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Unit 2 Chapter 3 Joshua, Judges, 1 Samuel

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1 Unit 2 Chapter 3 Joshua, Judges, 1 Samuel
The Promised Land Literature of the Bible Mr. Young

2 Essential Question What is heroism, when is it important, and why it is so desperately needed within any society?

3 I Can: Discover the challenges faced by the Israelites in Canaan
Identify the biblical judges whose stories have become part of Western culture Discuss the literary structure employed in the Book of Judges Distinguish the characteristics and values reflected in biblical heroes and leaders

4 The Battle of Jericho
3 minutes (Gospel) Q 2 min (MJ) &feature=fvwrel 2:57 min (EP) AtW38&feature=related 3 min cartoon

5 Death of Moses Moses is dead and Joshua is chosen by God and commissioned by Moses Joshua was known for courage, his military ability, and his faithfulness to the covenant.

6 Daniel Boone by Bingham

7 Promised Land While in Promised Land scouts encountered Rahab, who was a prostituted that had been converted to Judaism. She hid them from being captured Symbolizes the potential for moral good no matter the reputation or past

8 Rahab and the Spies zFw&feature=related 10 minutes bYc&feature=related 7 min

9 Crossing the Jordan The Israelites, with the Ark of the Covenant at the head, crossed the Jordan river into the Promised land, similar to the crossing of the Red Sea

10 God of Battles Book of Joshua is a book of battles, concerned with trying to conquer the Promised Land One of the most famous stories is that of the walls of Jericho that miraculously coming tumbling down.

11 Walls of Jericho

12 Joshua and jericho videos
maCQ&feature=fvwrel 1 min Veggie Tales Josh and the Wall part 4 and 5 MHmBI&feature=related 40 seconds

13 The Time of Judges Joshua shows us that when people were faithful, they succeeded; when they were unfaithful, they failed The Promised land resembled that of the American Wild West— lawless, violent, and dangerous

14 Time of Judges Cont Judges*-leaders of the Israelites from the time of the death of Joshua through the kingship of Saul Virtues*- characteristics of moral excellence

15 Deborah (Judges 4-5) Name means “hornet” or “bee”
Held court under a palm tree next to the main road Was called a prophet Canticles*- a song of praise Jael lures the enemies general into her tent and drives a peg through his head

16 The Death of sisera by negretti

17 Story of Deborah R028
6:37 min (start at 4 min)

18 Gideon (Judges 6-8) Starts with about 32,000 men, and God narrows it down to 300, winning a decisive battle against the Midianite army

19 Jephthah Video -Kpk&feature=related Just show 2:55

20 Jephthah Son of a prostitute
Chosen to lead because he was a good fighter If God would provide, Jephthah promised to sacrifice the first thing he saw, which happened to be his daughter

21 Samson Videos DeA 8 min

22 Samson Carries message of responsibility of humans to control their own life Most famous characteristic=strength Nazirite*- a person set apart and bound by certain restrictions Like Israel in that he was full of potential but morally unconscious

23 Samson and Delilah Was a woman from the opposing nationality
Strength came from God through his hair Delilah cuts Samson’s hair and he is captured by the Philistines, who gauge his eyes out and bound him with shackles

24 Samuel Video N6v91wM4 8 min

25 Samuel Hannah was a barren woman who prayed to God for a son and promised to give dedicated him to the Lord if she were to receive him God grants Hannah a son, whom she names Samuel, who will be the new moral compass of Israel

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