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Darius sakalauskas 15, april, 2016

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1 Darius sakalauskas 15, april, 2016
Cross Motion Darius sakalauskas 15, april, 2016

2 Objective To build on the advancements of digital technologies and the potential of convergence between digital audio visual content production industries, such as film and videogames and the education, tourism and health sectors

3 Rationale The techniques of audio visual, interactive, participatory and multiplatform storytelling and forms of gamification could be used in service of the three chosen sectors

4 Activities 5 different working packages WP1 – Project Management
WP2 - Mapping Development Possibilities in Audiovisual and Video Gaming Industries (7 conferences during project time, 1 in Vilnius, CG Event) WP3 - Development of Prototypes and Pilots (core activity, each partner at least 2 prototypes) WP4 - Industry Training and Networking (BSR Location study, networking events (also related to the conferences, workshops) WP5 - Promotion of R&D Work on Cross-Innovation (Market Study, Tender propositions, R&D support for procured projects, Study on them)

5 Timeline and the budget
Project length – 36 months (starting now) Co-financing rate 85 proc. Total budget (prior technical corrections) ~ 3mln. EUR

6 The team (I) Lead partner – Tallinn University, Baltic Film and Media School Partners from Finland (Aalto University Foundation), Sweden (Media Evolution Southern Sweden), Norway (Oslo University, Department of Media and Communication), Denmark (Filmby Aarhus), Germany (Film Fund Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein), Lithuania (Nebula Cluster), Latvia (TechHub Riga)

7 The team (II)

8 The team (III)

9 Our experience Flexible Open minded for new ideas Co-operative
Strong partners, partnership

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