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OAS Proposed Program-Budget 2017 First Year of the Biennium

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1 OAS Proposed Program-Budget 2017 First Year of the 2017-2018 Biennium
Executive Secretariat for Integral Development

2 Department of Human Development, Education & Employment
Of the 12.7 M USD requested cut, of which $1.67 M USD was the required adjustment for SEDI, $1.05 M USD will be cut from the Department of Human Development, Education & Employment from the modified 2016 to 2017 budget. It is not possible to carry out the Scholarship Program in 2017 with a reduction of this magnitude unless it is supplemented with the OAS Scholarship Capital Fund.

3 Department of Human Development, Education & Employment

4 Department of Human Development, Education & Employment

5 Department of Human Development, Education & Employment
OPTION 1: Finance the Academic Scholarships in the Pipeline OPTION 1 Categories Regular Fund Non-Personnel Regular Fund Personnel Regular Fund Total Scholarship Capital Fund Budget: 831,000.00 946,000.00 1,777,000.00 3,342,000.00 Personnel Costs Academic Pipeline 1,150,000.00 PAEC & PAEC Support 800,000.00 Prof Dev Scholarships 150,000.00 CIE 136,000.00 Labor 69,000.00 Rowe Fund 5,000.00 CPRs for scholarships 376,200.00 Travel 10,000.00 Administrative Costs 84,800.00 Total Expected Expenses 1,950,000.00 Balance - 1,392,000.00 * Cancel Academic Scholarships and send the students home ** Suggested amounts to be financed by the Scholarship Capital Fund The balance is enough to cover the $110,000 needed for Academic Scholarships in 2018

6 Department of Human Development, Education & Employment
OPTION 2: Continue all Programs / Academic - SPECAF Only OPTION 2 Categories Regular Fund Non-Personnel Regular Fund Personnel Regular Fund Total Scholarship Capital Fund Budget: 831,000.00 946,000.00 1,777,000.00 3,342,000.00 Personnel Costs Academic Pipeline 1,150,000.00 Academic SPECAF 13 300,000.00 PAEC & PAEC Support 800,000.00 Prof Dev Scholarships 150,000.00 CIE 136,000.00 Labor 69,000.00 Rowe Fund 5,000.00 CPRs for scholarships 376,200.00 Travel 10,000.00 Administrative Costs 84,800.00 Total Expected Expenses 2,250,000.00 Balance - 1,092,000.00 * Suggested amounts to be financed by the Scholarship Capital Fund. Pay for Academic pipline ** The balance is enough to cover the $403,000 needed to pay for the costs of the Academic Scholarship in 2018

7 Department of Human Development, Education & Employment
OPTION 3: Pause the Academic Program and send the students home OPTION 3 Categories Regular Fund Non-Personnel Regular Fund Personnel Regular Fund Total Scholarship Capital Fund Budget: 831,000.00 946,000.00 1,777,000.00 3,342,000.00 Personnel Costs Academic Pipeline PAEC & PAEC Support 800,000.00 Prof Dev Scholarships 150,000.00 CIE 136,000.00 Labor 69,000.00 Rowe Fund 5,000.00 CPRs for scholarships 376,200.00 Travel 10,000.00 Administrative Costs 84,800.00 Total Expected Expenses Balance - 2,542,000.00 * Cancel Academic Scholarships and send the students home ** Suggested amounts to be financed by the Scholarship Capital Fund

8 OAS Proposed Program-Budget 2017 First Year of the 2017-2018 Biennium
Executive Secretariat for Integral Development

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