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Common Core Reading: Literature

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1 Common Core Reading: Literature
Teacher Task Cards 1st Grade Created By: Kristy Rocquin krocquin.2015

2 Teacher Directions These task cards are to be used by the teacher for discussion starters and story review Each task card focuses on a specific Common Core standard. Use the cards as a cue when conducting read alouds/think alouds with your students. Place the cards in a center for students to use to reflect when reading a story.

3 Created By: Kristy Rocquin
Common Core Standards Common Core Reading: Literature The following standards offer a focus for instruction each year and help ensure that students gain adequate exposure to a range of texts and tasks. Rigor is also infused through the requirement that students read increasingly complex texts through the grades.  CCSS.ELA-LITERACY RL RL RL.1.3 RL.1.4 RL.1.6 RL.1.7 RL.1.9 Task Cards 1st Grade Created By: Kristy Rocquin Student Directions I can Read a range of texts for meaning and understanding. Read each item on the task card. Answer the questions or fill in the blanks with the correct responses.

4 1 2 3 4 What words describe the character?
What caused ___ to____ At the end of the story where did___ go? What happened ____? Why is the character happy/ sad? What does the story say about ______? What problem does the character have? Where is the problem solved in the story? 1 RL.1.1 Questioning Key Details RL.1.1 Questioning Key Details 2 Retell what happened in the story/ poem? What happened first? (Beginning/Middle/End) Which of these happened first/last? Who is the most important character in the story? What does the main character want? How do you know how the character feels about ____? What does the character think about ___? 3 RL.1.3 Describe Story Structure (Character, Setting, Plot) 4 RL.1.2 Retell Central Message/Lesson

5 5 6 7 8 RL.1.3 Describe Story Structure (Character, Setting, Plot)
When the character does (action), how do the others feel? What do the other characters say/feel about ___? You can tell that ___ likes ___ because… Where does the story take place? How do you know? What is the problem in the story? How is the problem solved? RL.1.3 Describe Story Structure (Character, Setting, Plot) RL.1.3 Describe Story Structure (Character, Setting, Plot) 5 6 Listen to this sentence.“ ___________” What does ______ mean? What words did you read/hear that let you know that the character is happy/mad/scared? What words/sentences did you read/hear that describe what you could hear/see/taste/touch or smell? Who is telling the story? Where in the story does another character tell what happened? 7 RL.1.6 Identify Character & Point of View 8 RL.1.4 Identify Feeling/Sensory Words & Phrases

6 Listen to this sentence. “____________”
Which picture in the story shows what the sentence is saying? Look at the illustration on page ___. Describe how the character looks. How does the character feel about ____? How do you know? The purpose of the illustration in page ___ is to show the reader ___________. The illustration shows ______ is happening in the story. How do the illustrations help you understand where and when the story is happening? RL.1.7 Use Illustrations & Details to Describe (Character, Setting, Events) RL.1.7 Use Illustrations & Details to Describe (Character, Setting, Events) 9 10 How are _______ ALIKE? (characters, setting, events, ending) How is the ______ in [title of story/poem] ALIKE/DIFFERENT than the ______ in [title of story/poem?] What does _______ do to solve the problem in [title of story/poem?] (Ask for each story/poem) How is the way the problem is solved in each story ALIKE/DIFFERENT? How does _____ change from ___ [BEFORE] ___ to [AFTER] _____ in each story? How is ______’s problem DIFFERENT from _____’s problem? How is ______’s problem LIKE _____’s problem? 11 RL.1.9 Compare/Contrast Characters Experiences 12 RL.1.9 Compare/Contrast Characters Experiences

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