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K. Foraz on behalf of OSS members
Injectors & LHC report K. Foraz on behalf of OSS members 29/11/13 LSC - EN-MEF-OSS
AD & LEIR AD BHN06: test of new coils gave satisfactory results UHM3107 and UVM3207 tanks : inspection and replacement of some gaskets – Postponed to wk 50-51 KFI tanks reinstallation KFI56 : Electrical tests completed - Tank back next week KFI55: Electrical tests in progress Demineralized water manifold modified in view of Elena transfer line LEIR Sector 2: bake-out finished TE/ABT : test of new control system progresses according to planning. OK. EN/STI : mechanical parts of STP20 beam stopper motorization upgraded and reinstalled in the machine. Pumped. Leak test OK. BE/RF : green light was given to BE/RF to install new rack in LEIR (transverse dampers). BHN06 – new coils LEIR sector 2 29/11/13 LSC - EN-MEF-OSS
PS In Progress CV Consolidation in progress - Test automation in progress. Consolidation of the 7 PS main magnets started 6 MU have been already removed from beam line and delivered to the Magnet workshop. Septum 16 External Shielding in progress Installation of new PS concrete floor blocks, replacing broken blocks activity started Cabling campaign (PS ring) in progress Decabling campaign in TT2 started to get space for new cables General equipment maintenance: Instrumentation, Beam Stoppers, (EN/STI) consolidation/maintenance program Power House renovation b355 started BIW installation is on-going (80%) 6th MU 29/11/13 LSC - EN-MEF-OSS
PSB In progress Completed.
BE-CO ACCOR project integration 1st dry run tests. In progress PSB beam dump replacement project on schedule. Cabling of the new BLM’s. Commissioning of the BT.KFA10/20 hydraulic & control circuits. Cabling of the beam dump instrumentation & remote monitoring system. Reinstallation of BTY-QDE105 & QFO108 magnets BTY line Installation of the newly designed BCT’s (beam current transformers). Installation of the newly designed Pick ups (Type UES). Cooling circuit upgrades to the main bending and quadrupole magnets. CV consolidation and maintenance of CV, kickers, Septa, vacuum beam instrumentation, Magnet and Beam stopper, cabling campaign. Forecast ALARA 2 committee preparations for the replacement & renovation of the 4 PSB cranes 02/11/2014. Civil engineering preparation works to create a new cable trench to service the beam injector line (LIU project). Installation of 4 new SMV power converters in the BCER. Installation of the new RF finemet cavity. Installation of BLM supports. 29/11/13 LSC - EN-MEF-OSS
SPS BA1: TT10: Other works: Irradiated cabling campaign in on-going
Removal of control cables starts next week. TT10: Installation of a protective mesh under the support beams will begin next week. Civil engineering works will continue until the end of the year. Re-installation of the beam line will begin in January 2014 Other works: TE/ABT have begun conditioning of the kickers in BA4. Conditioning of Kickers at BA6 will start next week EN/CV have started to re-fill the primary circuits at BA6 in preparation for the kicker conditioning. On-going TE/ABT are in the process of replacing Septas in BA2 This will continue until the end of the year EN/EL will complete the Fibre Optics installation at BA5 this week. On-going 29/11/13 LSC - EN-MEF-OSS
Injectors progress curves
29/11/13 LSC - EN-MEF-OSS
LHC - P1 R2E – Pt1: LSS1: Finished In progress
Relocation of cryogenics equipment – Right side Relocation of Power converters Water cooled cable installation – Both sides WCC orientation will be done in December In progress Commissioning of cryogenic equipment Power converters cabling LSS1: Modification of the DQR water pipes almost finished finish 13kA dump protection consolidation Beam vacuum activities: B1L1, B1R1 HRL consolidation 29/11/13 LSC - EN-MEF-OSS
LHC – P1 P2 Arc 12 : Point 2 LSS2 In progress
SMACC De-solder (87% ~100%) and Solder BB (55% ~100%) Shunt installation (55% 90% ) DFBA consolidation 2L: CL consolidation on going QRL compensator replacement Point 2 Cryogenic maintenance in progress LSS2 Consolidation of the DFBX almost finished BTVST - NEG coating in progress (on surface) MKI piping in progress (integration) Beam vacuum: C1L2, B1R2 29/11/13 LSC - EN-MEF-OSS
LHC - P2 P3 Arc 23 LSS3 In progress
SMACC BB desoldering (43%) and soldering (10%) in progress Shunt installation (14%) DFBA: preparation works started LSS3 Cabling campaign - Tests in progress Survey and alignment of intermediate components TCAPD piping BPMWJ/G – 3 months of delay announced on the current schedule Impact of vacuum resources in Being solved (Total of 6 month of delivery delay from the firm) QQBIA.18R2 soldering 29/11/13 LSC - EN-MEF-OSS
