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American Indians of the Plateau

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1 American Indians of the Plateau
By: Jack C, Mya W, Izzy p

2 Food They ate camas root ( a stem a type of lily), root vegetables and berries. Other types of animals they ate were, Salmon Camus Antelope Deer Elk

3 Environment The Native Americans that lived here had to adapt to the harsh climate. The climate in winter was usually very cold. But they adapted well.

4 Clothing Women would wear dresses made out of buckskin and the men would wear robes also out of buckskin. The Plateau Indian women became famous for wearing basket hats. For shoes, the men wore moccasins for an ordinary day.

5 Housing The Plateau Indians lodges/tepees were made of tulle mats spread on poles. To makes on of these they would dig a hole 2 feet deep.

6 Resources ☻ ☻Social Studies Alive! America’s Past Book By TCi ☻ Clip Art

7 Goodbye! Izzy Mya Jack

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