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Mrs. Starkovich’s Reminders Upcoming Events A Peek at Our Week

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1 Mrs. Starkovich’s Reminders Upcoming Events A Peek at Our Week
Kindergarten Newsletter November 7th to November 10thth Upcoming Events A Peek at Our Week Veterans Day assembly Thursday, Novemebr 10th at 1:00 p.m. and No School Friday, Novemeber 11th. Please help me ensure your student follows your transportation wishes with an to the office at and to my too just in case I am not here on the day of your change . You may also call the office at THANKYOU!!! EARLY RELEASE Fridays: 1:50 p.m. Reading: The book The Very Busy Spider by Eric Carle is our literature connection this week. It is about a spider on a farm and of course, fictional. We will contrast this story with Spider Facts and begin our weekly drawing and writing about our reading stories with this non-fiction piece. Letter Ss, 7 Spiders in the Soup S, S, S is our chant this week. We have reading homework nightly and on Mondays we will have the letter of the week page for collage and letter and picture practice. Math We will focus on directional words this month and writing equations too! Writing: We are including speech bubble, labels and first letter sounds for our words and spaces between our words. Science/Social Studies: We are continuing to visit with Mr. Abraham on Mondays to learn about being in charge of our brains, thoughts and actions. Focus: Safe bodies and hands Thank you Volunteers! We would greatly appreciate volunteers during our reading block 8:30 to 11:00. Thank you for considering a donation of your time. We go outside for recess. Thank you for dressing your kindergartener appropriately for changing weather conditions. Please check your student’s folders daily. Your kindergartener can read their homework to you 3 times to color in their star for the night. Then, they earn a sticker the next day at reading for having done their homework.  Reminders Awesome snacks this week! The kiddos appreciate you remembering! Specialists Begin this week Monday-Music/PE Tuesday-Library Wednesday-PE/Music Repeating cycle Kind Regards, Mrs. Starkovich

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