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Introduction to Life Calling

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1 Introduction to Life Calling
presents Introduction to Life Calling Copyright © Indiana Wesleyan University.  All Rights Reserved.

2 Introduction to Life Calling Introduction to the Course
Session 1 Introduction to the Course By the end of class today, you should be able to: Explore the true meaning of life calling. Begin learning in an interactive and experiential environment. Begin identifying values and defining success based on life dreams. Understand and appreciate reflection. Understand the requirements and expectations for this course.

3 Vacation Bring this slide up when I say something like “Let’s consider the Family Vacation.” The pictures will come up automatically.

4 Is Your First Important Question…
What kind of car should we drive to get there? Nissan Leaf Total Electric Sedan Porsche Carrera Ford C-Max Bring this slide up when I say something like “dream with me for a minute” Bring up the first animation when I say “let’s dream about a Lexus” Bring up each car separately as I introduce them. Then bring up each price as I call for them. Finally bring up the 50% statement when I say something like “Would you buy any of these if you knew this…” Hybrid SUV Pure Top-down Gas-Guzzling Sports Car Thrills

5 Vacation How do you know how to get there...
if you don't know where you're going? Vacation Bring this slide up when I say something like “Let’s consider the Family Vacation.” The pictures will come up automatically.

6 Typical College/Career Development Model self-centered
Interests often based on very limited life experience Incentives: - job security - promotions - higher pay Uncertainty & Discontent Major Career Job Concerns centered on: - amount of salary - job availability - job growth Sources of pressure: - family, peers, society, trends Typical College/Career Development Model self-centered

7 Christ-Centered Stewardship Paradigm
Meaning… Significance… Hope in Career and Life Christ-Centered Aspirational Model Stewardship Paradigm Life Calling Major & Career Discovery Tools

8 Stewardship Paradigm Christ-Centered
Discovery Tools Major & Career Life Calling Meaning… Significance… Hope in Career and LIfe Stewardship Paradigm Aspirational Model Christ-Centered

9 Introduction to Life Calling
“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” — King David (Ps. 139:13-16)

10 Ice Breaker

11 Media Clip: “Ceramics” Click here to play clip.

12 I would be successful if…

13 Reflective Activity

14 Introduction to Life Calling Syllabus and Expectations

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