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Are you ready for the challenge?

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Presentation on theme: "Are you ready for the challenge?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Are you ready for the challenge?
Camp Adair March, 2017

2 Why go to camp? To experience education that is not possible within the classroom To face new challenges and experience new learning activities To work and play alongside a group of my peers and try to build up new relationships To have fun while keeping within the rules

3 What will we do at camp? Spend three days working on co-operative and challenging activities in an outdoor environment Spend two evenings experiencing fun activities with the other year 6 students Sleep over for two nights in a cabin with my peers Take responsibility for being prepared for activities, as well as organising myself and my equipment.

4 How will we get there and back?
We take the bus on a 45 minute ride to Hunua Falls.

5 What are the activities?
Day One Morning tea at Hunua Falls Tramp through bush, lunch stop Cross land into Camp Adair What are the activities?

6 After the Tramp Afternoon tea Find my cabin Set up my bunk
Picture orienteering to get to know the camp Activity one Activity two

7 Day Two and Three Group activities 3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9
One hour 30 minutes long Safe Fun Challenge by choice Mudslide!

8 Water Activities Raft Building Kayaking

9 Water activities –raft building

10 Kayaking

11 Initiatives (team problem solving) Orienteering Archery
Team Activities Confidence course Camp Cooking Initiatives (team problem solving) Orienteering Archery

12 Team Building – Confidence Course

13 Team Activities – Camp Cooking

14 Team Building - Initiatives

15 Team Activities – Orienteering

16 Team Activities – Archery
Support your team to get the highest score!

17 Rope Activities Super fox Rambo’s Bridge Low Ropes

18 High Rope Activities Rambo’s Bridge

19 High Rope Activities Super Fox

20 Low Ropes

21 And on Thursday, save some energy for…

22 There will be some free time before meals.
You may have duties to complete first. Other options: Rest/hang out with your friends Play with sports equipment Tidy up your personal space and bunk room Have a shower

23 Evening Activities Day One Co-operative games Day Two
Singalong at Campfire Evening Activities

24 What will we do at mealtimes?
Eat together with our team Day one bring over utensils Line up outside Wait to be called Eat sensibly Dishes/tables After breakfast – duties, organise for activities After dinner – reflect in diary

25 Other Responsibilities
Care: As a team (Family & Friends): Support and encourage others Do team duties Respect: As an individual (self): Keep myself clean and my areas in the cabin and dining hall tidy Follow the rules to ensure my safety and the safety of others. Empower: As an individual (self): Remind people of the correct way to behave Talk to an adult about repeated behaviour of concern


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