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Strategic Planning When Engineers and Planners Work Together

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1 Strategic Planning When Engineers and Planners Work Together
Virginia Old Dominion SWANA ANNUAL MEETING April 27, 2017

2 Presentation Agenda Introduction Overview of transportation planning and its use for the solid waste industry Case Study Conclusions

3 Lessons from Transportation Planning
Public involvement and open decision making processes were not always standard Interstate Highway Act led to large scale urban highway construction, and push back led to a formal planning process

4 Public Involvement Proposed routes through urban areas prompts federal requirement in 1962 for transportation planning in urban areas larger than 50,000 people Requirement of an organization to conduct this process (today call MPOs) in 1965 Today all metro areas must have a long- range transportation plan and an annual work program (construction & planning) 2 of the 5 core functions of an MPO are: Establish a setting for decision making Involve the general public

5 Performance Management
Recently, MAP-21 (federal law adopted in 2012) marked a major change towards more performance measurement/management “Performance management will transform the Federal-aid highway program and provide a means to the most efficient investment of Federal transportation funds by refocusing on national transportation goals, increasing the accountability and transparency of the Federal-aid highway program, and improving project decision-making.” (FHWA)

6 Lynchburg Region Example
Performance management applied in the Lynchburg region in 2014 by the Central Virginia MPO Reasons: Demand outweighs available funding Need for a transparent and objective process for evaluating projects New federal and state laws and emphases Main Tool Project Evaluation Model Assigns points to projects based on how they support achievement of goals (shaped by public)

7 Transportation and Solid Waste
Transportation may have dozens of projects competing for funding in a region Transportation has a robust federal funding source with requirements Everyone touches the transportation system each day Plenty of data on transportation system performance But the need for decision-support tools & transparent decision making is an overlap between the two


9 The Current System R C TS Markets Appomattox Campbell Co. Regional
Landfill Appomattox Markets R C Campbell Co. Lynchburg Nelson Co. Other TS


11 Strategic Planning – The Vision

REGION 2000 SERVICES AUTHORITY WORKING GROUP – members of each jurisdiction including Region 2000 representatives CONSULTANTS – Draper Aden Associates, Renaissance Planning, Burns and McDonnell and Coker Composting CITIZENS – input through website, surveys and meetings

13 Guiding Principles OPEN MINDED – to options and diverse perspectives
RESPONSIBLE – to our regional community, to our environment, and to our future TRANSPARENT – in approach and in decision- making

14 Public Outreach Activities
Website ( Informational Forum Focus Group meeting Surveys Interviews

15 Public Outreach Themes
Reduce waste and promote recycling Responsibility to the region Minimize impacts from landfills on nearby properties Protect public health, environment, and quality of life Cost effective solutions Provide education on solid waste impacts and reduction Waste as energy resource

16 Benefits Evaluation Process
Define Project Goals Weight Goals Determine Evaluation Criteria for each Goal Weight Evaluation Criteria Specific to Each Goal Develop Measures

17 Goals and Goal Weighting
DESCRIPTION WEIGHT Reduce Waste Minimize amount of waste sent to landfills or other disposal facilities through source reduction, education, and responsible waste management by all generators (residential, businesses, institutions, and industries). 35% Flexibility Develop flexible waste management program that is efficient, balanced and sustainable to meet changing needs and technologies. 25% Responsible to Region Minimize impacts to communities including fiscal and environmental resources throughout the Region. Minimize Local Impacts Minimize impacts on property owners and community within the vicinity of any solid waste management facility. 15%

18 Criteria and Criteria Weighting
GOAL CRITERIA WEIGHT Reduce Waste Reduce amount of waste disposed of in landfills 40% Increase recycling and reuse Enhanced educational programs 20% Total 100% Flexibility Ability of option to adjust to changes in the solid waste management industry 45% Ability of option to adjust to waste types or tonnages 35% Simplicity of option for operations and administration 30%

19 Criteria And Criteria Weighting
GOAL CRITERIA WEIGHT Responsible to Region Reduce impact of option on natural resources 45% Reduce financial risk to Authority and communities 35% Commitment by local governments to option 20% Total 100% Minimize Local Impacts Protect community resources 40% Minimize infrastructure impacts Compatible with local land use policy

20 Measurement – Example of scoring
AVAILABLE POINTS SCORE CRITERIA FACTOR GOAL FACTOR TOTAL GOAL REDUCE WASTE 35% CRITERIA Reduce Amount of Waste Disposed of in landfills No reduction in tonnage landfilled Reduction , 10% 20 Reduction % 60 Reduction > 25% 100 Subtotal 50% 17.5 Increase Recycling and reuse No recycling required for option Some recycling or reuse required 25 Significant recycling or reuse required 50 Does not simplify recycling Simplifies recycling 4.4

21 Benefit analysis - Example
GOAL AND CRITERIA Maximum Points Waste to Energy Transfer Station Landfill REDUCE WASTE (35%) Reduce amount of waste disposed of in landfills 17.5 0.0 Increase recycling and reuse 4.4 13.1 FLEXIBILITY (25%) Ability of option to adjust to changes in industry 11.3 5.6 Ability of option to adjust to waste types or tonnages 8.8 Simplicity of option for operations and administration 5.0 3.0 RESPONSIBLE TO REGION (25%) Reduce impact on natural resources 3.9 8.4 2.9 Reduce financial risk to authority and communities 6.1 Commitment by local governments to option MINIMIZE LOCAL IMPACTS (15%) Protect community resources 6.0 Minimize infrastructure impacts 3.3 Compatible with local land use policy BENEFIT TOTAL 100.0 33.2 52.0 42.3

22 Cost of Service - Example
OPTION EXAMPLE COST PER TON DISPOSAL Waste to Energy $120 Landfill $35 Transfer station $65

23 Benefit to Cost Ratio – Example
ITEMS Waste to Energy Transfer Station Landfill Benefit ranking total 33.2 52.0 42.3 Cost of Service ($/ton) - Example $120 $65 $35 Benefit to Cost ratio 0.28 0.80 1.21

24 Conclusions Public involvement is critical for defining goals and objectives for planning purposes. Benefit scoring appears to be a useful tool when considering technical options outside of costs.

25 Conclusions Benefit to Cost ratio comparison appears to be a promising technique to marry technical cost evaluations with benefit scoring to provide an overall ranking of options. This work takes time and commitment!

Contact Information DRAPER ADEN ASSOCIATES Lynn P. Klappich, CSI, CCCA RENAISSANCE PLANNING GROUP Mike Callahan Ext 315

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