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Welcome! Ms. Oldham Mrs. Horton Mrs. Weger Mrs. Davis Mrs. Kollman

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! Ms. Oldham Mrs. Horton Mrs. Weger Mrs. Davis Mrs. Kollman"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! Ms. Oldham Mrs. Horton Mrs. Weger Mrs. Davis Mrs. Kollman
Mrs. Latteo

2 *********Teamwork*********
~Homework/Sleep/Nutrition Monitoring ~BYOD (See Contract in Your Child’s Thursday Folder.) ~PBS: Cool Cat Cash; All-Star Student; Attendance Ice Cream ~Please Initial the Assignment Log Every Day to Maintain Communication Between Parents & Teachers. ~Check, Sign, and Return the Thursday Folder each Friday. ~Please Initial Your Child’s Reading Log as an Indication That You Have Seen His/Her Summary/Reflection. ~Teacher Websites, Electronic Grade Reporting, Newsletters, etc. ~Bus Change 24-hour notice with approval ~Skyward Family Access-- (Don’t panic!)

3 Assignments and Testing
~Assignment Log: Assignments and Upcoming Tests/Projects Written or Circled in Red ~Missing Work: On Skyward (Zero vs *) ~Check Teacher Web Pages (through the DSISD Web Page) for Details about Projects & Upcoming Events -- ~Benchmarking for Reading, Math, and Science throughout the Year (Scores in Grade Book) ~STAAR Math: April 1 ~STAAR Reading: April 2 ~STAAR Science: April 23

4 Camp Champions ~Dates: October 16, 17, and 18
~Tuition: $133 (per student); $42 (per chaperone) [Payable to DSES] Esteem-Building (Rock Wall, High Ropes, & Kayaking) Science (Erosion, Weathering, Night Sky, Reptiles, etc.) Social Studies (Pioneer Life) ~Student Forms* due by Friday, September 20th ~Money due by Friday, October 4th ~Chaperones: Two Adults per Cabin (Background Checks Required) ~Information Available: *In student packets (inside Thursday’s take-home folder)

5 Camp Champions *Dress Code *Label Everything
(continued) *Dress Code *Label Everything *Water bottles (strap or hook) *No--Electronics (Including Cell Phones) *Yes--Disposable Camera, Flashlight *School Provides One Large Plastic Bag (with Label) Per Student for Bedding & Towels *Practice Rolling Up Sleeping Bags Ahead of Time *It’s a Long Drive to Marble Falls (to Pick Up Sick Children) *Completely Disposable Sack Lunch and Drink for Wed. *Return to DSES on Friday at Around 1:30 p.m. to Pick Up Your Child

6 At Camp… Our 2-Night Stay Consists of: 48 hours at the camp
(12pm - 12pm), 6 meals,
 6-8 day classes, plus night activities

7 At School, We Will… *Create folders for our outdoor classes
*Hand out large plastic (leaf) bags and name tags the Thursday before we leave *Discuss student expectations *Take up student and chaperone packets *Collect all camp fees, including tuition and t-shirt order money

8 Families Will… *Pack the plastic bag with bedding and a towel & washcloth (anything soft) *Pack another bag (backpack, sports bag, or small suitcase) with clothes, shoes, toiletries, flashlight, etc. *Label both bags with child’s name & teacher’s name *Discuss behavior expectations (as stated in the student packet *Only send medications prescribed by a physician (no OTC meds) *Place “luggage” behind homeroom teacher’s name in the student drop-off line on ***Children are to keep their (disposable) lunches with them on the bus.*** *Practice sleepovers *Write SEPARATE checks for: -Camp t-shirts (The Outdoor School) -Camp tuition (DSES)

9 Please see Information Table for teachers’ available sign-up sheets.
-----Parent Opportunities----- Camp Champions Chaperones (October 16-18) Cafeteria Monitors (Training on at 8:15 a.m.) Subs ‘R Us Art Appreciation Room Parent Colonial Fair and Fun Day Pacific War Museum (in May) Field Day (June) Please see Information Table for teachers’ available sign-up sheets.

10 ***Thank You for Being Here***
~Good Night~

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