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Drug Metabolism Dr. Mohammad Khanfar.

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1 Drug Metabolism Dr. Mohammad Khanfar

2 Drug Metabolism When drugs enter the body, they are subject to attack from a range of metabolic enzymes. The role of these enzymes is to degrade or modify the foreign structure, such that it can be more easily excreted. As a result, most drugs undergo some form of metabolic reaction resulting in structures known as metabolites. Very often these metabolites loss the activity of the original drug, but in some cases they may retain a certain level of activity. Why we study metabolism? Detoxifications : Drugs, plant toxins, food additives, environmental chemicals, insecticides, and other chemicals foreign to the body undergo enzymatic transformations that usually result in the loss of pharmacological activity Bioactivation: enzyme-catalyzed reactions may lead to the formation of a metabolite having therapeutic or toxic effects (as in prodrugs)

3 Drug Metabolism Liver is the major site of drug metabolism, although other xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes are found in nervous tissue, kidney, lung, plasma, and the gastrointestinal tract (digestive secretions, bacterial flora, and the intestinal wall) . The ability of the liver and extrahepatict tissues to metabolize substances to either pharmacologically inactive or bioactive metabolites before reaching systemic blood levels is termed “ first -pass metabolism” or the “presystemic first -pass effect.”

4 Pathways of Metabolism
Phase 1 Reactions: a new functional group is introduced into the substrate molecule, an existing functional group is modified, or a functional group or acceptor site for Phase 2 transfer reactions is exposed, thus making the xenobiotic more polar and, therefore, more readily excreted. Reactions include : oxidation, hydroxylation, reduction, and hydrolysis Phase 2 Reactions (Conjugations): a functional group, such as alcohol, phenol, or amine, is masked by the addition of a new group, such as acetyl, sulfate, glucuronic acid, or certain amino acids, which further increases the polarity of the drug or xenobiotic.

5 Factors affecting metabolism
1- Genetic factors: Pharmacogenetics: study the relation between genetic variation and different response of drugs Polymorphisms (mutations) responsible for interindividual differences in drug metabolism and disposition For example, mutations in the CYP2D6 gene resulting poor, intermediate, or ultrarapid metabolizers of more than 30 cardiovascular and central nervous system drugs Incorporating pharmacogenomics to drug treatment , into drug therapy will alter the way in which drug regimens are chosen for patients based on their individual genetic makeup

6 Factors affecting metabolism
2- Physiologic factors. Age is a factor because the very young and the old have impaired metabolism. Hormones ( including those induced by stress), sex differences, pregnancy, changes in the intestinal microflora, diseases (especially those involving the liver ), and nutritional status also can influence drug and xenobiotic metabolism 3- Pharmacodynamic factors. Dose, frequency, and route of administration, plus tissue distribution and protein binding of the drug, affect its metabolism 4- Environmental factors. Competition of ingested environmental substances with other drugs and xenobiotics for the metabolizing enzymes and poisoning of enzymes by toxic chemicals, such as carbon alter metabolism by induction or inhibition

7 Phase I Metabolism Human Hepatic Cytochrome P450 Enzyme System
Oxidation probably is the most common reaction in xenobiotic metabolism. This reaction is catalyzed by a group of membrane-bound monooxygenases found in the smooth endoplasmic reticulum of the liver and other extrahepatic tissues, termed the “ cytochrome P450 monooxygenase enzyme system” (CYP450) CYP450 are haemoproteins (containing haem and iron) and they catalyse a reaction that splits molecular oxygen, such that one of the oxygen atom is introduced into the drug and the other ends up in the water: Drug-H + O2 + NADPH + H Drug-OH + NADP+ + H2O

