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CALICE DAQ Task Force Launch meeting

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1 CALICE DAQ Task Force Launch meeting
Vincent Boudry École polytechnique, Palaiseau

2 EUDAQ for calos | AIDA final meeting | 10/12/2014
Origin Requiment from the CALICE management: SB + Tech Madrid Relaunch collaboration on DAQ Many items to be shared EUDAQ for calos | AIDA final meeting | 10/12/2014

ECAL-DIF HDMI+HDMI PYRAME/CALICOES LCIO SPIROC2 EBU / HBU AHCAL-DIF HDMI+USB LabView Raw/LCIO HARDROC / MICROROC ``PCB'' SDHCAL-DIF HDMI+USB XDAQ LCIO Same interface PCB InterFace Connection SW Same data format LLR (Palaiseau) Kyushu + DESY IPNL (Lyon) EUDAQ for calos | AIDA final meeting | 10/12/2014

4 EUDAQ for calos | AIDA final meeting | 10/12/2014
Mandate (work) At the CALICE Collaboration Meeting in Madrid it was decided to set up an expert working group with the aim to enable common data taking of different subsystems within CALICE. The goal of to deliver the proof that the following combinations of running are possible, SiW-Ecal/SDHCAL, SiW-Ecal/AHCAL (or equivalently SiW-Ecal/ScW-Ecal), cW-Ecal/AHCAL. In order to do this DAQ task Force is to work out a set of technical questions (hardware and software) and propose and enact concrete means to answer these questions, based on the hardware that is currently available. It is asked to the group to report regularly at the Technical Board and provide a documentation summarising the solutions after one year. In the second year, the task consist in the critical expertise of the running setups of the combined tests. EUDAQ for calos | AIDA final meeting | 10/12/2014

5 EUDAQ for calos | AIDA final meeting | 10/12/2014
Mandate (Org) The group will be initially set up for a period of two years. The group organises itself, including in its composition to adapt to evolving priorities (e.g. from hardware to software matters). A coordinator will be decided at the first meeting. It is his responsibility to organise and convene regular meetings, report (or insure that a report is done) to the Technical Board and make sure the documentation is made public in due time. On critical aspects the group (or member of) can reach support from the CALICE-TB or even CALICE-SB. EUDAQ for calos | AIDA final meeting | 10/12/2014

6 EUDAQ for calos | AIDA final meeting | 10/12/2014
Extras EUDAQ for calos | AIDA final meeting | 10/12/2014

7 EUDAQ for calos | AIDA final meeting | 10/12/2014
Needs for DAQ2 For SiW ECAL test and, immediate needs are Debug & Basic Monitoring (online) Shape to be defined... Some tools exists, … ~extensive list here. For Testbeam and AIDA & longer term (~fall ?) Integration in a common interface For future would precognise EUDAQ. Other tools already exist... EUDAQ for calos | AIDA final meeting | 10/12/2014

8 EUDAQ for calos | AIDA final meeting | 10/12/2014
Online Monitoring Needs ~ 4 levels: Acquisition (R&D, GDCC validation) ⇒ Stats from PC and cards (rates/counters), check of a reproducable signal [injection], step-by-step validation of connectivity SLAB functionnality: transmission of signals, connection with ROC + step-by-step validation of config loading, + “basic” data analysis with ~ stable config (& tools to set-it). SLAB performances (cosmics, injection) + complex data analysis, scripting TestBeams: + long term monitoring of key parameters, logging, run keeping, ConditionDB EUDAQ for calos | AIDA final meeting | 10/12/2014

9 EUDAQ for calos | AIDA final meeting | 10/12/2014
Statistics tools DAQ stat ⇒ in shared mem (ext. screen printing & in histograms) Statmod from Pyrame (push on subscription) Calicoes/Pyrame counters Number of lost packets at each level nb of packet (total & /DIF) data_size / RO (total & / DIF) nb of ROC / RO (total & / DIF) nb ROC evts / RO (total & / DIF) Post-run stats (commands). → on GUI (PhyGUI … C++ work in progress...) Card registers: DIF counters (with enough length to avoid overfill) GDCC registers External counters (via Pyrame) EUDAQ for calos | AIDA final meeting | 10/12/2014

