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Training workshop – Agricultural Census The ENPI Programme for Armenia

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1 Training workshop – Agricultural Census The ENPI Programme for Armenia
EU Twinning Project Forwarding Armenian Statistics Through Twinning Training workshop – Agricultural Census The ENPI Programme for Armenia Chkalovska, September 2011 Thomas Bie Resident Twinning Advisor

2 Cooperation in Europe – an overview
The European Union was originally founded in 1950 under the name ”European Coal and Steel Union” with the fundamental aim to secure peace in the region After several enlargements - in 1973, 1981, 1986,1995, 2004 and the European Union today consists of 27 countries The European Neighbourhood Programme (ENP) of 2004 involves 16 neighbours, including Armenia Three aims of the ENP: Peace and stability incl. human rights and democracy Shared prosperity through sustainable development Improve mutual understanding in the region

3 ENPI National Programme for Armenia
ENP Action Plan for Armenia was agreed upon in 2006 Approximately worth 100 millions euro Principial objective is to develop an increasingly close relationship between the EU and Armenia Three strategic categories for support: Democratic structures and good governance Regulatory reform and administrative capacity building Poverty reduction

4 The Twinning concept An equal co-operation between partners from ENP region and EU Transfer and exchange of best practices and methodologies Project description (”fiche”) is worked out by the beneficiary and, if accepted by the EU, put out for tender EU Member State (MS) institutions take part in tender, and eventually one project proposal is chosen for implementation

5 Twinning Project on statistics
Forwarding Armenian Statistics Through Twinning Implementation period Jan Jan. 2013 NSSRA main partner is Statistics Denmark, and all in all six MS countries are involved: Denmark, Germany, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden Six components of the project Quality Management, Business Statistics, National Accounts, Agricultural Census, HICP, ICT Statistics Mandatory result for Agricultural Census The census should be planned and brought into the field

6 Training workshop Training is one very important aspect to obtain sustainable results The involvement of regional agencies of NSS through training is all-important for a successful agricultural census Training is exchange of information and knowledge sharing, discussions and agreement on concepts, definitions, and working methods HAVE A GOOD AND FRUITFUL WORKSHOP!

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