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Classroom of many cultures: co-creating open access curriculum with community-based service learning partners and students Lloyd.

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2 Classroom of many cultures: co-creating open access curriculum with community-based service learning partners and students Lloyd

3 Thank you to our Sponsors

4 Writing circles as transformative spaces for developing student practice

5 I have never been good at maths: transforming the mathematics learning experience in a higher education enabling course Mann

6 Gamification using virtual reality serious games: student perception of value

7 Thank you to our Sponsors

8 A bridge to ‘being’ a practitioner: the role of pedagogical practice-in-context knowledge in the design, delivery and experience of a capstone subject Houston

9 Thank you to our Sponsors

10 Improving the ways that students make evidence-based decisions

11 Digital Foot in Professional Mouth: Supporting preparation for work and professional practice through highlighting digital footprints McCluskey

12 Thank you to our Sponsors

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