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Second Grade Curriculum Night

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1 Second Grade Curriculum Night

2 EnVision Math Curriculum
Your child will bring a math mat home each day from the daily lesson that will show you what he or she learned. It may not always be fully completed. We will be using white boards and other manipulatives to better extend their learning instead of strictly sticking to filling out each part of the math mat. Students can access the EnVision website from home. Use the username and password on the sheet that is provided. After each topic the children will be given a math test. Each topic varies in length. Students will complete a study guide in class. Use this guide at home to review for the test.

3 EnVision Math Curriculum
Addition and subtraction strategies Working with equal groups Place value Mental addition and subtraction Adding and subtracting two-digit numbers Adding and subtracting three-digit numbers Geometry Money Measurement Time

4 Math Fluency Math fact fluency is the ability to recall the answers to basic math facts automatically and without hesitation. Fact strategies will be taught through EnVision lessons. Classroom practice, homework, and formal assessments will be used to identify students’ successes.

5 Classroom Practice Classroom practice will occur for 10 minutes daily.
Students will create flashcards for each strategy taught. Flashcards will be practiced with partner. Games reinforce fluency and will be played in the classroom with partners. Practice timed tests will be given twice a week but not taken for a grade.

6 Fluency Assessments Pre-tests will be given based on the strategy.
The students will be given 2 minutes and 30 seconds to complete the test. Students who struggle on the pre-test will be given flashcards to practice at home. They need to get a 30/50 or more correct to not bring home flashcards. Practice the flashcards daily. A post-test will be given on the last day of the strategy and taken as a grade.

7 Reading Curriculum Your child will use the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Journey’s Reading Series. All six units will be covered this year. A genre discussion will be discussed weekly. Graphic organizers will be used to reinforce the weekly comprehension skill and strategy. Lessons include: Phonics Comprehension strategy and skill Vocabulary words Grammar component

8 Reading Assessment On a full 5 day week there will be some type of assessment on Fridays. We will be exposing students to many different types of assessments, and they will be learning important test taking skills. We only take the assessments that say “Weekly Test” as a grade. Skills tested: Vocabulary Grammar Comprehension strategy Phonics Writing skills (written response)

9 Science and Social Studies
Habitats Scientific Method Landforms Recycling/ Earth Day Engineering Map Skills States of Matter U.S. Symbols Veterans Day Thanksgiving Martin Luther King Presidents Holidays around the world

10 Handwriting Children will review manuscript letters.
Students will learn all upper and lower case cursive letters. We do ask that students practice their name in cursive. Students will become familiar with reading cursive handwriting.

11 Writing Students will conduct writing activities daily.
Students will learn many types of writing including personal narratives, opinion, persuasive, and expository. New Common Core State Standards require more writing across all subject areas for our students.

12 Reading Homework 90 minute reading log Sent home Mondays
Due the following Monday Parents fill out and sign the sheet If the reading log is misplaced please send in a written letter of the reading log and sign it. Reading Sheet Due on FRIDAY Parts of the sheet will not be able to be completed until the story is read or skills are taught throughout the week The reading book may be needed to answer the comprehension questions. Bookmark  Sent home on Tuesday and Thursday nights Due back the following day (Wednesdays or Fridays) Parents sign the line underneath the story that was read Tuesday bookmark story will be read on a paper that is sent home (no reading book will be brought home, and they do NOT need to return the paper story to school). Thursday bookmark story will be the main story read out of the reading book. 

13 Math Homework Math Fact Fluency Sheet (100-120 problems)
Sent home on Mondays Due on Fridays Grade the sheet with your child Parents sign sheet You DO NOT have to time your child Math Homework Sheets Sent home on Monday and Wednesday nights Always two-sided Due back the next day (Tuesdays and Thursdays) Math Flashcards Flashcards will be sent home weekly as needed. Practice them with your child every night. You DO NOT need to return these to school.

14 Spelling Review spelling words and HFW daily Tests are on Fridays!
Although there are 12 spelling words and 10 high frequency words listed, the tests will consist of 8 randomly selected spelling words and 6 randomly selected high frequency words. A total of 14 words per test.

15 Red Folder Every student receives a red take home folder. Please check the folder nightly for important information and homework. If you are sending a note to school please let your child know you are putting a note in their folder so they can remember to give it to their teacher. Also write the teachers name on all notes.

16 Assignment Notebook This year each 2nd grade students received an assignment notebook. This will be filled out daily as a whole class. Homework and important reminders will be written in the notebook. The students rainbow chart colors will also be colored in the notebook. Please check the book nightly and initial it.

