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White Represents Purity and Innocence Creates sense of space

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Presentation on theme: "White Represents Purity and Innocence Creates sense of space"— Presentation transcript:

1 White Represents Purity and Innocence Creates sense of space
Can be cold, blank, and sterile

2 Black Symbol of menace or evil Associated with death and mourning
It is also associated with unhappiness, sexuality, formality and sophistication.

3 Yellow Cheery and warm Most fatiguing to the eye
Can create feelings of frustration and anger. Increases the metabolism and is the most attention-getting color.

4 Orange An energetic color-excitement, enthusiasm, and warmth
Draws attention

5 Red Evokes strong emotions Love, warmth, and comfort
Creates feelings of excitement or intensity

6 Violet/Purple Symbol of royalty and wealth
Represents wisdom and spirituality Can appear exotic or artificial

7 Blue Color most preferred by men
Calls to mind feelings of calmness or serenity Can also create feelings of sadness or aloofness. People are more productive in blue rooms One of the least appetizing. Can also lower the pulse rate and body temperature.

8 Green Symbolizes nature.
Also represents tranquility, good luck, health, and jealousy It can improve reading ability Symbol of fertility Has a calming effect

9 Grey Noncommittal Independence Self-Reliance Evasion Neutral color

10 Beige Natural Conservative Neutral Practical Implies genuineness

11 Brown Evokes a sense of strength and reliability
Can also create feelings of sadness and isolation Brings to mind feelings of warmth, comfort, and security

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