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CFO Nutrition workshop

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1 CFO Nutrition workshop

2 Topics of Discussion Review
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) calculations Calculation of macros Where to go from here?

3 Protein 4 calories per gram Building blocks of the body
Usually .8-1g/lb of bodyweight per day for most people Common sources: Poultry, red meat, seafood, eggs, powders, bars (few good options), beans, dairy products, nuts and seeds

4 Fat 9 calories per gram Important for hormones, inflammation and even fat loss! Between 20-60% total calories depending on goals, time of year, current body fat percentage Common sources: Oils, nuts, nut butters, seeds, avocado, dairy products, meats

5 Carbohydrates 4 calories per gram
Body’s fuel for high intensity exercise Stored as glycogen Non-essential nutrient (essential for performance!) Fills in the rest of your calories after figuring out protein and fat Common sources: Rice, oats, fruit, vegetables, potatoes, corn products, bread, dairy products

6 Macro Prescription 101 1- Goals 2- Determine BMR and TDEE
3- Look at initial food log 4- Determine plan moving forward 4- Determine calories 5- Determine ratios of macros

7 Goals Obviously, a macro prescription will be very different for a 21 year old male who wants to add muscle vs. a 39 year old woman who wants to lost 15 lbs. of body fat. Knowing where you want to be will determine the plan. Many of us have goals of losing fat AND gaining muscle, but it is important to know that these are 2 different side of the nutritional spectrum. Losing fat requires a caloric deficit (burn more calories than you consume). Gaining muscle requires a caloric surplus (burn less than you consume). Can plan so you lose fat for a period then gain muscle and so on.

8 Determine BMR Basal metabolic rate- how many calories you burn by just being awake Harris Benedict equation Men: BMR = (10 × weight in kg) + (6.25 × height in cm) - (5 × age in years) + 5 Women: BMR = (10 × weight in kg) + (6.25 × height in cm) - (5 × age in years) – 161

9 Determine TDEE Total Daily Energy Expenditure- how many calories you burn daily with your activity included Little to no exercise- BMR x 1.2 = recommended intake Light exercise (1-3 days/week)- BMR x 1.375 Moderate exercise (3-5 days/week)- BMR x 1.55 Heavy exercise (6-7 days/week)- BMR x 1.725 Very heavy exercise (twice per day, hard workouts)- BMR x 1.9 The answer is what you should optimally be eating to maintain your bodyweight.

10 Look at Initial Food Log
Have you been eating close to the amount of your TDEE? If not, increasing or decreasing calories immediately to that number would be a very bad idea! Depending on your goal, work towards your TDEE slowly! If you are in an absolute caloric deficit (~1000 calories under TDEE), need to increase calories before you decrease, this is a drastically low food intake and easy to plateau in fat loss.

11 Determine Plan and Calories
See the big picture and look to connect the dots Reverse diet? Restructure macro percentages? Decrease macros across the board? Increase macros across the board? Determine calories based off TDEE, initial log, and plan

12 Determine Ratios of Macros
1) Protein- 1g per lb/BW OR if significant amount of fat loss needed, 1g/lb of target BW 2) Fat % of total calories Lower side of range if performance is goal Middle of range for athlete in off season, average person Higher end of range if significant amount of fat loss needed, ketogenic diet Always keep in mind initial log 3) Carbs- Fills in rest of total calories Crossfitters need carbs!

13 What To Do Next? Initially 10-14 days to see body’s true response
Future changes usually take 7-10 days to see response Progress numbers based on response Reverse diet- increase numbers slightly Fat loss- keep steady or decrease numbers slightly Performance- increase numbers slightly or keep steady Special cases require special considerations Hormonal dysfunction Gut function Etc.

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