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Understand the body’s systems of support and movement.

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1 Understand the body’s systems of support and movement.
Essential Standard 1.00 Understand the body’s systems of support and movement.

2 Understand the functions and disorders of the skeletal system.
Objective 1.03 Understand the functions and disorders of the skeletal system.

3 Essential Questions What are the functions of the skeletal system?
What are some disorders of the skeletal system? How are skeletal disorders treated? How does the skeletal system relate to the body’s systems of support and movement?

4 Functions of the Skeletal System
Types of movement 1.03 Understand the functions and disorders of the skeletal system

5 Types of Motion Flexion Extension Abduction Adduction Circumduction
Rotation Pronation Supination

6 Flexion and Extension Flexion and extension describe movements that affect the angle between two parts of the body. Flexion describes a bending movement that decreases the angle between two parts Extension is the opposite of flexion, describing a straightening movement that increases the angle between body parts

7 Flexion and Extension Abduction and adduction refer to motions that move a structure away from or towards the centre of the body Abduction refers to a motion that pulls a structure or part away from the midline of the body Adduction refers to a motion that pulls a structure or part toward the midline of the body, or towards the midline of a limb

8 Circumduction Circumduction refers to a conical movement of a body part. Circumduction is a combination of flexion, extension, adduction and abduction

9 Rotation Rotation of body parts is referred to as internal or external, referring to rotation towards or away from the center of the body

10 Pronation A rotation of the forearm that moves the palm from an anterior-facing position to a posterior-facing position, or palm facing down.

11 Supination The opposite of pronation, the rotation of the forearm so that the palm faces anteriorly, or palm facing up.

12 Functions of the Skeletal System
Support: Supports body structures and provides shape to the body Protection: Protects the soft and delicate internal organs. Cranium-brain, inner ear, eye; ribs and sternum-heart and lungs; vertebral column-spinal cord Movement: Movement and anchorage of muscles Mineral Storage: Storage depot for minerals such as calcium, vitamin D and phosphorus; when needed body draws on these reserves Hemopiesis: Red marrow of bone is site of blood cell formation.

13 Disorders of the Skeletal System
1.03 Understand the functions and disorders of the skeletal system

14 Disorders of the Skeletal System
Arthritis a form of joint disorder that involves inflammation of one or more joints Painful inflammation of the joints 1.03 Understand the functions and disorders of the skeletal system

15 Disorders of the Skeletal System
Arthritis Osteoarthritis Degenerative joint disease Stiff painful joints caused by loss or degeneration of cartilage A result of trauma to the joint, infection of the joint, or age

16 Disorders of the Skeletal System
Arthritis Rheumatoid arthritis an autoimmune disease that results in a chronic, systemic inflammatory disorder that principally attacks flexible (synovial) joints. It can lead to substantial loss of functioning and mobility The process involves an inflammatory response of the capsule around the joints

17 Disorders of the Skeletal System
Gout a metabolic disorder mainly affecting men in which excess uric acid is produced and deposited in the joints, causing painful swelling, especially in the toes and feet Most common in Great Toe

18 Disorders of the Skeletal System
Osteoporosis progressive bone disease that is characterized by a decrease in bone mass and density which can lead to an increased risk of fracture. Decrease in size and height due to loss of bone mass

19 Disorders of the Skeletal System
Fracture sites related to osteoporosis 1.03 Understand the functions and disorders of the skeletal system

20 Disorders of the Skeletal System
Rickets bone-softening disease: a disease, especially of children, caused by a deficiency in vitamin D that makes the bones become soft and prone to bending and structural change. Normal legs

21 1.03 Understand the functions and disorders of the skeletal system
Review Question Lou's grandmother use to be taller than all of her sisters.  Now she is shorter and recently fell and fractured her hip.  What disorder would cause these symptoms? A.  Gout B.  Osteoarthritis C.  Osteoporosis D.  Rickets 1.03 Understand the functions and disorders of the skeletal system

22 Review Question Helen is an 80 year old woman with stiff and painful joints caused by loss of articular cartilage from normal wear and tear.  She suffers from: A.  gout. B.  osteoarthritis. C.  osteoporosis. D.  rheumatoid arthritis.

23 Review Question David has uric acid crystal deposits in his joints and has pain in his great toe.  These are symptoms of: A.  gout. B.  osteoarthritis. C.  osteoporosis. D.  rheumatoid arthritis.