8 Phase I Metabolism Human Hepatic Cytochrome P450 Enzyme System
There are at least 33 different CYP450 enzymes, grouped into 4 main families (homology > 40%) CYP1 – CYP4. Within each family there are various subfamilies designated by letter (homology > 55%), and each enzyme within that subfamily is designated by a number. For example, CYP3A4 is enzyme 4 in the subfamily A of the main family 3. Most drugs in current use are metabolized by five primary CYP enzymes (CYP3A, CYP2D6, CYP2C, CYP1A2, and CYP2E1). CYP3A4 is particularly important and responsible for metabolism of most drugs, increasing the probability of drug – drug interaction CYP1A2 is predominantly involved in the bioactivation of environmental substances

9 Phase I Metabolism Human Hepatic Cytochrome P450 Enzyme System
CYP1A1. expressed primarily in extrahepatict issues, small intestine, placenta, skin, and lung as well as in the liver in response to the presence of CYP1A1 inducers such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in cigarrete smoke Interindividual variation in the inducible expression of CYP1A1 explain differences in individual susceptibility to cigarette smoke–induced lung cancer

10 Phase I Metabolism Human Hepatic Cytochrome P450 Enzyme System

11 Phase I Metabolism Human Hepatic Cytochrome P450 Enzyme System
CYP1A2. It is expressed in the liver, intestine, and stomach CYP1A2 is primarily responsible for the activation of the carcinogen aflatoxin B1 The expression of the CYP1A2 gene in the stomach becomes an important issue for gastric carcinogenesis induced by smoking CYP2A6. Involved in the metabolism of nicotine. Smokers with a defective CYP2A6 gene smoke fewer cigarettes, implicating a genetic factor in nicotine dependence. CYP2D6. Responsible for at least 30 different drug oxidations, representing approximately 21% of the clinically important drugs. It also appears to preferentially catalyze the hydroxylation of a single enantiomer (stereoselectivity) in the presence of enantiomeric mixtures.

12 Phase I Metabolism Human Hepatic Cytochrome P450 Enzyme System
CYP2E1. plays a major role in the metabolism of numerous halogenated hydrocarbons (including volatile general anesthetics) and a range of low-molecular -weight organic compounds, including dimethyformamide, acetonitrile, acetone, ethanol, and benzene Induced in alcoholics CYP3A4. most abundantly expressed CYP450s in the human liver and intestine Responsible for the metabolism of more than one- third of the clinically important drugs.

13 Induction and Inhibition of CP450 Enzyme induction
Enzyme induction. Describe the process by which the rate of synthesis of an enzyme is increased relative to the rate of synthesis in the uninduced organism. Many drugs, environmental chemicals, and other xenobiotics enhance the metabolism of themselves or of other compounds, thereby altering their pharmacological and toxicological effects. Enzyme induction is a dose-dependent phenomenon. Enzyme induction can alter the PK and PD of a drug, with clinical implications for the therapeutic actions of a drug and increased potential for drug interactions

14 Induction and Inhibition of CP450 Enzyme induction
Specific Inducers Phenobarbital and rifampin are the most common enzyme inducres Cigarette smoke, cabbage and cauliflower Alcohol, induce CYP2E1

15 Induction and Inhibition of CP450 Enzyme Inhibition
CYP450 inhibitors can be divided into three categories according to their mechanism of action: Reversible inhibition Metabolite intermediate complexation of CYP450 Mechanism-based inactivation of CYP450

16 Induction and Inhibition of CP450 Enzyme Inhibition
Reversible Inhibition. Reversible interactions at the heme–iron active center of CYP450, the lipophilic sites on the apoprotein, or both. The interaction occurs before the oxidation steps of the catalytic cycle, and their effects dissipate quickly when the inhibitor is discontinued.

