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28 JUNE 2017 Innovation interaction in higher education environments, effective audio-visual technology in a smart classroom by Mr. S Mguli & Mr. S Manzana.

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Presentation on theme: "28 JUNE 2017 Innovation interaction in higher education environments, effective audio-visual technology in a smart classroom by Mr. S Mguli & Mr. S Manzana."— Presentation transcript:

1 28 JUNE 2017 Innovation interaction in higher education environments, effective audio-visual technology in a smart classroom by Mr. S Mguli & Mr. S Manzana June 2017

2 Introduction The researcher’s aim was to investigate if audiovisual installation can be used in a higher education classroom as teaching aids, to enable a more conducive teaching and learning environment. The researcher will look into the predominant audio-visual characteristics of smart classroom in a higher education environment and what their roles are in the teaching and learning process. Therefore, for the purpose of this research study such a classroom will be referred to as a “Smart Classroom”. Evidence of the characteristics of a Smart Classroom is underpinned by Herb who states that: “One of the most vital features of a smart classroom is the capability for audio-visual presentations through projectors and special audio speakers. To design a smart classroom, flexibility is one of the key elements that should be observed. This is in order to accommodate the needs of the different situations that are faced in a fast changing academic setting.” (2015)

3 Justification for Research
Its has been said that in any learning environment, it is always beneficial for audiovisual system to become a vital part of teaching and learning as these system encourage participation from learners because of their interactive nature. Thus when Audiovisual systems are used alongside curriculum, these system allow for more senses to be stimulated and therefore allowing the learner to associate certain information with Audiovisual aids and effects that are used in the learning process. The resultant would be that learners are then able to recall information that is delivered in a learning space more effectively because more senses were stimulated in the learning process because of the Audiovisual tools used

4 Designing AV system that is fit for purpose
All audio-visual devices and systems in the classroom should be well designed and easy to use in order to “facilitate the students centred learning, while giving the students and teachers vivid and convenient feelings during their teaching and learning process” Li et al (2015: 15-16). It requires an AV designer to spend time with users to document the type of activities they will be undertaking in various a learning space. Av designer will have to consider that most teaching spaces will require the ability to play back audio through various sources e.g. PC, laptop, DVD.

5 Factors to be considered when installing Projection Displays
The type of content to be displayed e.g. Schematic technical drawings, Power point presentation and video clips. Throw distance = width of the screen multiply by throw ratio The centre of the lens must be horizontally positioned to the top part of the projection screen. The centre of the lens must be must be vertically positioned to the centre of the projection screen.

6 Factors to be considered when installing Projection Displays cont.
The viewing cone is very important . Make sure that all viewers are within the 45 degrees margins. The maximum vertical viewing angle should not be more than 15 degrees to the centre of the image, measured from perpendicular at seated eye height 1270 mm above the floor level. A rule of thumb states that the distance to the first row should not be less than the image width, which allows viewers to see the entire screen with a natural field of vision

7 Personal Protection Equipment
Always use the right personal protective equipment and ensure you do not have a loose hanging clothing Do not take off personal protective equipment while on site.

Control System Wireless Presentation Gateway Control system may merely eliminate the need for a collection of handheld remote controls. Gateway-Allows seamless HD presentation from any mobile device or platform wirelessly to be projected.

Data Projector Motorized Projector Screen Document Camera Data Projector-Displays projected video and computer images from source/signal that are incorporated within an audio visual system e.g. HDMI, VGA and Wireless Gateway. Projection screen is used to display the content of the source connected to a projector for viewing purpose. Doc Cam-The advantage of using document cameras over whiteboards is that the content can be enlarged to fill the screens, giving everyone a clear view, and the instructor’s worked examples can also be recorded or transmitted to a remote location.

Loud Speaker Audio Amplifier Wireless Microphone Loud Speaker -They are used to project sound perceived from the input source e.g. Microphone and Laptop audio cable. Mic- Assists the presenters speech to be audible through the PA system installed in a venue. Amplifier works hand in hand with a microphone to assists the presenters speech to be audible.

11 Lectern – Equipment Rack
Where most of audio-visual equipment are installed and safeguarded from vandalism It is also contains the teaching workspace for the presenter and the How-To-Manual

12 The Smart Classroom Inventory – Table 1
AUDIO-VISUAL EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION AND ROLE ETHERNET ENABLED AUDIO-VISUAL SYSTEM CONTROLLER Controls and sends commands all of the Audio-visual devices within the design parameter. Intelligently monitor, manage and control your meeting spaces and building technology with Crestron. DLP PROJECTOR DISPLAY Displays projected video and computer images from source/signal that are incorporated within an AUDIO-VISUAL system e.g. HDMI, VGA, Wireless Gateway etc. MOTORISED PROJECTION SCREEN A projection screen is an installation consisting of a surface and a support structure used for displaying a projected image for the view of an audience LECTERN (EQUIPMENT RACK) Where all Audio-visual equipment and mounted. Also consists the teaching workspace for the presenter. LAPTOP MULTI-PATCH POINT All possible source connection in the AUDIO-VISUAL System are housed in this component which is installed on top of the lectern workspace. DOCUMENT CAMERA Are used as real-time image capture devices for displaying an object to a large audience within the lectern workspace. The enable the user to magnify and project the images, three-dimensional objects, as well as transparencies WIRELESS GATEWAY Allows seamless HD presentation from any mobile device or platform wirelessly to be projected MICROPHONE SYSTEM Allows presenters speech to audible to through the PA system in a venue KRAMER DIGITAL AUDIO-VISUAL MATRIX SWITCHER Allows all audio and video sources to be connected via HDMI to a central location in order allow the control system to distribute the signals within the AUDIO-VISUAL system. AUDIO LOUD SPEAKER AMPLIFIER Produce the electromagnetic signal that is required for loud speaker to produce acoustical audio signal SPEAKERS They produce audio signal that are perceived from the input source e.g. Microphone, Laptop audio etc.

13 Impediments while using Audiovisual Teaching Aids
According to the investigator the most prominent impediment with implementation of smart classroom inventory is caused by the non-user introduction to teaching aids, once they have been installed for their usage within the classrooms. This can also results in the rejection of such technology by users in a learning environment, hence it becomes important that training session are conducted after installation, as they are vital to introduce these audiovisual teaching aids to users, to enable them to utilise such devices effectively. Training manual must also be developed in conjunction to audio-visual technology systems that are implemented in teaching learning space, as they are also essential for the adoption of such system by users while facilitating ease of use. Furthermore, these training manual should be strategical placed on the lectern in plain sight in each classroom after the installation of an audio-visual system to further create a user self- service in the venue.

14 Conclusion and Findings
Although the Smart Classroom is developed on the same schema as the existing University of Johannesburg classroom Inventory, it highlights the most critical audio-visual features of the smart classroom, which are shown in Table 1. Through an appropriate Smart Classroom Inventory one can facilitate an ideal learning environment that can be created through audio-visual equipment applications in a classroom. The use audio-visual equipment in university classroom can evolve from complex course content exchange between teacher and student into a simple interaction of humans and a learning environments. After developing and formulating the Audio-visual Inventory for a smart classroom at the University of Johannesburg the inquirer findings show evidence that audio-visual technology is one of the vital characteristics of a Smart Classroom and this theory was further underpinned by Li, Kong and Cheng (2015:15) who states that: “the Physical Design, Flexibility, Technology Usage, and Learning Data have proved to be the core features for smart classroom environment, and they construct the basis for differentiation, investigation and cooperation learning activities, as well as the learning experience. Students Cohesiveness and Equity will reflect some change in relationship of students and teachers in smart classroom.”

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