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Behavioral Finance Economics 437.

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1 Behavioral Finance Economics 437

2 Anomalies (popular books)
“Money Ball” by Michael Lewis “Scorecasting” by Tobias Moskowitz and Jon Wertheim “Thinking: Fast and Slow” by Daniel Kahneman “The Undoing Project” by Michael Lewis

3 Psychology Research (Collection of articles compiled in books)
“Judgment Under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases,” by Daniel Kahneman, Paul Slovic, and Amos Tversky “Choices, Values & Frames,” Edited by Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky

4 Engineers and Lawyers 70/30 and 30/70
“Dick is a 30 year old man. He is married with no children. A man of high ability and high motivation. He promises to be quite successful in his field. He is well liked by his colleagues.” Is he an engineer or a lawyer?

5 Is Steve? Farmer Salesman Airline Pilot Librarian Physician
Steve is very shy and withdrawn, invariably helpful, but with little interest in people, or in the world of a reality Is Steve? Farmer Salesman Airline Pilot Librarian Physician

6 Hmmm? We are in a room of 70 engineers and 30 lawyers
Bill is a 30 year old man. He is married with no children. A man of high ability and high motivation, he promises to be quite successful in his field. He is well liked by his colleagues Is Bill more likely to be a lawyer or an engineer?

7 Representativeness Less is more RGRRR GRGRRR GRRRRR

8 Here’s an easy one Two hospitals, large one, small one
45 babies born each day in large hospital 15 babies born each day in small hospital On average, 50 % of babies are male Over the course of a year, which has hospital has more days when 60% or more babies born are male? The large one or the small one?

9 The End

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