17 Induction and Inhibition of CP450 Enzyme Inhibition
Metabolite intermediate complexation of CYP450 The complexed-CYP450 is unavailable for further oxidation, and synthesis of the new enzyme is required to restore CYP450 activity. Alkylamine drugs have the ability to undergo CYP450-mediated oxidation to nitrosoalkane metabolites, which have a high affinity for forming a stable complex with the reduced (ferrous) heme intermediate for the CYP450

18 Induction and Inhibition of CP450 Enzyme Inhibition
Mechanism-Based Inhibition Certain drugs that are noninhibitory of CYP450 contain functional groups that, when oxidized by CYP450, generate metabolites that bind irreversibly to the enzyme. This process is termed “mechanism-based inhibition” ( “suicide inhibition'') Alkenes and alkynes were the first functionalities found to inactivate CYP450 by generation of a radical intermediate that alkylates the heme structure

19 Oxidation Catalyzed by CYP450 Isoforms Aliphatic and Alicyclic hydrocarbons
Methyl oxidation Methyl group is oxidized to the hydroxymethyl derivative followed by its nonmicrosomal oxidation to the carboxylic acid On the other hand, some methyl groups are oxidized only to the hydroxymethyl derivative, without further oxidation to the acid. For aromatic methyl groups, the para methyl is the most vulnerable

20 Oxidation Catalyzed by CYP450 Isoforms Aliphatic and Alicyclic hydrocarbons
Alkyl side chain oxidation

21 Oxidation Catalyzed by CYP450 Isoforms Aliphatic and Alicyclic hydrocarbons
Alkyl side chain oxidation

22 Oxidation Catalyzed by CYP450 Isoforms Aliphatic and Alicyclic hydrocarbons
Benzylic methylene oxidation

23 Oxidation Catalyzed by CYP450 Isoforms Aliphatic and Alicyclic hydrocarbons
Alicycle Oxidation The methylene groups of an alicycle are readily hydroxylated, generally at the least hindered position, or at an activated position—for example, α to a carbonyl, α to a double bond, or α to a phenyl ring. The products of hydroxylation often show stereoisomerism. Nonaromatic heterocycles generally undergo oxidation at the carbon adjacent to the heteroatom

24 Alicycle Oxidation

25 Oxidation Catalyzed by CYP450 Isoforms Aliphatic and Alicyclic hydrocarbons
Dehydration In addition to hydroxylation reactions, CYP450s can catalyze the dehydrogenation of an alkane to an alkene (olefin) Hydroxylation generally is favored over dehydration Valproic acid

26 Oxidation Catalyzed by CYP450 Isoforms Alkene and alkyne hydroxylation
The oxidation of alkenes yields primarily epoxides and a series of products. The epoxides can differ in reactivity: 1- Those that are highly reactive either undergo pH-catalyzed hydrolysis to excretable vicinal dihydrodiols or react covalently (alkylate) with macromolecules, such as proteins or nucleic acids, leading to t issue necrosis or carcinogenicity. 2- The epoxide hydrolase can catalyze the rapid hydrolysis of epoxides to nontoxic vicinal dihydrodiols. 3- Many drugs maintain stable epoxide

27 Oxidation Catalyzed by CYP450 Isoforms Alkene and alkyne hydroxylation

28 Oxidation Catalyzed by CYP450 Isoforms Alkene and alkyne hydroxylation

29 Oxidation Catalyzed by CYP450 Isoforms Alkene and alkyne hydroxylation
With monosubstituted, unconjugated alkenes, the epoxidation is accompanied by the mechanism-based (“suicide'') N-alkylation of the heme–porphyrin ring.

30 Oxidation Catalyzed by CYP450 Isoforms Aromatic hydroxylation
Aromatic hydroxylation is a major route of metabolism for many drugs containing phenyl groups Aromatic hydroxylation proceeds initially through an epoxide intermediate called an "arene oxide” which rearranges rapidly and spontaneously to the arenol (phenol) product in most instances Mostly hydroxylation occurs at the para position Most phenolic metabolites formed from aromatic oxidation undergo further conversion to polar and water-soluble glucuronide or sulfate conjugates Arene arene oxide Arenol

