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3rd Grade Lesson 27 Spelling Words

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1 3rd Grade Lesson 27 Spelling Words
Words with Double Consonants

2 Words with Double Consonants
When a word has double consonants (two of the same consonant) in the middle of the word, the word can usually be broken into syllables between the two consonants. For example: apple kitten - ap  ple kit  ten

3 jelly (jel  ly) I like to put jelly on my toast.

4 bottom (bot  tom) The sunken ship is now at the bottom of the ocean.

5 pillow (pil  low) The boy loved his new pillow pet!

6 happen (hap  pen) I don’t think anything good is about to happen here!

7 butter (but  ter) I can’t believe this sculpture is made out of butter!

8 lesson (les  son) The students had fun learning the lesson about what it is like to take off into space.

9 cherry (cher  ry) I love cherry flavored Twizzlers!

10 sudden (sud  den) This sign warns you that the lake has a
sudden drop and gets deep with no warning.

11 arrow (ar  row) The arrow is pointing to the right.

12 dollar (dol  lar) These are pictures of the front and back of a one dollar bill.

13 hello (hel  lo) It is polite to say hello to people.

14 rabbit (rab  bit) The rabbit was watching me closely!

15 letter (let  ter) Many kids like to write a letter to Santa to tell him what they want for Christmas.

16 button (but  ton) My grandma helped me sew the button back on my shirt.

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