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Energy Harvesting Day 1: Energy Review

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1 Energy Harvesting Day 1: Energy Review
April 15, 2013 Paul Nickelsberg Orchid Technologies Engineering and Consulting, Inc.

2 Energy Harvesting Review
Energy harvesting is the process of capturing trace amounts of naturally occurring energy from various sources. Accumulating the Energy Storing the Energy Applying the Energy for Useful Purpose

3 Measures of Energy – SI Units
SI System Fundamental Units Unit of Length is the meter (m) Unit of Mass is the kilogram (kg) Unit of Time is the second (s) Also called the MKS (meter/kilogram/second) System 3

4 Measures of Energy – SI Units Base Units
Physical Measure Unit of Measure Modern ‘Base’ Unit Definitions Length Meter Distance light travels in 1/299,792,458 Seconds Mass Kilogram Mass of International Kilogram Time Second Duration of 9,192,631,770 periods caesium 133 Ampere Electric Current Force in conductors 1m apart Kelvin Temperature Fraction 1/ temperature triple point water Mole Quantity of Matter Elementary particles of kg carbon 12 Candela Light Intensity Raiant intensity of luminous source 4

5 Measures of Energy – SI Units Derived Units of Interest
Physical Measure Unit of Measure Modern ‘Derived’ Unit Definitions Newton Force / Weight Newton (kg m/s²) Joule Energy / Work / Heat Newton – meter (kg m²/s²) Watt Power Joules per second (kg m²/s³) Coulomb Electric Charge Second Amps (s A) Volt Electromotive Force Watt per Amps (W / A) Ohm Electrical Resistance Volts per Amps (V / A) Farad Electrical Capacitance Charge per Volt (C / V) Weber Magnetic Flux Volt Second (V s) Henry Electrical Inductance Weber per Amp (Wb / A) 5

6 Measures of Energy – SI Units Scaling Prefixes
Name Factor hecto- (h) 10² centi- (c) 10¯² kilo- (k) 10³ mili- (m) 10¯³ mega- (M) 10⁶ micro- (µ) 10¯⁶ giga- (G) 10⁹ nano- (n) 10¯⁹ tera- (T) 10¹² pico- (p) 10¯¹² penta- (P) 10¹⁵ femto- (f) 10¯¹⁵ exa- (E) 10¹⁸ atto- (a) 10¯¹⁸ zetta- (Z) 10²¹ zepto- (z) 10¯²¹ yotta- (Y) 10²⁴ yotta- (y) 10¯²⁴ 6

7 Units of Measure – SI Units
Force - Newton (kg m/s²) Work / Energy - Newton-meter (Joule) (kg m²/s²) Power - Joule per second (Watt) (kg m²/s³) 7

8 Units of Measure – SI Units Mechanical Force
F = ma mass in kilograms acceleration in meters/sec² A 1kg apple (big apple) accelerates at m/s² hitting the head with nm of force. 8

9 Measures of Energy – SI Units Mechanical Work
‘Work’ is the amount of energy transferred to a system by the action of force acting along a finite distance Car pulled down level street by three people each exerting 2100N of force directly on the back of the car for 125 meters before they got tired did: (2100N * 3) * 150m = 9.45 x 10⁵ Joules Human heart moves a cylinder of blood in a 4cm diameter aorta. Force is 0.2N, distance is m, per beat the heart does: 0.2N * m = Joules 9

10 Units of Measure – SI Units Mechanical Power
‘Power’ is the time-rate at which a certain amount of work is performed. The energy to move the car 150m was 9.45 x 10⁵ Joules. If it took them two and a half minutes to move the car, the power expended was: 9.45 x 10⁵j / 150s = 630 Watts 630 / = 0.84 Hp If the heart beats 72 times per minute and we average the energy per beat to find the power in watts generated by the heart we find: 0.0111j * 72 = joules / minute / 60 = Watts (13mW) 10

11 Units of Measure – SI Units Other Interesting Units
Kilowatt-hour – measure of energy - A measure of energy - Thousands of Watts * Hours - 3,600,000 joules = 1.0 kWh Horsepower – measure of power - 1Hp = 746 Watts 11

12 Units of Measure – SI Units Unit Conversions
To Convert From To Multiply By BTU (Energy) Joule 1.05 x 10³ Calorie (Energy) 4.18 x 10⁰ Electronvolt (Energy) 1.60 x 10⁻¹⁹ Foot-pound 1.35 x 10⁰ Kilowatt Hour 3.60 x 10⁶ See The International System of Units (SI) catalogue of Measures for other very helpful conversion formulas. 12

13 Energy Harvesting Review
Energy harvesting is the process of capturing trace amounts of naturally occurring energy from various sources. Energy is that which we pay in order to get things done. Power is the rate at which we make payment of energy in order to get things done. 13

14 Energy Harvesting Review
Energy harvesting is the clever identification of potential sources of energy, and the collection, transformation and storage of that energy for application to a particular purpose. Clever identification: Sun Light Collection: Solar Cell Transformation: Solar Cell Storage: Battery Purpose: Save Gas 14

15 Energy Harvesting Review
Energy harvesting is the clever identification of potential sources of energy, and the collection, transformation and storage of that energy for application to a particular purpose. Specs: Wingspan 63.4m, Solar Cell Area: 200m², Weight 1,600 kg, Motors: 4 x 7.5kW (10Hp) Each, Cruise Speed 70 km/h 15

16 Energy Harvesting Review
Energy harvesting is the clever identification of potential sources of energy, and the collection, transformation and storage of that energy for application to a particular purpose. F = ½ * r * S * C * V² R = air pressure S = Surface Area C = Lift V = Wind Speed Energy = F * Distance This is a momentum equation 16

17 Energy Harvesting Review
Energy harvesting is the clever identification of potential sources of energy, and the collection, transformation and storage of that energy for application to a particular purpose. Jaeger-LeCoultre Atmos Clock Temperature and pressure variation winds main spring 17

18 Energy Harvesting Review
Energy harvesting is the clever identification of potential sources of energy, and the collection, transformation and storage of that energy for application to a particular purpose. Self-winding watch mechanism ETA 2824 Normal arm motion winds the main spring 18

19 Energy Harvesting Sources
Photo Electrical – Light Magnetic Inductive – Motion / Vibration Radiated Energy – RF Sources Piezoelectric – Vibration Thermal – Heat Chemical - Batteries 19

20 Energy Harvesting Sources
The World of Energy Sources RF Energy Vibration Energy Thermal Energy Photovolatic Energy Density 0.1 µW/cm² Density 1 mW/cm² Density 10 mW/cm² Density 100 mW/cm² 20

21 Energy Harvesting Review
Step 1: Identify Energy Needs Operate valve motor twice daily Operate Ignition once daily Step 2: Match Energy Source Polycrystalline Solar Cell Lithium Ion Battery Step 3: Implement Device Select Motor / Valves Select Igniter Select Control Microprocessor Select Monitor Sensors Step 4: Consider Failure Modes 21

22 Energy Harvesting Review
Come back tomorrow 22

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