10 EUDAQ for calos | AIDA final meeting | 10/12/2014
Data Quality Existing Existing Online (RT) Fast monitoring by Frédéric (beam profile) in Python Circular buffer (concept proof, in Root) HitCam Existing Offline (after run) Skiroc_stat (Python) Raw2Root (by Thibault) last TB : many histograms Needs better “hierarchical” presentation. Example exists in SDHCAL code (Qt) to be adapted. R analysis (by Vladik) Complete analysis framework for online needs decoupling of decoding & histos data from Calicoes evt builder ⇒ subsampling socket on request (random, on evt#) EUDAQ for calos | AIDA final meeting | 10/12/2014

11 EUDAQ for calos | AIDA final meeting | 10/12/2014
Debug & monitoring Identification of errors, signalisation & actions: Existing: Failsafe version mode of configs Timing in XML Review of error messages → log parser ? all to be evaluated Check for message counts/ missing critical things... Some examples: pylogsparser to be evaluated] Analog [ DejaVu (from memory) [ or Complex Event Processing tool High Level Error msg: in cmd_det: Transitions errors In PHYGUI EUDAQ for calos | AIDA final meeting | 10/12/2014

12 EUDAQ for calos | AIDA final meeting | 10/12/2014
Configuration Needs: GUI for individual chips Hierarchical setup of parameters Scripting PyCalDaq interface Above CmdDet Bindings Pyrame in C / C++ / Python / R / LabView Reconfigure(param) in CmdDet per chip, with regexp... on bitstream in memory EUDAQ for calos | AIDA final meeting | 10/12/2014

13 Config Gui Existing tools
Vladik: Ruby & GtK GUI ⇒ Python + Gnome GTK / Qt [SystemAgnostic ?] edition of outputs extended to 4 chips Muriel: C++ & Root Hierarchical structure foreseen IPNL tools (SDHCAL): ORACLE DB ↔ XDAQ; + xml hierarchy Scripts for modification (scans) of xml files EUDAQ for calos | AIDA final meeting | 10/12/2014

14 EUDAQ for calos | AIDA final meeting | 10/12/2014
Muriel's GUI C++ + Root EUDAQ for calos | AIDA final meeting | 10/12/2014

15 Ruby + GnomeGTK (Vladik)
Edition of chip configuration files Version with 4 Chips Version with 1 Chip EUDAQ for calos | AIDA final meeting | 10/12/2014

16 EUDAQ for calos | AIDA final meeting | 10/12/2014
Interface Scripts (not so) poor's man: Emacs & Org Clickable interface EUDAQ: EUDAQ for calos | AIDA final meeting | 10/12/2014

17 Integration of CALICE ECAL & EUDAQ (Small system, Software side)
GDCC, *LDA's Telescope Prod. TLU Prod. TLU CCC EUDAQ SiTr Prod. CALO Prod. Config database CALICOES Generic Event Builder • raw events = 1 trigger • Reconstructed events (in chip memory → 1 BC) SiTr Acq SW CALO Acq SW Commands (setter's) : SM Transition Selection monitoring event Info  (getter's): Trigger#, time (ext. BX) Data Volume Hit# LCIO LCIO EUDAQ for calos | AIDA final meeting | 10/12/2014

18 CALICE HCAL & EUDAQ (ex. large system, SW side)
GDCC, *LDA's Telescope Prod. TLU Prod. TLU CCC EUDAQ SiTr Prod. CALO Prod. CALICOES XDAQ SiTr Acq SW CALO Acq SW Commands (setter's) : SM Transition Selection monitoring event Info  (getter's): Trigger#, time (ext. BX) Data Volume Hit# LCIO LCIO Config database EUDAQ for calos | AIDA final meeting | 10/12/2014

19 EUDAQ for calos | AIDA final meeting | 10/12/2014
EUDAQ for calos | AIDA final meeting | 10/12/2014

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