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New Student Orientation

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1 New Student Orientation
Career & College Promise Program New Student Orientation

2 CPCC Across the Community
One of the Largest Community College in North Carolina Serve Over 70,000 Students Each Year Cato Central Harper Harris Levine Merancas Offer 61 Degrees, 23 Diplomas, and 123 Certificate Programs 6 Campuses Plus Online Classes

3 Key Terms to Remember Application- Required in order to be an official CPCC student. i.e. after submitting an application students’ were sent notification of acceptance with a CPCC ID number. CDC- Career Development Coordinator: It is mandatory for CMS students to meet with the high school coordinator in order to participate in CCP. CPCC Student ID- Necessary to have CPCC student profile CPCC Username- Necessary to gain access to students’ CPCC profile and to gain access to CPCC student account. i.e. Fees- Non-CMS students are required to pay student and insurance fees at the point of registration. Registration- The process of selecting your course schedule. Syllabus- Communication provided by instructors that provides the course expectations and responsibilities.

4 Tuition, Fees and Books All NC High School Students CMS Students
Tuition only for CCP students is covered by the State of NC for Fall, Spring and Summer semesters. Students who enroll in Summer semester courses are required to pay associated fees at the point of registration CPCC Barnes and Noble book stores offer price match options. Visit a campus book store for additional information. Book Refund Policy- A full refund will be given in your original form of payment if textbooks are returned during the first week of classes with original receipt. CMS Students CMS pays for student fees and insurance fees.(Fall and Spring semesters only) CMS provides a partial stipend to assist with the cost of books for the Fall & Spring semesters. Students need to see their CDC for additional information about receiving a book voucher. Title I schools will take their CPCC ID card to any of the 6 CPCC campuses to take advantage of book cost waivers Students are responsible for entire cost of books during the Summer semester. Non-CMS Students Responsible for student fees, insurance fees and books. (required to pay associated fees at the point of registration) Students are ed when bills are posted. Unpaid fees will result in student being dropped from current courses and will prevent future semester registration.

5 Book Refunds Non-CMS students
A full refund will be given in your original form of payment if textbooks are returned during the first week of classes with original receipt. With proof of a schedule change and original receipt, a full refund will be given in your original form of payment during the first 30 days of classes. No refunds on unwrapped loose-leaf books or shrink-wrapped titles which do not have the wrapping intact. No refunds on Digital Content once accessed. Textbooks must be in original condition. No refunds or exchanges without original receipt. CMS students CMS students receive a $50 book voucher per course (Fall and Spring semesters only). Students can only be refunded the difference paid after a book voucher is used.

6 Title 1 & Cooperative-Innovative Schools
If students attend one of the following schools, 100% of books are covered by CMS. (Spring and Fall semesters only). In order to purchase books, students will need to have registered for courses and have obtained their CPCC picture ID. The bookstore will scan their ID to purchase needed course material. Garinger High School Harding High School Hawthorne Academy Performance Learning Center West Charlotte High School West Mecklenburg High School Zebulon Vance High School

7 CPCC Student ID Cards Get Your Free CPCC Student ID Card After You Register And Pay For Your Classes At Any Of Our Six Campuses.  Bring A Photo Id To Obtain A Student Id Card. CPCC Student Id Card Will Serve As Your Library Card At CPCC And May Be Used In The Community For A Variety Of Discounts.

8 Parking Decals REQUIRED for parking at all campuses
One decal works for all campuses A class schedule & photo ID are required to pick up a parking decal Can be picked up at any campus Security Office Cashier’s Office Place on the rear window, driver’s side

9 Summer 2017/Fall 2017 Academic Calendars
All CCP students must follow the academic calendar for CPCC courses. Students must attend CPCC classes when high school is not in session. See CPCC full academic calendars Summer Term Dates: May 22 - July 18 (8 weeks) May 22 - June 16 (first short session - 4 weeks) June 19 - July 18 (second short session – 4 weeks) Summer Holidays May 29 - Memorial Day - (CPCC Closed) July 3 & July 4 - Independence Day Holiday (CPCC Closed) Fall Term Dates: Aug 16 - Dec 12 (16 weeks) Aug 16 - Oct 11 (first short session - 8 weeks) Oct 16 - Dec 12 (second short session - 8 weeks) Fall Holidays September 4 - Labor Day - (CPCC Closed) October 12 & 13 - Fall Break – No Classes – CPCC Open November Thanksgiving (CPCC Closed)

10 Taking Courses Not on Current Pathway
Please make sure you are only choosing courses listed on the Pathway(s) you elected. If you register for a course not on your pathway it will be dropped Note: Non-CMS Students will not be refunded any paid fees regardless of assignments and time already committed. If you continually add courses that are not listed on your chosen pathways, you will be blocked from future registration. If you are blocked from registration, you will need to contact Kimber Morton; who may authorize continued participation in the CPCC Career and College Promise Program.

11 CCP-CMS Attendance Policy
CMS, Lake Norman, Queen’s Grant Prep and various private high school students have specific guidelines for participating in Career and College Promise. Student’s must notify their CDC, Counselor or Coordinator if they are planning on no longer attending a course. A monthly enrollment report is sent to the mentioned schools for attendance accountability.

