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محاضرات مادة القراءات الاقتصادية Reading in Economics قسم الاقتصاد – كلية الادارة و الاقتصاد / جامعة القادسية المرحلة الاولى مدرس المادة :- م0.

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Presentation on theme: "محاضرات مادة القراءات الاقتصادية Reading in Economics قسم الاقتصاد – كلية الادارة و الاقتصاد / جامعة القادسية المرحلة الاولى مدرس المادة :- م0."— Presentation transcript:

1 محاضرات مادة القراءات الاقتصادية Reading in Economics قسم الاقتصاد – كلية الادارة و الاقتصاد / جامعة القادسية المرحلة الاولى مدرس المادة :- م0 م سحر كريم للعام الدراسي 2016 / 2017


3 Part 2: introduction to economizing problem:
o Unlimited wants and scarce resources o Production possibility curves

4 o Full Employment and full production
o Unemployment ad under-employment Types of unemployment I - unemployment cyclical unemployment, o Seasonal unemployment

5 Part3:ational income accounting:
o Measuring the economics o Performance Cross national product Net national product8 National product o Approaches to national income -Personal income o Disposable income o Inflations and deflating o Macro identities o Production account o National income account o Investment account

6 Part(4): demand & supply
o Demand schedule o Demand curve o Change I demand and a movemenent along a give demand curve Factors affecting demand curve.o

7 o Factors affecting supply o Marked price determination
o Supply schedule o Supply curve o Factors affecting supply o Marked price determination o

8 Changes in demand and supply elasticity
o Measurement of elasticity o Factors influencing elasticity of demand o Cross elasticity of demand o Elasticity of supply

9 Part(5):individual consumer Demand: ^
o The utility approach o The concept of utility o Marginal and total utility o Maximization and satisfaction

10 Part(6): indifference curve abreact
o The nurture of indifference curve o Indifference curve defiance o Characteristics of indifference curyes o Complementary and substitute relation ships

11 Part(7): market classification
o Pure competition o Pure monopoly o Oligopoly

12 production and cost o Nature of production o Total product average and marginal product o Law of diminishing returns o Stages of produtuction o

13 Concept of costs o Fixed and variable costs o Explicit and implicit costs o Total average and marginal cost and the relation ships between them.

14 Part(9): income and employment
o Classical theory of employment o Determination of Level of output and employment theory o

15 o Classical theory of interest and saving o Price wage flexibility

16 Keynesian theory of income and employment
o Consumption and saving function o Determination of investment

17 Part(10):the equilibrium levels of output and employment and income
1. Aggregate demand and aggregate supply approach.

18 Saving equal investment approach
. Change in equilibrium The multiplier effects Accelerator Principle

19 Part 11: growth and inflation

20 Part 12: basic concept in international economice


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