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Attachments from Templates in PD2

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1 Attachments from Templates in PD2
SPS Spotlight Series October 2015

2 Please Note: This information was originally created for The SPS Spotlight Series project, which ran from November through November Updates to the original content may be incorporated to ensure accuracy. If you have any questions about this information, please contact the SPS Help Desk at

3 Attachments from Templates in PD2
One of the many tools associated with PD2 is the ability to generate a word processing document (template), and attach it to a particular contracting file in the system. These documents might include such things as an Acquisition Plan, Statement of Work, Business Clearance or Justification and Approval, to name a few. These documents may be brought into the system as “templates” so that the user will only need to add pertinent information.

4 Attachments from Templates in PD2
A standard template may be created in either a word processing or spreadsheet format, that will be in the same format each time it is used. The System Administrator may add a document based on a user or management request. Once created, a user may attach it to another PD2 document with their particular edits added to it. Following are examples of documents that may be created.

5 Attachments from Templates in PD2
An Internal Memorandum

6 Attachments from Templates in PD2
A Justification and Approval

7 Attachments from Templates in PD2
A Page with Signature Elements

8 Attachments from Templates in PD2
An Official Office Letter

9 Attachments from Templates in PD2
Certain areas will be left blank and may be filled in at the time of creation of the specific document attachment.

10 Attachments from Templates in PD2
So, how exactly do we add our template document to the system for use by everyone?

11 Attachments from Templates in PD2
Your System Administrator will handle that task. Let’s take a look at how the template is added to the system.

12 Attachments from Templates in PD2
First, your item must be created and saved to a location accessible to your System Administrator. If not, send the item to them.

13 Attachments from Templates in PD2
Next your System Administrator will go to the menu Utilities → System Administration.

14 Attachments from Templates in PD2
The System Administration window displays. Click on the Attachment item under “Tasks.”

15 Attachments from Templates in PD2
The Attachment Template area will display. Here we see a list of “Template Types” that are already in the system. These are categories, if you will, of the items that are already created.

16 Attachments from Templates in PD2
The System Administrator may add to an existing Template Type (category) by updating it, or create a totally new one. We will opt for the new one. Click the [New…] button.

17 Attachments from Templates in PD2
What displays are the tabs for the creation of our items. Enter the new Template Type (category) name in the Modules tab. We entered “Competition Documents”.

18 Attachments from Templates in PD2
Now we must select the applicable items from the Available Modules.

19 Attachments from Templates in PD2
Each Module corresponds to certain types of documents in PD2. The “Purchase Requests” Module for instance means that it pertains to Purchase Request type documents. Choose the modules that contain the types of documents that your item may be attached to. Consult your System Administrator for a full list of document in each Module. Now click the “Templates” tab.

20 Attachments from Templates in PD2
The “Templates Classification” window displays. Click the [Add] button.

21 Attachments from Templates in PD2
A line is created, which is a place marker for your new document. Type in the name of the document.

22 Attachments from Templates in PD2
There is a dropdown for the addition of a “sub-category” if desired. It is not necessary or mandatory. We chose not to use it.

23 Attachments from Templates in PD2
We must now go and get the item that was created by the user or System Administrator. Click the [Import] button.

24 Attachments from Templates in PD2
Navigate to the location of the item and select it. Click the [Open] button.

25 Attachments from Templates in PD2
The item has now been imported and marked as “File Created”. Now click the “Document Types” tab.

26 Attachments from Templates in PD2
The Template window displays. Based on the Modules that you chose, certain documents display. Highlight the ones that your item may be attached to and select them by clicking the arrow pointing to the right.

27 Attachments from Templates in PD2
Note: We will not visit the “Auto Fill-Ins” tab. This item is not presently used. Now click the [OK] button

28 Attachments from Templates in PD2
We are returned to the “Attachment Template” window. Notice that our Template Type of “Competition Documents” is now displayed. We may now click the [Close] button.

29 Attachments from Templates in PD2
Now our item is ready to be used as an attachment. We will use it as an attachment to this PR. Begin by highlighting the PR.

30 Attachments from Templates in PD2
Next go to the menu Procurement → Attachment → New…

31 Attachments from Templates in PD2
The Create Attachment window displays. Click the Template Type dropdown arrow.

32 Attachments from Templates in PD2
The different Template Types (categories) will display. Notice that our new Competition Documents item is present. Using the scroll bar, you may see all of the available selections.

33 Attachments from Templates in PD2
If the dropdown arrow for “Template” is selected without selecting a Template Type, ALL of the available templates (attachments) may be viewed or selected using the scroll bar.

34 Attachments from Templates in PD2
When a Template Type is selected, then the Template dropdown arrow is depressed…

35 Attachments from Templates in PD2
A list of only the templates associated with the selected Template Type will display.

36 Attachments from Templates in PD2
We will choose our previously created Template Type of “Competition Documents, then we will click the “Template” dropdown arrow.

37 Attachments from Templates in PD2
Notice that there is only one Template (attachment) in that category. We only created one in System Administration. Select it and then click the [OK] button.

38 Attachments from Templates in PD2
The word processor will open showing the imported item. Now close the word processor without making any changes.

39 Attachments from Templates in PD2
A PD2 question message will display. Click the [Yes] button.

40 Attachments from Templates in PD2
The attachment will be placed in the folder with the highlighted item. Since a PR was highlighted, the attachment will have the number of the PR.

41 Attachments from Templates in PD2
If you double-click the attachment, it will open in your word processor. Edits may be made that do not affect the original template in the system.

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