31 Possible reaction pathways for arene oxides
Spontaneous rearrangement epoxide hydrolase trans dihydrodiol Epoxide hydrolase GSH Glutathione adduct Macromolecule adduct Covalently bound M: DNA, RNA, protein Macromolecules

32 Oxidation Catalyzed by CYP450 Isoforms Aromatic hydroxylation
The position of hydroxylation can be influenced by the type of substituents on the ring Electronic effect: Electron-donating substituents enhance hydroxylation, whereas electron-withdrawing substituents reduce or prevent hydroxylation. Steric effect: steric factors also must be considered, because oxidation usually occurs at the least hindered position. For monosubstituted benzene compounds, para hydroxylation usually predominates, with some ortho product being formed. When there is more than one phenyl ring, usually only one is hydroxylated



35 Oxidation Catalyzed by CYP450 Isoforms N-dealkylation, oxidative deamination, and N-oxidation
The dealkylation of secondary and tertiary amines to yield primary and secondary amines, respectively Typical N-substituents removed by oxidative dealkylation are methyl, ethyl, n-propyl, isopropyl, n-butyl, allyl, and benzyl Dalkylation initially occurs with the smaller alkyl group. Substituents that are more resistant to dealkylation include the tert -butyl and the cyclopropylmethyl Tertiary amines are dealkylated to secondary amines faster than secondary amines are dealkylated to primary amines. This difference in rate has been correlated with lipid solubility N-dealkylation of substituted amides and aromatic amines occurs in a similar manner .

36 Carbonyl Aldehyde or keton Tertiary amine Carbinolamine Secondary amine


38 Oxidation Catalyzed by CYP450 Isoforms N-dealkylation, oxidative deamination, and N-oxidation
The mechanism of oxidative deamination follows a pathway similar to that of N-dealkylation. Oxidative deamination can occur with α-substituted amines (amphetamine).

39 Oxidation Catalyzed by CYP450 Isoforms N-dealkylation, oxidative deamination, and N-oxidation
Disubstitution of the α-carbon inhibits deamination

40 Primary amine metabolite
Direct oxidative deamination Aldehyde metabolite Carbinolamine Propranolol Oxidative deamination through primary amine Primary amine metabolite Carbinolamine

41 Oxidation Catalyzed by CYP450 Isoforms N-dealkylation, oxidative deamination, and N-oxidation
In general , N-oxygenation of amines form stable N-oxides with tertiary amines and amides, and hydroxylamines with primary and secondary amines, when no α-protons are available In general N-hydroxylamines are chemically unstable and susceptible to spontaneous or enzymatic oxidation to the nitroso and nitro derivatives.


43 Hydroxylamine Nitroso Nitro

44 Oxidation Catalyzed by CYP450 Isoforms N-dealkylation, oxidative deamination, and N-oxidation
O-Dealkylation Mechanistically, the biotransformation involves an initial a-carbon hydroxylation to form either a hemiacetal or a hemiketal. which undergoes spontaneous carbon—oxygen bond cleavage to yield the dealkylated oxygen species (phenol or alcohol) and a carbon moiety (aldehyde or ketone). Small alkyl groups (e.g., methyl or ethyl) attached to oxygen are O-dealkylaced rapidly. Carbonyl (aldehyde or keton) Alcohol or phenol Ether Hemiacetal or hemiketal


46 Oxidation Catalyzed by CYP450 Isoforms
Oxidation involving carbon-sulfur systems Carbon—sulfur functional groups are susceptible to metabolic S-dealkylation, desulfuration, and S-oxidation reactions. The first two processes involve oxidative carbon— sulfur bond cleavage. S-dealkylation is analogous to O- and N-dealkylation mechanistically (i.e.. it involves carbon hydroxylation) and has been observed for various sulfur xenobiotics.

