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Important What you are learning in this class is incredibly valuable to any author … not only when you are doing your best-seller launch but at ANY.

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Presentation on theme: "Important What you are learning in this class is incredibly valuable to any author … not only when you are doing your best-seller launch but at ANY."— Presentation transcript:


2 Important What you are learning in this class is incredibly valuable to any author … not only when you are doing your best-seller launch but at ANY time to help you sell more books! Pay close attention to this class. Review this class often!

3 This Webinar Setting the Outcome to be a New York Times Best Selling Author The New York Times List How it works How to get on it Additional Things that Can Maximize Book Sales & Exposure Open Q & A

4 The Power of a Decision Decide that the New York Times List is YOUR goal! See it in advance See yourself already in possession of the goods you desire (your success is absolutely guaranteed)

5 Get a Clear Mental Picture
Of the goods that you desire!

6 And, then get emotionally involved with it!




10 I am so happy and grateful to be a New York Times Best Selling Author
Your Goal I am so happy and grateful to be a New York Times Best Selling Author

11 The New York Times Best Seller List(s)


13 Planning & Executing a NY Times Launch
Plan and execute 6 to 9 months in advance Be prepared to do the work A lot of concentrated book sales effort required Massive action = massive results Set a goal to sell 10,000 books in one week AND have all books ready to ship the SAME week! Focus on GROWING YOUR list

14 To Get Your Book on the List
Your book must be “shipping” in the United States (i.e. for sale) This works for both fiction and non-fiction This works for both published and self-published Choose a ONE WEEK campaign period but plan and execute that plan months in advance Concentrate ALL of your promotion so that the book sales/shipping occur during that ONE WEEK Be fully committed 3 weeks after your campaign your book your book will show on the New York Times Best-Seller List IF you made it!

15 Buying Agencies

16 Your Activity Plan Build your own eMail List Partner support
Multi-book purchase as an option Ask people to TAF (tell a friend) Ask everyone to be involved and/or buy book(s) Pre-sell books at “LIVE” events Social Media – promote to your own following AND other people’s following

17 Your Activity Plan Continued
Articles Newsletters Blogs Radio Shows TV Magazines Quote of the Day Sites Video(s)

18 Partner “Blasts” Ask your partners to send out the s you provide them with during the week of your New York Times Best-Seller campaign Solo blasts work best You provide your partners with the copy to send (and that directs buyers to a special offer page)

19 Multi-Book Purchase Options
Buy 1 book you get ______________ Buy 10 books you get _______________ Buy 50 books you get _______________

20 Multi Book Purchase Options


22 I purchased (1 copy/5 copies/50 copies) Confirmation or Receipt Number
You can also order the book from your local bookseller and still receive the bonuses. In In order to receive your bonus gifts, please fill in the registration information requested below. You will then be taken to the bonus gift page. First Name I purchased (1 copy/5 copies/50 copies) Confirmation or Receipt Number I'd like to receive news updates from The Hendricks Institute.




Many partner gifts listed below on this page

27 Build Your Own Following
Send people to optin on your website from other Social Media Sites Increase your “Likes” on Facebook Get “Subscribers” to Your YouTube Channel Build Your “Followers” on Twitter

28 Ask Everyone to Support You
At “live” events When you respond to s Ask your friends; relatives Reach out to other Authors/Experts Ask people “Who else?”

29 Pre-Sell Books at “Live” Events
Create a bundle offer You take payment for the entire package Process the book orders for DELIVERY during the week of your campaign AS AN EXAMPLE Package Includes: 100 Books (Tell them what they can do with the books) Series of Webinars Consulting/Coaching Downloadable Bonuses $1,999

30 Lets Do The Math on Pre-Sales
25 people buying your package (100 books x 25 = 2500 books) Remember – all books must SHIP in the United States Your hard costs = the books! Coaching as a bonus (1 on 1) – be cautious not to include too much time In your bundle

31 Social Media Posts Social Media is more “personal”
“Warm up” the messages that are shared You share Ask others to share Send personal messages to request

32 Articles Create articles (write them or take excerpts out of your book) that can be placed on popular article websites Popular websites are sites with a lot of traffic IMPORTANT: Have articles posted to appear during the week of your campaign


34 Newsletters Find newsletters with big readership ie. and their Self- improvement Newsletter Searching by keyword Create content for other people’s newsletters based on their format Have a tagline at the bottom of your articles i.e. YourName is the Author of the book “Book Title”. Go here now to find out about the special launch offer available: website here Ask for your articles to be included in newsletters during the week of your launch

