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Entity Selection: Business and Tax Planning Considerations

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1 Entity Selection: Business and Tax Planning Considerations
Farming for the Future Conference January 19, 2017 Donald C. Timmins, CPA Timmins, Jacobsen and Strawhacker, LLP 10550 New York Ave Des Moines, Iowa 50322

2 Thanksgiving Dinner, 1956


4 Who will be involved in the entity?
What are your goals for the entity? Why are you forming this entity? When will the entity begin operating? Where will the entity operate?

5 Who? Yourself only? Yourself and Spouse? Generations?
Unrelated persons? Unrelated entities? Your banker (hope not)?

6 What are your goals? Build and improve on current operation?
Build a legacy for future generations? Tax savings? Become ridiculously wealthy?

7 Why? Because you need a job?
Provide a living for yourself and your family? Need a change in entity due to change in circumstances? Because I always wanted to farm?

8 When? Beginning of operation Changes Proper timing may be crucial
Expansion New partner Succession (generational transfer) Proper timing may be crucial

9 Where? Local operation only? Multi-county operation?
Multi-state operation? International?

10 Tools for the toolbox: Sole proprietorships Partnership Corporations
General partnerships Limited partnerships Corporations S Corporations Limited Liability Company (LLC) Multi-owner Single member

11 Comparisons Sole Proprietorship Partnership Corporation S Corporation
Limited Liability Company Income tax Form 1040 Form 1065 Form 1120 Form 1120S Self-employment tax Yes Yes, if an active partner No (W-2 Employee) member Estimated tax Not if filing by 3-1 Not if filing by 3-1 Corp may need to pay estimates Owner may need to pay estimates Employment taxes on employees Yes (not child Under 18) Yes (Partners are not employees-no W-2 wages) Yes, including owners Yes, (Members are not employees-no W-2 wages) Information returns (1099s) Single member LLC Similar to sole proprietorship

12 More tools for the toolbox:
IRS publication 225 Farmers Tax Guide IRS publication 51 Circular A Agricultural Employer’s Tax Guide Good reading A Thousand Acres by Jane Smiley

13 Thanksgiving 2056

14 Quote of the day There’s a lot of money in farming. Sometimes it is a little hard to get it back. George Timmins, Jasper County, Iowa

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