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e-Learning in Primary Maths

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1 e-Learning in Primary Maths
No witty title sorry! Stephen McConnachie @s_mcconnachie

2 Ko wai au? Ko Tapuae-o-Uenuku te maunga Ko Wairau te awa
Nō Waiharakeke ahau – From Blenheim

3 Ko wai au? Ko Ōtautahi tōku kainga inaianei – I now live in Christchurch. Trained and worked here whole teaching career to date.

4 Ko wai au?

5 Ko wai au? Currently working at Middleton Grange School as the E-Learning Coordinator, teach Year 7 Māori, Years 9&10 Māori, and Year 13 Calculus.

6 Jonassen, D. H. (2003) Students do not learn from technology.
Thoughts on this statement by David Jonassen? Professor of Education from the US

7 Students do not learn from technology, they learn from thinking
Students do not learn from technology, they learn from thinking. Technologies can engage and support thinking when students learn with technology. Jonassen, D. H. (2003) David advises that computer technology be used to engage learners in reflective, critical thinking about the ideas, helping them to construct their knowledge. He recommends computers be used as Mindtools to help students build models to interpret and organize personal knowledge. Mindtools allow the mind to work smarter and focus on higher level thinking, in the same way as hand tools allow muscles to work more efficiently.

8 What is “good” e-learning in Mathematics?
Same as “good” e-learning in other subjects – collaborative, constructive, creative, students making meaningful engagement with each other, with the teacher and with the learning objectives. Just harder to implement in Maths sometimes, because there are so many downloadable Maths apps and so few collaborative and creative Maths apps!

9 http://techtipsedu. blogspot. co

10 One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest – written from the perspective of a mental patient. Writing style becomes more lucid as the book progresses, to illustrate the healing mind of the storyteller. The author knows enough about writing that he can choose to write “poorly”, for effect. It’s not just unclear because it’s all the author could manage. Teachers need to work through S-A-M-R so that they can then choose “S” when appropriate, not just because it’s all they can manage.

11 “In almost all cases the pupils were clearly motivated and stimulated by the ICT approach they were demonstrating.” 2009 Report from UK on the use of ICT in Primary schools Engagement

12 “In some cases… little beyond that.”
2009 Report from UK on the use of ICT in Primary schools Engagement “In some cases the use of ICT achieved high levels of engagement but little beyond that; the learning objectives were achieved but the use of ICT, in itself, did not lead to deeper learning.”

13 Engagement vs. Enhancement
Games, apps, puzzles and activities to practise skills Revision websites to practise skills Quizzes …students discuss & interpret …students investigate …promote discussion & pupil talk …introduce investigations, explore patterns & generalisations & solve problems …promote discussion & articulation …explore

14 Let’s dig a little deeper into engagement.
If you saw this in class, would you say these students were engaged? Would you say they are authentically engaged?

15 Authentic Engagement Triple E framework

16 Triple E Framework Engagement with the learning goals
Enhancement of the learning goals Extension of the learning goals Triple E Framework Engagement: with the learning goals, not the tool! Enhancement: beyond what’s possible without tech Extension: into real world, student’s real life

17 Triple E Measurement Tool
Free CC-licensed Printable rubric or Interactive online tool Lesson planning template lesson-planning- template.html

18 Where next? Future is an exciting place. What’s next for digital technology in education?

19 Te Papa: Hīnātore

20 Virtual Reality: Google Expeditions

21 Virtual Reality: Google Expeditions

22 Virtual Reality: Google Expeditions

23 Virtual Reality in Education

24 Virtual Reality in Education

25 Augmented Reality: Zippy’s Tales

26 Flipped Learning

27 Robotics & Coding Already here! But “futuristic” anyway.

28 Green Screen videos Maths thinking explanations
Maths student-created story problems Maths survey and data collection Green Screen videos Careful that the maths is not lost in the production! OK if part of a larger cross-curricular activity, otherwise the time to create evidence of learning is often disproportionate to time to learn

29 Canterbury Mathematical Association

30 Upcoming events

31 Upcoming events

32 e-Learning in Primary Maths
Stephen McConnachie @s_mcconnachie

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