47 Oxidative conversion of carbon—sulfur double bonds (C = S) (thiono) to the corresponding carbon—oxygen double bond (C=O) is called desulfuration

48 Organosulfur xenobiotics commonly undergo S-oxidation to yield sulfoxide and sulfone derivatives
Sulfoxide Sulfone

49 Oxidation Catalyzed by CYP450 Isoforms Dehalogenation
Oxidative dehydrohalogenation is a common metabolic pathway for many halogenated hydrocarbons. The CYP450-catalyzed oxidation generates the carbinol intermediate (analogous to alkane hydroxylation) that can eliminate the hydrohalic acid to form carbonyl derivatives (aldehydes, ketones, acyl halides, and carbonyl halides)


51 Oxidation Catalyzed by CYP450 Isoforms Azo and Nitro Reduction
A number of azo compounds, such as Prontosil and sulfasalazine, are converted to aromatic primary amines by azoreductase

52 Oxidation Catalyzed by CYP450 Isoforms Azo and Nitro Reduction
Nitro compounds are reduced to aromatic primary amines by a nitroreductase, presumably through nitroso and hydroxylamine intermediates

53 Phase I metabolism Flavin-containing monooxygenases (FMO)
Nonheme, microsomal monooxygenase Present in the endoplasmic reticulum of liver cells Like CYP450, FMO requires NADPH and oxygen Responsible for oxidation at nucleophilic N, S, and P atoms rather than C atoms S-oxidation occurs almost exclusively by FMO The FMO does not catalyze epoxidation reactions or hydroxylation at unactivated carbon atoms of xenobiotics Normally, FMO is not inducible by phenobarbital , nor is it affected by CYP450 inhibitors.

54 Phase I metabolism Flavin-containing monooxygenases (FMO)

55 Phase I metabolism Flavin-containing monooxygenases (FMO)

56 Oxidation of Aldehyde A NAD+-specific aldehyde dehydrogenase catalyzes the oxidation of endogenous aldehydes, such as those produced by the oxidation of primary alcohols or the deamination of amines, and of exogenous aldehydes to the corresponding carboxylic acids. By inhibiting this enzyme, disulfuram (Antabuse®) and metronidazole produce an unpleasant set of reactions ( flushing, abdominal cramping, and headache) when small amounts of alcohol are ingested. Antabuse is used therapeutically in controlling alcohol abuse.

57 Oxidation of Alcohols Alcohol dehydrogenase
Alcohol dehydrogenase is an NAD+-specific If not conjugated, most primary alcohols are readily oxidized to their corresponding aldehydes. Some secondary alcohols are oxidized to the ketones, whereas other secondary and tertiary alcohols are excreted either unchanged or as their conjugate metabolite Oxidation by alcohol dehydrogenase is the principal pathway for ethanol metabolism (2/3), but the microsomal isoform CYP2E1 (1/3) also plays a significant role in ethanol metabolism and tolerance.

58 Oxidation of Alcohols Alcohol dehydrogenase
In the presence of NADH or NADPH, alcohol dehydrogenase functions as a reductase where it catalyzes the reduction of an aldehyde or ketone to an alcohol 4-Methylpyrazole (Fomepizole®) is an alcohol dehydrogenase inhibitor that is used as an antidote for the treatment of methanol or ethylene glycol poisoning.

59 Oxidative Deamination of Amines
Monoamine oxidase (MAO) catalyze oxidative deamination of amines to the aldehydes in the presence of oxygen. According to the following equation: Two types of MAO are isolated: MAO-A, and MAO-B. MAO-A is found mainly in peripheral adrenergic nerve terminals and selectively and reversibly inhibited by Minaprine MAO-B is found principally in platelets and selectively and irreversibly inhibited by pargyline and selegiline Minaprine (Brantur, Cantor) is an antidepressant used in France for the treatment of depression.

