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My PhD Journey Manal Atesh.

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Presentation on theme: "My PhD Journey Manal Atesh."— Presentation transcript:

1 My PhD Journey Manal Atesh

2 My journey's highlights…
Educational & working experience background. Why doing a PhD? Expectations before & After. Challenges. Relationship with my supervisor. Now in the middle of the road. Dos & Don'ts.

3 Educational & working experience background.
Bachelor of engineering in Electrical & Electronics (Merits). Master degree in Personal Mobile & Satellite Communications. Worked for Kuwait Fire Service Directorate.

4 Why doing a PhD? Stuck in the middle. Scholarship opportunity.
Lacking skills. Be a better me. I love Britain!! Why not?!!

5 Expectations before & After starting the PhD
No social life. Reading 10/7. Working on weekends. Finish in 4 years. I wouldn't be able to teach. Difficult transition from engineering to multidisciplinary focus. Publications … maybe After: No working Weekends. Reading ( between 3-5 Hs). I will finish in 3 years. 1 paper Published . Teaching in process.

6 Challenges Health. Skills (English, presenting, and multitasking).
Financial. Emotional. Shifting from engineering focus to multidisciplinary focus.

7 Relationship with supervisor.
Critical friend. Trust. Open & Honest. Support.

8 PhD responsibilities Self management. Set, agree, and review your
objectives. Record and analyse results & findings. Show records, future plan during meetings. Consider supervisor`s feedback. Build & maintain relationships with supervisors, fellow researchers, and others.

9 Remember! Take right courses to complement research.
Silly mistakes part of learning process. Research will evolve; don’t be afraid to change. Leave time for (non-PhD) fun. Avoid negativity. Work from office. PhD isn`t isolation!. ‘love’ theory . Supervisors are very busy!

10 Thank U

11 Sources of the pictures used in this presentation:

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