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The Great Controversy Chapter 1

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1 The Great Controversy Chapter 1
The Destruction of Jerusalem The Transition from the Jewish to the Christian dispensation An Illustration of the end of the world An explanation of how God destroys the wicked

2 The Transition from the Jewish to the Christian dispensation
“The Lord Jesus will always have a chosen people to serve Him. When the Jewish people rejected Christ, the Prince of life, He took from them the kingdom of God and gave it unto the Gentiles. God will continue to work on this principle with every branch of His work.” Last Day Events, p. 59 The Lord exhausted His resources for the Jew He gave them a beautiful land He gave them the experience of Patriarchs He gave them Prophets He gave them John the Baptist He gave them Christ (all heaven) The Jews were left to the rule of Satan, whom they had chosen He made them unjust, unreasonable, wicked They still thought they were the chosen people The delay of judgments hardened them They killed each other Finally they incited the hatred of the Romans who destroyed them The Christians were delivered when they obeyed the word of Christ

3 An Illustration of the End of the World
God’s people flee from Babylon God’s people have escaped destruction God gives the Loud Cry Message Light Truth A living people (character) Signs in nature Fulfilled prophecy Miracles The wicked world rejects Satan Controls minds and hearts End of Probation “Christ saw in Jerusalem a symbol of the world hardened in unbelief and rebellion, and hastening on to meet the retributive judgments of God. The woes of a fallen race, pressing upon His soul, forced from His lips that exceeding bitter cry.” GC 22 Wicked destroy each other

4 An Explanation of How God Destroys the Wicked
“God does not stand toward the sinner as an executioner of the sentence against transgression; but He leaves the rejectors of His mercy to themselves, to reap that which they have sown.” GC 36 (see also Hosea 6:5) Rejection of light (Christ) Choosing of darkness (Satan) Satan controls the mind and heart of others Satan destroys some Satan uses them as his agents to destroy The wicked cannot endure the life-giving glory of Christ The wicked destroy each other and themselves

5 Four Reasons for Delaying Judgments
Because God is longsuffering, He gives another opportunity to the sinner. Sin must develop itself so that it can be finally eradicated. According to His character God puts things on an eternal foundation. By delaying judgments His character is revealed. God does this for the sake of His people. They must be sealed first.

6 A Prophetic Parable (Mt 22:1-14)
King makes wedding 1st invitation to invited guests 2nd invitation to invited guests Invitation to highways and byways King destroys the city Investigatio n of guests First Fulfillment: (COL ) Mission to the heathen Not fulfilled yet Destruction of Jerusalem 70 AD 70 weeks 12 and 70 disciples Pentecost Second Fulfillment: Seven last plagues Till (GC 457) Another people Investigative judgment 1888

7 The Great Sin “The great sin of the Jews was their rejection of Christ; the great sin of the Christian world would be their rejection of the law of God, the foundation of His government in heaven and earth.” The Great Sin of the Jews Rejection of Christ The Great Sin of the Christian world Rejection of the Law of God Therefore, the Law of God is playing the same role in the last days as Christ did in His day.

8 Christ and the Law of God
The Role of Christ in His time The Role of the Law in the last days Came to save the world, not to condemn it Revealed the God to the world Was one with the Father Was the great pattern to follow Revealed the way to life Showed the people what caused death Invited the people to find rest through obedience to Him Labored for people with tears Was proclaimed by the disciples (they were called Christians) Was a stumbling block to the world Was rejected by most His rejection caused the destruction of Jerusalem Is given to save the world, not to condemn it Reveals God to the world Is one with God Is the great pattern for all Reveals the way to life Shows the people what causes death Invites people to find rest through obedience God’s people preach with tears Will be proclaimed by God’s people (will bear the name) Will be the stumbling block to the world Will be rejected by most It’s rejection will cause the seven last plagues

9 Developments Towards the Destruction of Jerusalem and the End of the World
“The great sin of the Jews was their rejection of Christ; the great sin of the Christian world would be their rejection of the law of God, the foundation of His government in heaven and earth.” The Jews For more than 1000 years they were prepared for Christ’s coming (DA 27) In Christ all heaven was poured out Yet, Christ was rejected by the Jews Satan took control of the people Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 AD The Christian world For 2000 years the Christian world was prepared for the last revelation of the law A flood of healing will be poured out Yet the law of God will be rejected Satan will take control of the people The world will be destroyed in 7 last plagues

10 Questions When was probation ended for the Jews?
At Jesus’ death or when Stephen was stoned? How does God’s glory destroy the wicked? Are there things that even God cannot do? Is God omnipotent? Is God omniscient? (because of delays of fulfilled prophecy) Why is there so much injustice in the world that seems not to be punished? Why did God delay the judgment on Jerusalem? (almost 40 years) Why does He delay judgment on the wicked, even though their measure is full? Why were even further signs given to Jerusalem?

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