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Algebra and Pre-Algebra

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1 Algebra and Pre-Algebra
I Can Learn Algebra and Pre-Algebra The Self Directed Learning Model

2 The Self Directed Learning Model
This powerpoint will help YOU understand how you can be most succcessful in this class. I am here to help you MAXIMIZE your ability to pass your FCAT/EOC tests. This means helping YOU learn to help yourself. YOU are the most important part of learning. If you don’t put in your best effort, you will not get your best result. Remember, YOU will test ( FCAT, EOC) alone, with no one to ask questions to, so YOU need to learn as much as possible, and be as self sufficient as possible to PASS…

3 The Self Directed Learning Model
Remember, this is a High School Class. It is going to be demanding and challenging. You need to work hard here at school AND at home. You are learning how to be successful in high school right now. This class will become part of your high school GPA that colleges look at. You have to pass the State of Florida End of Course Exam to receive credit for this class. If you don’t pass, you will re-take Algebra class or do Algebra Summer Camp and then re-take EOC Exam. This is very important to you!!!!!!!

4 Lesson Presentation Don’t RUSH through taking notes. Take your time, be thorough. Going SLOWer in the beginning makes you GO FASTer in the end. DO Be an active learner during video. Replay video if you don’t understand. YOU are in control. Don’t copy word for word. Paraphrase! Pull out important information. If you LIKE to take LOTS of notes, go back and HIGHGLIGHT your notes later to increase understanding. Copy ALL vocabulary, math problems, charts, graphs, and diagrams. YOU will see these in your Tutor, IP, Quiz, and Test. Add a BUBBLE Note to the notes you took. Examples are Remember, to divide fractions, mult. By reciprocal Don’t forget to flip inequality when mult./Div. by Neg. Slope intercept form is Y = mx + b

5 Lesson Presentation cont.
Remember, taking thorough, meaningful notes is SO important because you get to USE YOUR NOTES on everything BUT Tests. Even though you don’t get a grade on the Lesson presentation, you DO get a grade on your notes. Your notebook accounts for 1/5th ( 20%) of your grade. Your notebook must have thorough notes, questions written down, work shown, and PEN solutions. - A good time to ask questions is AFTER Notes. The first thing I will want to see is your notes, and if they are good notes, I will be happy to answer your questions.

6 Tutor The TUTOR does not affect your grade directly. The Tutor is SUPER Important to you. This is what ASSIGNS how many IP questions you have to do. If you do REALLY POORLY on Tutor, you may have to re-watch videos. I will not help you during TUTOR, or else you WON’T get the proper amount of questions for IP that you need. WANT LESS IP????????

7 Tutor cont. WANT LESS IP??? LESS IP = Understand LP Videos or re-watch + Take Good Notes + Use Notes to complete Tutor. AND as always write down problems, show work, do PEN solutions, analyze your solutions ( compare to your work, ONE of your most valuable learning tools). OF COURSE, I will always help you AFTER Tutor if you don’t understand a solution.

8 Independent Practice. -IP accounts for 10% of you grade. It’s worth less because you’re still in the learning phase. Quiz and Test are worth MUCH MORE. -DON’T get frustrated. Since this is part of the LEARNING, you may struggle a little, but LEARN what you’re doing wrong and correct it. -I will help you on IP by giving you a similar question or working a question with you that is not one of your IP questions, but I will ALWAYS ask to see your notes and Tutor 1st thing to see if you’ve done your part. - REMEMBER………………………………….. Weak or NO NOTES = Re-Watch Lesson

9 Independent Practice. - Weak or NO NOTES = Re-Watch Lesson -IP Success = Good Notes + Good Tutor + Use Notes + Use Tutor Problems + Write problems + Pen solutions - You may re-do IP’s now if you’re ON PACE, or later once you catch up. -To maximize your time, do IP at home, and save class time for quizzes. -If you do well enough on IP, your on to the QUIZ. PHEW!!

10 QUIZ -Quizzes are open note, 35% of your grade, and can be re-taken.
NO HELP on Quizzes. SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW!! You are VERY SMART!! If at first you don’t succeed, don’t get frustrated, this is part of the learning cycle. You CAN re-do it! If you fail the quiz, writing out complete PEN solutions, and then analyzing them ( compare to your work) helps you understand how to correct your mistakes. You can take the quiz UP TO 3 times. Even if you have to move on to the next lesson without passing, you learned something, and you can re-do the Quiz later when you catch up. OF COURSE, I will always help you AFTER the Quiz if you don’t understand a solution.

11 Resources -What can YOU do if you’re struggling? - Ask teacher
-Portaportal ( mrjalg or mrjpa - Resource Sheets in back of room. White milk crate, detailed solutions for most lessons. - Your on a computer, use GOOGLE….everything you’re doing has a 1000 websites on the internet about it.

12 TEST -Test are NOT open note, worth 35% of your grade, and CANNOT be re-taken. NO HELP on TESTS, just like FCATS and EOC Exam. You’re on your own, it’s sink or SWIM >>>>>>>>>>>>> You need to understand ALL lessons. You need to STUDY by doing problems, NOT just looking at your notes. Once you pass each Test, you’re one step closer to increasing FCAT’s OR passing the EOC Exam in May. You will most likely swim if have completed all of your work

13 Be Responsible for YOUR Education
Please don’t make excuses to me, just fix the problem. Ultimately you will live the consequences of not getting your work done. I am AWESOME! And I will SOAR to SUCCESS! Excuses are the True Roadblocks to School Success Vicki Alger

14 Your 3-2-1 Assignment 3 things you thought were MOST important.
Write about what you just watched. Your writing can be in paragraph or bullet form. Spelling and punctuation counts. 3 things you thought were MOST important. 2 things you learned or learned MORE about. 1 MOST important thing you need to improve on. A summary of the powerpoint and how it will affect your approach to the class. DUE: Friday, 11/2. Place in your CLASS PAPER PLACE by my desk. Put some thought into your answers. Neatness counts ( you can type it if you want and print at home, or it to me through Edline [make sure your name and period is on it if you it]) This powerpoint will be on my portaportal in the Powerpoint section so you can review it.

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