60 Oxidative Deamination of Amines MAO
Substrates for MOA include Several monoamines, mostly primary amine Secondary and tertiary amines in which the amine substrates are methyl groups. The amine must be attached to an unsubstituted methylene group, and compounds having substitution at the α-carbon atom are poor substrates for MAO

61 Drug Conjugation Pathway Phase 2
Conjugation reactions have added an ionic hydrophilic moiety, such as glucuronic acid, sulfate, or glycine, to the xenobiotic to increase water solubility to make urinary elimination possible Moreover , these terminal metabolites would have no significant pharmacological activity (i .e., poor cellular diffusion and affinity for the active drug's receptor), except morphine 6-glucuronide has more analgesic activity than morphine in humans and that minoxidil sulfate is the active metabolite for the antihypertensive minoxidil

62 Glucuronic Acid Conjugation
Glucuronide formation probably is the major and most common route for xenobiotic Phase 2 metabolism Mechanism of Glucuronide Conjugation The reaction involves the direct condensation of the xenobiotic (or its Phase 1 product ) with the activated form of glucuronic acid, UDP–glucuronic acid (UDPGA). The reaction between UDPGA and the acceptor compound is catalyzed by UDP–glucuronosyl transferases (UGT)


64 Glucuronic Acid Conjugation
Not all glucuronides are excreted by the kidneys. Some are excreted into the intestinal tract with bile (enterohepatic cycling) , where β-glucuronidase in the intestinal flora hydrolyzes the C1-O-glucuronide back to the aglycone (xenobiotic or their metabolites) for reabsorption into the portal circulation.


66 Sulfate Conjugation Conjugation of xenobiotics with sulfate occurs primarily with phenols and, occasionally, with alcohols, aromatic amines, and N-hydroxy compounds. The sulfate conjugation process involves activation of inorganic sulfate to the coenzyme 3-phosphoadenosine-5-phosphosulfate (PAPS).

67 Sulfate Conjugation In adults, the major urinary metabolite of the analgesic acetaminophen is the O-glucuronide conjugate, with the concomitant O-sulfate conjugate being formed in small amounts. Interestingly, infants and young children (ages 3–9 years) exhibit a different urinary excretion pattern: the O-sulfate conjugate is the main urinary product. The explanation for this reversal stems from the fact that neonates and young children have a decreased glucuronidating capacity because of undeveloped glucuronyltransferases

68 Conjugation with Glycine, Glutamine, and Other Amino Acids
The amino acids glycine and glutamine are used by mammalian systems to conjugate carboxylic acids, particularly aromatic acids and arylalkyl acids. The quantity of amino acid conjugates formed from xenobiotics is minute because of the limited availability of amino acids in the body and competition with glucuronidation for carboxylic acid substrates.


70 GSH or Mercapturic Acid Conjugates
Glutathione (GSH) protects vital cellular constituents against chemically reactive species by virtue of its nucleophilic SH group. The SH group reacts with electron-deficient compounds to form S-substituted GSH adducts

71 the amino acids L-cysteine, L-glutamic acid, and glycine.


73 Acetylation Acetylation constitutes an important metabolic route for drugs containing primary amino groups This encompasses primary aromatic amines (ArNH2), sulfonamides (H2NC6H4SO2NHR), hydrazines (—NHNH2), hydrazides (—CONHNH2), and primary aliphatic amines. Because water solubility is not enhanced greatly by N-acetylation, it appears that the primary function of acetylation is to terminate pharmacological activity and detoxification. The acetyl group used in N-acetylation of xenobiotics is supplied by acetyl-CoA and transferred by N-acetyltransferases Acetylation polymorphism


75 Methylation Methylation generally does not lead to polar or water-soluble metabolites, except when it creates a quaternary ammonium derivative. Methyltransferases of particular importance in the metabolism of foreign compounds include catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT), phenol-O-methyltransferase, and nonspecific N-methyltransferases and S-methyltransferases. COMT carries out O-methylation of such important neurotransmitters as norepinephrine and dopamine and thus terminates their activity. Foreign compounds that undergo methylation include catechols, phenols, amines, and N-heterocyclic and thiol compounds.



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