes Charge. High Visibility Performer. Accepts Challenges. Enjoys Problem Solving. Negotiator. Performs Well Under Pressure. Resilient. Famous Oranges: JFK, Amelia Earhart, Lucille Ball, Rhett Butler, FDR, Francis of Assisi, Lee Iacocca, Winston Churchill, Garfield

20 Take the Test

21 The Blue Student Values
Creating and Maintaining Harmony Cooperation/Teamwork Creativity Warm and Genuine Human Contact Effective Interpersonal Communication Individuality Self-Actualization and Esteem Understanding Others and being Understood Optimism Democracy Belonging; Being Accepted and Liked Generosity Meeting Others’ needs Pleasant, Attractive Environment

22 The Gold Student Values
Orderliness Responsibility Permanence Stability Organization Reliability and dependability Thoroughness Industriousness and Productivity Accuracy Efficiency Fairness Cooperation Belonging Tradition Doing Things for Others Safety and Security Following Rules and Regulations Maintaining the System Achieving Goals and Maintaining Standards

23 The Green Student Values
Autonomy Objectivity Independence Ingenuity Logic/rationality Competence Cool Headedness Under Pressure Conceptual Creativity in Planning Design Implementation Privacy Orientation Toward the Future

24 The Orange Student Values
Action Freedom to Express themselves Sensory Stimulation Fraternity Play Variety Excitement Showing off and receiving recognition Completing Tasks Quickly Cleverness Impact on Others Performance Skillfulness, Agility, Precision Spontaneity/Do it Now for Immediate Results and Reward

25 Who am I? “Be prepared” Love to plan Detail oriented Service oriented
Values family traditions Helpful and trustworthy Conservative and stable “Should” and “Should Not” Rarely breaks the speed limit Strives for a sense of security Punctual, predictable, precise Value order and the status quo Duty, loyalty, useful, responsible There is a right way to do everything Tends to be left-brained and analytical Strong belief in policies, procedures, rules Most comfortable with a formal environment

26 Who am I? Strong Sense of Spirituality Sensitive to Needs of Others
Mediator Optimistic Caretaker Passionate Peacemakers True Romantics Cause Oriented Need to Feel “Special” Always Has a Kind Word Enjoys Symbols of Romance Strong Sense of Spirituality Sensitive to Needs of Others Peace, Harmony, Relationships Motivate and Encourage Others Cooperative Rather Than Competitive

27 Who am I? “Should be able to” “Why” Intellectual Theoretical
Idea People Philosophical Very complex Perfectionists Standard setters Visionaries, futurists Can never know enough Cool, calm, and collected Work is play—play is work Often not it the mainstream Abstract, conceptual, global Need for independence and private time Explores all facets before making decisions Knows how to spell and pronounce “big” words Approaches interpersonal relationships in a logical manner

28 Who am I? Visual and kinesthetic Playful Pushes the boundaries
Natural non-conformist Thrives on competition Likes tangible rewards External locus of control Stimulates the economy Impulsive and spontaneous Appreciates immediate feedback Tends to be left/right brain integrated Most productive in informal environments Playful Energetic Charming Risk taker “Just Do I” Test Limits Quick witted Master negotiator Creative, inventive “Let’s make a deal” A natural Entertainer High need for mobility

29 In Temporal Terms… BLUE is the present and the future.
GOLD is the past and the present. GREEN is the future. ORANGE is the present.

30 Money Gold Green Blue Orange Saves it Invests it Gives it away
Spend it

31 Life Gold Green Blue Orange Plans life Thinks about life
Experiences life Orange Lives life

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