24 1.03 Understand the functions and disorders of the skeletal system
Review Question Mrs. Jones suffers from painful inflammation of her joints. This condition is known as: A. Arthritis B. Ankylosis C. Kyphosis D. Osteitis 1.03 Understand the functions and disorders of the skeletal system

25 Disorders of the Skeletal System
Abnormal spinal curvatures Kyphosis Lordosis Scoliosis

26 Disorders of the Skeletal System
Kyphosis Extreme curvature of the thoracic spine; rounded shoulders; hunchback Lordosis Extreme curvature of the lumbar spine; creates swayback appearance Scoliosis Excessive sideways curvature of the spine; abnormal side-to-side curvature

27 Disorders of the Skeletal System
Trauma Dislocation Fractures 1.03 Understand the functions and disorders of the skeletal system

28 Skeletal System Trauma
Dislocation displacement of body part: the displacement of a body part, especially of a bone from its usual fitting in a joint 1.03 Understand the functions and disorders of the skeletal system

29 Skeletal System Trauma
Fractures Crack or break in a bone 1.03 Understand the functions and disorders of the skeletal system

30 Skeletal System Trauma
Closed or simple bone broken, broken ends don’t break skin Open or compound broken bone pierce the skin, can lead to infection Greenstick in children, bone bent and splintered but never completely separates; incomplete separation of bone Comminuted splintered or broken into many pieces Spiral bone twists, resulting in one or more breaks

31 Skeletal System Trauma
Fractures Closed or simple Transverse Bone broken, broken ends don’t break skin Bone breaks across the longitudinal axis 1.03 Understand the functions and disorders of the skeletal system

32 1.03 Understand the functions and disorders of the skeletal system

33 Skeletal System Trauma
Fractures Open or compound Broken bone pierce the skin, can lead to infection 1.03 Understand the functions and disorders of the skeletal system

34 Skeletal System Trauma
Fractures Greenstick In children, bone bent and splintered but never completely separates Common in children who’s bones have not yet ossified 1.03 Understand the functions and disorders of the skeletal system

35 1.03 Understand the functions and disorders of the skeletal system

36 Skeletal System Trauma
Fractures Comminuted Splintered or broken into many pieces 1.03 Understand the functions and disorders of the skeletal system

37 1.03 Understand the functions and disorders of the skeletal system

38 Skeletal System Trauma
Fractures Spiral Bone twists, resulting in one or more breaks Common in sports injuries

39 1.03 Understand the functions and disorders of the skeletal system

40 1.03 Understand the functions and disorders of the skeletal system

41 Review Question Rachel has unequal leg lengths and one shoulder is higher than the other.  This uneven posture is causing an abnormal side to side curvature of the spine.  Rachel''s diagnosis is: A.  kyphosis. B.  lordosis. C.  osteoporosis. D.  scoliosis.

42 Review Question Students often have poor posture while sitting at their computers.  This posture includes rounded shoulders, head forward, and hunchback.  These symptoms describe: A.  kyphosis. B.  lordosis. C.  osteoporosis. D.  scoliosis.

43 Review Question Lea was in an motor vehicle accident. She has a bleeding wound on her lower leg with the ends of the bone showing. What type of fracture does Leah have? A. compound B. dislocation C. greenstick D. simple

44 Review Question John, a one year old, fell on outstretched arms while running in the play area at the daycare center. X-rays show an incomplete separation of his bone. What type of fracture does John have? A. comminuted B. compound C. dislocation D. greenstick

45 1.03 Understand the functions and disorders of the skeletal system
Review Question A curvature of the lumbar vertebrae creating a swayback appearance is called: A. Kyphosis B. Lordosis C. Scoliosis D. Osteoporosis 1.03 Understand the functions and disorders of the skeletal system

46 1.03 Understand the functions and disorders of the skeletal system
Review Question Lisa fell out of a tree and broke her clavicle. This bone injury is called a: A. Dislocation B. Fracture C. Sprain D. Strain 1.03 Understand the functions and disorders of the skeletal system

47 1.03 Understand the functions and disorders of the skeletal system
Review Question During a routine school checkup, it is noted that Susan's spine is curved from side to side. This is called: A. Lordosis B. Kyphosis C. Osteoporosis D. Scoliosis 1.03 Understand the functions and disorders of the skeletal system

48 functions and disorders of the
1.03 Understand the functions and disorders of the skeletal system Essential Standards: What are the functions of the skeletal system? What are some disorders of the skeletal system? How are skeletal disorders treated? How does the skeletal system relate to the body’s systems of support and movement? 1.03 Understand the functions and disorders of the skeletal system

49 Bellringer What is the purpose of a house frame?
Set up a venn diagram to compare a house frame to the human skeletal system?

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