LHC - P3P4 Arc 34 In progress DFBA consolidation SMACC:
DFBAF - Sleeves cutting finished DFBAG – preparatory work from next week SMACC: M opening (50%) 29/11/13 LSC - EN-MEF-OSS
LHC – P4P5 LSS4 & P4 Arc 45 Finished In progress
Thermoswitch installation BQS removed In progress New cooling tower installation SU and UW maintenance Cryogenic maintenance Beam vacuum: bake-out preparation A7L4 and C7L4 RF maintenance Water flow-meter for ADT being exchanged RF module ready for the end of the year Detailed schedule being prepared Arc 45 W opening (94%) QRL pumping Magnet reconnection DFBAI.5L CRG consolidation 29/11/13 LSC - EN-MEF-OSS
LHC – P5 LSS5: R2E – P5 In progress
Survey and realignment of D and Q magnets (Till Q12) done TCLP installed but might be dismounted to put in place protection of the QRL bellow (to be clarified by HSE) Forecast TOTEM - Piping work next week R2E – P5 Finished Safe room extension almost finished Panel sandwich next week Relocation safety equipment In progress Cabling in progress BT cabling 1 week delay, but in the shadow Control cabling from next week Optical fibbers (ducts) Safe-room – cables pulling 29/11/13 LSC - EN-MEF-OSS
LHC – P5 P6 Arc 56 Finished In progress
W closure – (85% 99%, 1 missing) In progress SMACC leak tests : (7) 8 sub-sectors validated 4 in progress DFBAK.6L – SHM transported, repair on surface (back in January) Diode Lead measurement in the tunnel soon 29/11/13 LSC - EN-MEF-OSS
LHC – P6 LSS6 & P6 In progress Electrical maintenance W. 50
Cables connectors and tests Water cooled cable campaign in progress MKB-MKD tests in progress BPMSB – installed Cryogenic maintenance Vacuum : IP6 (some issue with vacuum components NC) Electrical maintenance W. 50 RA67 - Pressure tests on WCC 29/11/13 LSC - EN-MEF-OSS
LHC – P6 P7 Arc 67 SMACC in progress:
W Closure activities finished (97% 100%) 13/14 vacuum subsectors leak tested (W) DFBA consolidation 6R DFBAL leak test to be done 7L DFBAM finished Validation of the helium circuit from next week Pressure test being organized (January) Optical fiber finished Leak tests in progress 29/11/13 LSC - EN-MEF-OSS
P7 LSS7 Cabling campaign in progress (finished in 7R)
Beam vacuum: bake-out preparation in progress (A5L7) Optical fibers installation – Right side in progress P7 enclosure – preparatory works in progress (cable rearrangement) Electrical maintenance on wk. 51 R2E – P7: UPS installation finished UTA installation finished Cabling campaign in progress 2 shifts from next week 29/11/13 LSC - EN-MEF-OSS
LHC - P7 P8 Arc 78 Splice consolidation in progress
Insulation boxes installed 206/212 M weld 57% 95% Diodes 81%98% M leak test 40% DFBA consolidation in progress DFBAN.7R – finishing works DFBAO.8L Gimball bellow - solution under study (~wk48) Pigtail consolidation in progress Optical fibbers in 7R in progress 29/11/13 LSC - EN-MEF-OSS
LHC - P8 Cold box open LSS8 &P8 Cable campaign ongoing (right and left sides ) Survey with the duct (D&Q) in progress Beam vacuum: bake-out and NEG activation (A5R8, I5R8, A7R8 finished) UW maintenance in progress Thermoswitch installation in progress Cryogenic maintenance in progress R2E - P8 CV works almost finished Pressure test Dec. 9th A7R8 -bake-out 29/11/13 LSC - EN-MEF-OSS
LHC – arc 81 Arc 81 - SMACC SMACC
DFBA consolidation DFBAP.8R (ends end January) shunt installation finished DFBAA.1L (ends end January) Shunt installation almost completed (97% 99%) M insulation installation (54%) Diodes installation (38%) Cryogenics consolidation and maintenance QRL consolidation of the compensator header D A24L1 29/11/13 LSC - EN-MEF-OSS
Insulation boxes installation follow-up
29/11/13 LSC - EN-MEF-OSS
Xmas activities Electrical test in 2014 Meeting next week
Ss Jura - No access to LHC1 –ATLAS –LHC18 – SPS6 –SPS7 PM15 lift – No access to LHC1 (machine) , PM76 lift – No access to P7 Safety tests – No access from mid-arc to mid-arc AUG Meyrin west - No demineralised water production AUG Meyrin admin - No compressed air production in Meyrin and Pt 18 18kV maintenance at P1 – No access to LHC1 & ATLAS Electrical test in 2014 Meeting next week 29/11/13 LSC - EN-MEF-OSS
Overall progress Injectors LHC Good progress of work
Injector start up being detailed LHC Good progress, SMACC but ~(3) 2.5 wks delay R2E – on schedule at P5&P7, ahead at P1 Equipment readiness around “warm vacuum” being analyzed 29/11/13 LSC - EN-MEF-OSS
LHC Overall Schedule – broken line
29/11/13 LSC - EN-MEF-OSS
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