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NSGC Liaison Orientation Welcome!

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Presentation on theme: "NSGC Liaison Orientation Welcome!"— Presentation transcript:

1 NSGC Liaison Orientation Welcome!
Presented by the NSGC Public Policy Committee

2 NSGC Liaison Liaisons are NSGC member selected to officially represent NSGC within other organizations. Liaison relationships facilitate collaborative relationships with organizations that help advance NSGC’s strategic objectives. NSGC maintains liaison relationships for an array of key organizations, national advisory committees, and industry initiatives.

3 How Does NSGC Assign Liaisons?
Any NSGC member can submit the “NSGC Liaison Request Form” to the Executive office to propose a new liaison relationship. If NSGC approves a liaison proposal, NSGC will select a member with expertise and/or an existing relationship with the organization. Liaison relationships can be ongoing or project-based. Insert links for the request form and the assessment tool on the slide?

4 Ongoing Assessment and Re-evaluation
All liaison relationships must be consistent with NSGC’s vision, mission, and strategic plan. NSGC will assess these priorities and goals on an annual basis. This assessment will evaluate the relationship’s alignment with NSGC’s strategic plan, the investment of resources required, and utility derived from the relationship. PPC oversees the liaison system. Communication with the liaison will take place through a PPC representative and/or through the NSGC Executive Office. Link to the current strategic plan in the slide.

5 NSGC Liaison Expectations
Attend meetings or participate in conference calls that the liaison organization requests NSGC input. Submit meeting agendas to the PPC contact prior to scheduled meetings. Communicate with the PPC contact prior to upcoming meetings to establish NSGC’s message. Use the “Liaison Reporting Form” to submit a meeting summary within 14 days of a meeting to the PPC. Include meeting highlights and include issues to which NSGC may need to respond or allocate resources. Identify key players, contacts, organizations, or activities that may require follow-up. Provide a timeline for completion and follow-up.

6 NSGC Liaison Expectations, continued…
Perform a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) to determine how the liaison organization affects NSGC. SWOT analysis is a tool for auditing an organization and its environment. Opportunities and threats are external factors; strengths and weaknesses are internal factors. Does the mission/vision align with NSGC? Does the relationship align with NSGC’s Strategic Plan? Does the organization align with other NSGC partners? Are costs are reasonable and justified?  Are joint projects reasonable and attainable?

7 NSGC Liaison Expectations, continued…
Submit all approved expenses related to meetings to the NSGC Executive Office. Maintain the relationship and stay informed on the organization’s activities through listservs, newsletters, blogs, etc. Participate in additional activities as applicable, and keep the PPC readily informed. Describe what NSGC can expect to gain from the liaison relationship.

8 Liaisons Represent NSGC!
Liaisons represent NSGC’s viewpoint. Liaisons should not express personal opinions as NSGC viewpoint. While at meetings, liaisons should be active and engaged, and participate in conversations in which NSGC’s perspective should be considered. Have fun!

9 Thank you for your time and commitment to NSGC!

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