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Presentation on theme: "VIOLENCE/BULLYING."— Presentation transcript:


2 CONFLICT Conflict- A struggle, disagreement, or difference in opinion between opposing viewpoints. (Most conflicts do not become violent) Aggression- Any action or behavior that is hostile or threatening to another person. Signs to watch for conflict to turn to violence- lack of communication aggression group pressure emotions such as anger body language ex. Clenched fist, invading personal space, tightened jaw, etc… hurtful or insulting speech threats of violence

3 Why does conflict happen?
Resources- 2 or more people want the same thing but not all can have it. Values and Expectations- differences of what is important and how things should be done. Emotions- feelings of being hurt or angry at the behavior of others.

4 Where do most conflicts occur?
At Home- with siblings or parents. At School- with peers, classmates, teachers, administration. At Work- with peers, boss, clients. Social Gatherings- friends, peers.

5 Activities Make the Right Choice p.165

6 Mediation In mediation somebody will act as a mediator.
Mediator- a third party that is not involved in the conflict and is trying to help both sides come to an understanding.

7 A good Mediator will Set ground rules Focus on finding a solution
Does not take sides Listens carefully to both sides Asks questions Offers solutions Does not allow conversation to become angry

8 Activities Rock, Paper, Scissor, into Anticipation p.74
Quick Line-Up p.169 Negotiation Square p.170 Cooperative Carpet Ride p.166

9 What is a Threat? Threat- an expressed intention or plan to do harm to someone or something. Threats can occur by way of: Face to Face words Writing a note Text message Relayed from person to person

10 VIOLENCE Violence- Physical force used to cause damage or injury.
Types of violence Physical force ex. fighting Use of weapons ex. guns Sexual abuse 2 types of abuse/violence in schools Bullying Sexual Harassment Abuse- Harmful or offensive treatment, can be physical, sexual, verbal, emotional, or neglect.

11 Violence and the Media How much does the media affect violence in our country? Should violence in the media be censored? Whose responsibility is it to monitor the violence on television shows, movies, video games, etc… At what point does it become the governments job to step in and restrict the amount of violence in the media?

12 BULLYING Bully- A person who constantly picks on or beats up people who are perceived to be smaller or weaker. Intimidation- The act of frightening others through the use of threatening words and body language. Zero Tolerance- Mandatory punishment.

13 Activities Index Card Activity Pumped up Kicks song
Read Cyber Bully Scenarios Everybody’s Up p.175 Circle the Circle p. 262 Balloon Trolleys p. 259

14 Ways to control anger Take a break Calm down
Release anger in a safe way ex. punch a pillow Exercise Be creative

15 Protecting Yourself Pay attention to the signs that violence might occur Walk away from out of control conflicts Take all threats seriously Avoid people who carry weapons Avoid conflict with people who have been drinking or using drugs. These behaviors increase the chance that a person will become violent

16 Bullying Bullying & Cyberbullying

17 Activities Conflict Connection Pg. 266


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