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Chapter Two Pollution Fighters.

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1 Chapter Two Pollution Fighters

2 Look and Think What good are trees?

3 We get shade from trees.

4 We get__________from trees.
better cities

5 We get _____________from trees.
wooden houses

6 We get __________from trees.

7 We get _____from trees. paper

8 We get _______from trees.

9 We get _____from trees. coke

10 We get __________from trees.
coffee beans

11 We get ______from trees.

12 What do you know about…? How long do they live?Match the items on the
left with the average ages on the right. a mice i 70 years b trees ii 150 years c tortoises iii 40 years d whales iv years e people v 3 years

13 What does the word mean? 2. pure a. know not mixed with other things
1 1.suppose a. know b. think it is true c.ask 3. release a. bring in b. take away c. let out 5. communicating with a. attacking b. sending message/ signals to c. joining 2. pure not mixed with other things not comfortable 4. running traveling working playing 6. hardly any quite a lot almost none a large number

14 Do you know the meaning? 1. sip a. made by nature, not by man
2. nature b. unpleasant 3. oxygen c. drink in small amounts 4. hectares d. a life-giving gas found in air 5. warn e. something produced by chemistry 6. a chemical f. areas of square meters 7. nasty g. gay that something bad or dangerous or may happens

15 Find the facts T T F F T F T F Trees: 1. live much longer than people;
2. produce rubber, wood, paper, nuts, beans and fruit; 3. take oxygen from the air; 4. heat the air; 5. are like air conditioners; 6. cannot protect themselves against insects; 7. can share food and water with one another; 8. are in danger, mainly from insects; T T F release cool F T can F T people/humans F

16 Answer the questions 1. We get some useful things from trees, don’t we? Yes. Two examples are wood and rubber. 2. Is it true that trees do two main things to the air? Yes. They cool it and clean it. 3. I’ve heard that one tree has the power of 15 air conditioners. Is that right? No. One trees has the power of five air conditioners. 4. Scientists know a lot about trees, don’t they? No. they are only now beginning to understand them.

17 Answer the questions 5. Can trees really communicate with one another?
Yes. For example, if insects attack a tree, it can warm its neighbors. 6. And can they really protect themselves from insects? Yes. They can produce a chemical that makes their leaves taste nasty. 7. Can trees help one another? Yes. For example. They can join their roots together under- ground and pass food and water around. 8. Is it true that, every year, there are fewer and fewer trees in the world? Yes. The reason is that people cut down millions of trees, but replace hardly any of them.

18 Listening Listen and complete the notice below by putting one word in each space. Eight reasons for helping to plant trees: 1 Trees make streets more ________. 2 Trees make streets less _____. 3 Trees make our air _____. 4 Trees make our air _____. 5 Trees make _____ to keep us alive and _______. 6 Trees provide us with _____ things like _____ and _____. 7 Trees help us to fight ________. 8 Trees are in _____. beautiful noisy purer cooler oxygen healthy paper useful fruit pollution danger

19 What are they doing now?

20 They are having a rest under the trees.

21 They are planting trees.

22 They are picking apples
from the apple trees.

23 They are cutting trees.

24 Discussion Make a dialogue according to the model: Model:
A: What can we do to fight pollution? B: Always put litter in litter bins, and stop using plastic bags for shopping. A: Anything else? B: Stop factories from producing unhealthy gases, plant more trees in the streets, and make classrooms less noisy. A: Which ways are more important and which ways are less important? B: I think that …..

25 Write a report on fighting pollution
Writing: Write a report on fighting pollution Our group thinks that the most important way to fight pollution is to _____. The second is to _____. The third is to _____. The fourth is to _____. The fifth is to _____. Everyone in our group agrees/Most people in our group agree to this arrangement.

26 Homework: Write a short article about building a new sitting-out area near your home for your school newspaper. Near my home, there is a _______. Some workers finished it last week. I watched them from my flat. First, __________(workers/arrive/lorry). On the back of the lorry there _____(be/trees/brushes). The workers _____(dig/holes/ground) Second, they _____(plant/trees/holes). Next, they brought some large containers. They _____(put/earth/containers). Then they ____ ( plant / brushes / containers ). Next, they _____(pick up/all rubbish) and _____(sweep/area/neatly). After that, they _____(water/plants/hose). Then the area was finished. Now it looks_____.

27 Homework: Think over how many kinds of pollutions we
have learned before and what they are. After class, try to find the pollution fighters of them and write a composition about them.

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