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Community Foundation of the Ozarks Essential Questions #6 What Are The Advantages Of Having Scholarships With The Community Foundation?

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Presentation on theme: "Community Foundation of the Ozarks Essential Questions #6 What Are The Advantages Of Having Scholarships With The Community Foundation?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Community Foundation of the Ozarks Essential Questions #6 What Are The Advantages Of Having Scholarships With The Community Foundation?

2 Scholarship Coordinator, Community Foundation
Hosted by: Julie Leeth Vice President, Community Foundation of the Ozarks Gay Lynn Russell Scholarship Coordinator, Community Foundation of the Ozarks With special guest Judy Breeding

3 A fund established to benefit students in a variety of ways.
What is a Scholarship? A fund established to benefit students in a variety of ways.

4 Meeting donor objectives through scholarships
Geographic Areas Specific post secondary institutions Designated fields of study Flexibility to pursue education at institution of recipient’s choice Tax deduction for donor

5 Why Establish a Scholarship?
Accomplishes charitable goals Gives back to the community and provides an opportunity for positive CF PR Establishes a permanent fund to provide educational opportunities to individuals Rewards academic achievement Encourages the pursuit of academic goals Memorializes a loved one Provides financial assistance for deserving student (tuition, fees, books or required class materials)

6 CFO Services Informs community of scholarship
Assists donor with criteria and procedures Disseminates scholarship information Schedules scholarship selection committee meetings Maintains scholarship file

7 CFO Services con’t Honors donors and recipients at annual reception
Provides written acknowledgement of donations Provides appropriate IRS documentation Keeps abreast of IRS regulations concerning scholarships

8 Establishing the Fund Contact Gay Lynn Russell or an affiliate to discuss scholarship program Determine a name for the scholarship Create a fund document Determine the purpose Determine the selection criteria Discuss selection committee Determine amount of scholarship

9 General Information Anyone can donate to a fund
Neither a donor nor the donor’s family can be a recipient of that donor’s scholarship How will the scholarship payout? Documentation of Enrollment Payment issued to student’s college account

10 Website Connection
Click on grants and scholarships Click on scholarships Information on scholarships located at this site.

11 Our Pledge to You You define the purpose of your scholarship fund; we’re here to help! We provide support, information and expertise on scholarship giving. We connect you with future generations; you’ll stay involved and meet the recipients if you so desire.

12 Thank you! Our last presentation will be held on April 24th at 10:00 a.m. This presentation will be titled “How Are Your Charitable Funds Invested?” and will be hosted by CFO Investment Advisory Board chair Ron Neville and Suzy Gray, CFO senior finance officer. Please contact Bridget Dierks at to enroll.

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