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Inclusion Quality Mark

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1 Inclusion Quality Mark

2 Inclusion Quality Mark
“An effective school must be an inclusive school. Gaining the Inclusion Quality Mark does not depend on the school’s attainment in exam results but instead it focuses on learning and achievement in its widest sense and looks at how schools see differences as opportunities for learning.” IQM handbook, 2008. IQM enables schools/colleges to benchmark their inclusive practice as part of an ongoing audit which now maps directly against the SEF and the five criteria of Every Child Matters.

3 Inclusion Quality Mark
Current Position IQM is currently working with more than 3000 schools which is increasing on a daily basis. Working in support of over 25 local authorities. IQM has completed a four week series of workshops in Kuwait City on behalf of the United Nations’ Development Programme to improve the education of young people. Currently working in co-operation with partners in Kuwait, Dubai and Egypt on developing an inclusion standard for the Gulf States.

4 Inclusion Quality Mark
What is Inclusion? Raising achievement for all. Creating the environment which provides the opportunity for all to succeed. Promoting access and diversity to their fullest extent.

5 Inclusion Quality Mark
How does IQM contribute to the whole school improvement/effectiveness programme? Self evaluation. School improvement planning. Training & advisory input including bespoke CPD programmes.

6 Inclusion Quality Mark
Community Cohesion From September 2008, Ofsted have been examining how well schools are contributing to community cohesion as part of the inspection process. Element 10 of the IQM Award focuses specifically on the community highlighting the importance of having a comprehensive strategy to celebrate equality and diversity.

7 Inclusion Quality Mark
Who can apply to do the Inclusion Quality Mark? Mainstream Schools Primary Secondary Colleges Special Schools Independent & International Schools

8 Inclusion Quality Mark
The Three Core Groups The Individual Pupil The Family and Community The Staff

9 Inclusion Quality Mark
The Ten Elements of IQM Learner progress. Learner attitudes, values and personal development . Leadership and management. Staffing systems and organisation. The learning environment. Teaching and learning. Resources and ICT. Parents and carers. Governors and external partners. The community.

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