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Sarah McIntosh (HR Consultant, NUS)

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Presentation on theme: "Sarah McIntosh (HR Consultant, NUS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating High Performing Organisations through your Performance Framework
Sarah McIntosh (HR Consultant, NUS) Claire Marsland (HR Consultant, NUS)

2 Objectives of the Session
To consider the concept of a ‘high performing organisation’ Share and learn from other SUs – what works well and what could be improved To discuss some useful tools to consider as part of a performance framework

3 High Performing Organisations

4 What is a high performance organisation?

5 High performing culture…

6 Where is your SU?

7 Creating a high performance culture

8 Exercise: Your Performance Management Approach - Share and Learn

9 Discussion – 3 Questions
Q. What do you do in your SU to help employees understand performance expectations and continuously get better at what they do? Q. What works well with your approach and helps to encourage high performance? Q. What doesn’t work so well with you approach and why?

10 Performance Management:
Tools to Consider

11 1. A defined performance cycle

12 A defined performance cycle
Not just an annual appraisal meeting… Help employees understand that part that they play in the organisations plan Agree clear performance expectations and goals that are aligned to the plan Outline clear checkpoints throughout the year to keep performance on track Ends with a formal review of performance against expectation that provides a clear view of your judgement on overall performance, strengths and areas for development

13 USSA – Performance Cycle

14 USSA – Performance Cycle

15 2. A definition of the elements that you measure to determine performance

16 Performance @ Liverpool SU

17 3. Objective Setting

18 SMART Objectives Not that old chestnut…
Specific enough to be meaningful Measurable so that it is clear when they have been met Achievable so that they motivate the individual Relevant to the role and needs of the organisation Time bound so that it is clear what period they are relevant for and to be measured in

19 What gets measured gets done…
There are five broad categories of indicators: Quantitative - based on numbers or statistics Financial - based on cost Qualitative - based on feedback about how good a service/activity is or the way that it is managed Process - based on how decisions are made and how people are involved in the service or activity Comparative - based on comparing what this organisation does with what others do

20 4. A behaviours based framework

21 Influencing your culture

22 National Competency Framework

23 Example of a competency

24 5. Helping managers to have quality conversations

25 A little clip from You Tube…

26 Management Performance Dilemmas
Cynic Player Victim Spectator Energy Motivation/Engagement

27 Management Performance Dilemmas
Coaster Star Problem Child Striver Knowledge and Skills Motivation/Engagement

28 Coaching: GROW Model Coaching
REALITY OPTIONS WAY FORWARD GOAL Coaching Once performance expectations for the year ahead are agreed, it’s all down to having quality conversations with your team members to encourage high performance. You can do this through coaching which can take place anywhere and at any time; in 1:1’s, performance review meetings or as part of an informal chat. Leading performance is less about telling someone what to do to improve; it’s about coaching them to come up with their own solutions to grow and improve and providing feedback and recognition to guide them on the way. The GROW model can help as it outlines the four key stages of any coaching conversation: Questions that you could ask people at each stage include: Goal – what are you hoping to achieve? Reality – what is happening now? What’s stopping it from happening and why? What is the feedback? How do you feel about it? Options – what options do you have to move the issue forward? What are the next steps? Way forward – What are your next steps or actions from here? What are you committing to do more of / less of / differently? What support do you need?

29 UCLan Management Training
Performance cycle Agreeing performance expectations  Coaching skills Courageous conversations & managing underperformers Recognition and promotion of role models Preparing and conducting 1:1’s Preparing and conducting appraisals

30 6. Managing star players

31 NUS Talent Matrix

32 Questions

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