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Environmental Issues in East and Southern Asia

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Presentation on theme: "Environmental Issues in East and Southern Asia"— Presentation transcript:

1 Environmental Issues in East and Southern Asia
China and India

2 Overpopulation is the main source of a variety of environmental issues

3 Water Pollution Rivers are polluted by a point source like industrial waste or raw sewage The pollution can also come from non-point sources like agriculture runoff or runoff from cities

4 The Ganges River is one of India’s most important rivers as well as it’s most polluted

5 Are Biogas the solution?
Only 250 of 4,000 large cities have sanitation in India 80% of all disease in India can be traced to water infected by human waste One city, Banares, dumps over 200 million gallons of raw sewage a DAY in the Ganges

6 Yangtze River 42% of pollution in the Yangtze is raw sewage…25 billion tons last year (265 billion gallons) The majority of the rest is agricultural and industrial runoff

7 The air over there China produces over 75% of their electricity from coal China’s fast economic development increases demand for electricity which results in increased pollution

8 A GLOBAL Impact

9 Natural Disasters too…
The Huang He (Yellow River) is also called China’s Sorrow because of the many deaths that have resulted from its seasonal floods Spring rains and snow melt causes the annual flood

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