12 Your College Transcript
Your first class at CPCC starts your college transcript that will follow you through the rest of your academic career—take it seriously! Drops Doesn’t appear on your transcript Must be done by the 10% date for the class Can be done on MyCollege Withdrawals Formally removes you from a course after the 10% mark Must be done prior to the 35% date of the class Appears as “W” on transcript Attendance or Assignment Fail Received if you fail to attend or complete a course after the 35% date Is recorded as an “F” on your transcript

13 Family Education Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA)
Federal law that governs what student information can and cannot be shared with others Covered private educational records include: Academic Records Billing/Financial Aid Class Schedules Disability Accommodations We cannot legally provide this information to outside sources, including parents Student may authorize the release of information to third parties by completing and submitting a Student Information Release Authorization Form to the Campus Registrar

14 Career & College Promise Program

15 My College Account Click Login
Enter User Name and Password Register for classes Granted Petition/Contact Kimber Morton Add/Drop Classes View/Print Class Schedule View/Pay For Tuition and Fees Online Bookstore Check Grades Academic Probation - Below 2.0 GPA Review/Order Transcript

16 Registration through Schedule Builder
Building the schedule: (Part 1) ONLINE SERVICES (right side of page) Click Schedule Builder Click Filters – Campus/Term Enter Course Number (example ENG 111, MAT 171) Review Days and Times Classes Offered Click Green + Next to Seats Available On-Site Classes Show on Course Cart After All Classes Selected, Click the word Register on the Black Bar register-for-classes/how-to-register-with-schedule- builder

17 Registration through MyCollege
After clicking the word register; the system will route to MyCollege. (Part 2) Click Log In  enter CPCC username and password Click Students in Blue Go to the registration section  Click Register for Sections Click register for previously selected sections Choose your preferred action and then choose submit at the bottom of the screen. The system will read if you are officially registered It is the student’s responsibility to confirm course registration.

18 Communicating Through CPCC Student Email
Powered by Google Accessed From CPCC homepage Used for Official Communication with the College Instructors CDC and/or CCP Program Coordinator Critical Alerts Check Your Daily Use the Calendar to Help With Time Management Your Address is (Example:

19 How to Communicate Using CPCC Student Email
In order to effectively communicate with Instructors, CDC’s and/or the CCP coordinators it is appropriate to include the following information in order to assist within a timely manner: Full Name (as it appears on student’s CPCC file) CPCC ID # Clearly state the reason for the by writing in complete sentences.

20 Blackboard & Moodle Online Learning Management Systems Accessed From the CPCC Homepage Organizes Coursework for Traditional, Online, and Hybrid courses eLearning Orientations are Available to Help Students Learn How to Use These Resources Students Taking Online or Hybrid Classes Must Access the Designated System on the First Day of Class and Complete the Enrollment Verification (EVA) For online classes – log in the FIRST day! Issues with Systems – Contact the IT Help Desk

21 Student Handbook Governs academic & campus life Academic Policies
Code of Conduct CPCC Policies Safety & Security You are governed by this document during your CPCC courses Access online:

22 Career & College Promise Program

23 Campus Security & Emergency Procedures
Non-Emergency: Security is available 24/7 on CPCC campuses

24 Critical Alert CPCC’s emergency notification system
Includes text messages & phone calls Used in emergency situations Campus closings Security situations on campus Sign up online at

25 Area Campus Resources Cato Marla Harris (704) 330-4845
Contact the ESS Director at each campus for questions! Cato Marla Harris (704) Harper Gene Merklein (704) Harris Erin Corbera (704) Levine Reggie Pincham (704) Merancas Andrea Abercrombie (704)

26 Career & College Promise Program
STUDENT SERVICES Career & College Promise Program

27 Advising and Counseling
Counseling (PCAP) Advising Stress, grief, depression, anxiety Struggles with personal relationships Test taking & study habits Goal setting Early alert Academic intervention Community referrals Discuss CCP pathways Assist with pathway changes Recommend classes Meet when on academic warning

28 Disability Services Provides academic accommodations & aids to students with documented disabilities Services include: Classroom & testing accommodations Sign language interpreting Assistive technology Disability counseling & advocacy Students must self-identify to Disability Services every semester Must provide current & appropriate documentation

29 Academic Learning Center
Helps students in 3 crucial areas: Overcoming difficulties with coursework Promotion of independent learning Proactive endowment of students with skills for academic & life-long learning success ALC is a tutoring center for students at CPCC

30 Other Student Services
Student Success Center Career Coach Family Resource Center First Year Experience ITS Help Desk Single Stop Center

31 Tentative Timelines of Submission of Information
Future Semesters ALL Career and College Promise students MUST meet with their CDC or submit paperwork for every semester they participate in the program. Tentative Timelines of Submission of Information Spring Semester 2018: We will start accepting paperwork usually around mid-September of through the first day of class. Summer/Fall Semesters 2018: We will start accepting paperwork usually around mid-March of through the first day of class. ****Information is updated regularly on under Announcements, Information Sessions and Orientation.

32 Being a Successful Student
Be your own advocate! We want nothing more than for you to be successful, but it is up to you in making sure you have taken the necessary steps in acquiring positive results! There is no room for excuses. Ask questions! DO NOT wait until the last minute in asking for help and completing assignments.

33 Contact Us Kimber Morton Full-Time Coordinator
Welcome to Central Piedmont Community College! We hope you enjoy your experience!

34 Follow us on Social Media
@CPCC Central Piedmont Community College @centralpiedmontcc

35 Orientation Attendance
In order to receive credit for completing CCP orientation, please complete the Orientation Questions link. If you have any issues please Must complete the following:

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