17 Rainbow Behavior System
Our school-wide positive behavior management system that uses colors to help students understand and monitor expectation for classroom behavior… Child’s color is reported home DAILY in red folder (K & 1st Grade) or assignment notebook (2nd grade). Behavior expectations are in place in classroom, specials, lunch, recess, etc. Pink is celebrated at the classroom level. The rainbow may not work for every child. Classroom interventions Separate behavior chart GREEN IS THE GOAL! WHAT IS IT? The “Rainbow Behavior System” is a school-wide positive behavior management system that uses colors to help students understand and monitor expectation for classroom behavior. Each teacher has a rainbow pocket or clip chart in her classroom. Students are discretely identified on the chart and movements are made up and down the chart based on individual behaviors. This behavior support system relies on three principles: drawing attention to rule-following behavior, enlisting students as providers of reinforcement for their peers, and utilizing naturally occurring classroom activities and/or privileges to promote positive behaviors. These methods rapidly help teachers achieve a positive classroom environment. All of our teachers do a terrific job of targeting not only inappropriate behaviors, but rewarding positive ones. The Rainbow Behavior System is a terrific way to address both in a visual way. All students, everyday, will start on green. Colors and their explanations are listed below. PINK OUTSTANDING Repeatedly going above expectations or repeatedly exhibiting our Character Counts Traits PURPLE GREAT JOB Not only ready to learn, but going above and beyond expectations GREEN READY TO LEARN Meeting all expectations for behavior YELLOW THINK ABOUT IT Warning, think about your choices ORANGE TEACHER CHOICE Consequence appropriate for negative behavior RED PARENT CONTACT Repeated negative behaviors or even one serious behavior (i.e. fighting) – Note Home or Phone Call HOW WILL I KNOW HOW MY CHILD IS DOING? Kindergarten and 1st grade students will have a monthly calendar that will be filled out with the color he/she ended the day on. This calendar will come home daily and BE KEPT IN THE RED TAKE HOME FOLDER AT ALL TIMES. There is a space on the back of the sheet for the teacher to comment regarding your child’s color for the day. At the end of the week, please sign this calendar in the space provided and keep it in the folder. 2nd grade students will report their color daily in their student planner. HOW CAN I SUPPORT MY CHILD AT HOME? Green is the goal! While pink and purple are certainly worth celebrating, green and yellow are appropriate colors for daily behavior. It is important that you and your child have a common understanding of the colors that includes yellow being a reminder of positive, appropriate behaviors. Most of our students are just learning expectations for being a student so occasional reminders and warnings will be necessary. With yellow and orange, you should not be overly concerned unless it becomes a consistent pattern. If you ever have any questions, your child’s teacher. WHAT ELSE DO I NEED TO KNOW? - The rainbow isn’t for every child. This year, our teachers will work with Ms. Moss, our social worker, to support students that don’t seem to respond to orange and red reminders. While they’ll still have opportunity to move up to purple and pink, some children will have their rainbow chart replaced with a behavior tracking system that better supports their goals for improved behavior in the classroom. - The rainbow does not start and stop in the classroom. At specials, lunch, and recess, students can be given suns or clouds for their behavior, as needed. A sun results in moving up and a cloud means moving down, upon returning to the classroom. - Teachers have different styles for classroom management. While this is a consistent system, the frequency of moving students up and what constitutes positive behaviors is based on classroom make-up, need, and teacher discretion. Due to the unique nature of each teacher’s learning environment, “pink” will be celebrated in the individual classroom rather than with a school-wide “pink award.” We’re confident you’ll be well aware when your proud child comes home after earning pink or purple!

18 Student of the Week Each student will be assigned a week.
They are allowed to bring in pictures and show and tell. Their “All About Me” posters will be displayed in the hallway for all to see!

19 Reminders Keep collecting and turning in box tops. The class with the most box tops will be able to keep the money they earned for their classroom! Scholastic book orders will be sent home monthly. This is a great way to fill our classroom library. Volunteers are always welcome! If you’d like to volunteer contact your child’s teacher.

20 MSD 114 Wellness Plan All school districts are now required to develop and maintain a plan for health and wellness. Most changes required by the Federal Guidelines and USDA “Smart Snacks in Schools” standards apply to Anna McDonald and Manhattan Junior High. Wellness Plan components applied to Wilson Creek: No edible birthday treats. No additional food served during lunch. (ie. Picnic with Principal popsicles) No routine snacks or treats. (ie. candy for everyone on Fridays) Teachers will manage and monitor use of edible classroom rewards. Whole class rewards will be portioned appropriately. (ie. Demon Dollar pizza) PTO sponsored events (parties) are exempt.

21 PTO Volunteers ALWAYS welcome & needed: COLORPALOOZA!!
PTO is a group of parents who willingly volunteer to organize all these events for our students, but many of the events need additional volunteers to make them run smoothly and safely. You can volunteer for any event regardless of which school it supports. Look for events and volunteer opportunities in the form of notes home and the PTO newsletter. Like us on Facebook Boo Hoo Breakfast Ice Cream Social COLORPALOOZA!! Rt. 66 Derby Halloween Room Parties and WC and AM Halloween MJH Winter MJH Winter Room WC and AM Valentine’s Wolves Game Family Activity Day (Bowling) Family Movie Night Father Daughter Dance Spring WC and AM Mother Son Laser Tag Spring MJH Olympic WC Field Park MJH

22 Contact Information Amanda Coglianese Leann Cumbee Christine Darley Jenny Davis Shannon Holmes Tracy Knowles Kendra Reszel Stacy Tomasiewicz

23 Thank you for your continued support and being a partner in your child’s education!

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