35 Blogs Find popular blogs that has large readership
Review the blogs to become familiar with the content/style Create content for the blogger to use Reach out to the blogger and let them know you have something of value and ask for it to be included during your campaign launch week Ask them to reference your special offer and special offer webpage/salespage

36 Radio Shows Prepare a show segment / idea
Create a media kit (BIO, Questions & Answers, Website, Contact Information) Find popular radio shows National radio shows as a priority focus

37 TV National television is your goal (in the United States)
Target to get on national TV during the week of your launch Become familiar with the shows Create show ideas Send the Producers a complete package (including your show idea)

38 Magazines Target magazines with large readership
Create content or article ideas to appear during the week of your launch Contact the Editors and send a complete kit (story idea, bio, website information)

39 Quote of the Day Sites There are many “Quote of the Day” type of mailings Create quotes by YOU Send them to the provider of the Quote of the Day type of sites Ask for your quotes to appear during your launch Include a tagline too directing people to your special offer page

40 Videos Create short inspiring videos
Launch them the week of your campaign Ask others to send Ensure your special sales page (website link) is in the video and clearly displayed

41 New York Times Buying Agencies
The New York Times comprehensively tracks and tabulates the weekly unit sales of all titles reported by book retailers as their general interest bestsellers.

42 Book Sales at Speaking Engagements
Take an order for books rather than a speaking fee (you input these orders during the week of our campaign) Hand out a form for the people in the audience to order the book (pre-sale)

43 Best Seller Ranking - Tracking Results AND update best seller rankings every hour Do a screen capture of the page where your ranking is listed New York Times Best Seller list is BOTH on AND on their Website New York Times Best Seller List will report 3 weeks AFTER your book has made the list

44 Once Your Book Is a Best Seller
Change your signature (in your s) Put it on your website In your BIO On the “About” page on your site On your business cards On your book cover(s) On your next book cover

45 The GoalMAP

46 Best Seller Project Plan

47 Trello

48 Summary for Taking Pre-Orders
1. Take pre-orders on a physical form OR 2. Take pre-orders on your website and YOU take paymentOR 3. Take Pre-orders on your website (on a special offer page) and the buyer goes to to buy the book (work with your publisher on the release date)

49 Timing of Orders Take orders and have them placed now online (knowing the books WON’T SHIP UNTIL the release/launch week) (THE EASIEST) OR Hold the orders & YOU process during your campaign OR Take orders and payment now and you place the orders later

50 Remember If people are ordering your book in advance from the sales ranking is impacted when the order is placed (not shipped) New York Times counts books sold AND shipped within a period of one week!

51 Take Orders – Have Them Placed Online
You create a special offer page The link to buy the book goes to AMAZON.COM (and other sites if you have the same arrangement) Arrange for the books NOT to ship until your launch week Buyers actually buy from resellers (who report to New York Times NOT you) You can “give” them the bonuses though!

52 On Your Site – Taking Orders
Have a compelling offer Have an “order now” button You process the orders through your own shopping cart or paypal Sell books in advance Track all sales and be ready to place all orders on during your campaign week

53 At or ON Campaign Week Have your special offer go “live”
YOUR database to your contacts Have partners to theirs too Books ordered directly from report agencies with “live” links on your special offer page

54 Speaking Engagement Orders
Every opportunity you have when you get in front of a room TAKE ORDERS! Look for opportunities to Speak Networking Groups (i.e. Breakfast Networking) Meet Ups


56 Promote An Event Create a special event
Create a package – Live Calls / Interviews / Recordings Sell a package AND include a book or book(s) was an offer that included 1 copy of Darn Easy (the book)

57 The Order Form Ask for all information in order to get the book delivered to them Name, street address, city, prov/state, pc/zip, telephone, cell, address (print clearly) Payment information too! United States DELIVERY!

58 Create an Order Form

59 If You Are Processing the Order & Taking Payment
You require a payment method Paypal Shopping Cart You place the orders for the book with your credit card during the week of your campaign




63 Placing the Orders Determine how many orders
And, the amount of time it will take to input Strategically plan to place the orders at the beginning of the week (for online orders) Use your credit card(s) OR use the customer’s card Book stores – ask the stores to ship during your book launch week for delivery THAT Week

64 The Timing You can take orders any time up to 6 months before HOWEVER if you are selling books please include them with a bundle offer For Book Store Orders – place the orders in advance but ask the book stores to ship the books during your campaign week For Online Orders – please them at the very beginning of the week of your campaign to be sure the delivery is happening that week

65 Stay Focused on What You Want
To believe is to live in the state of being it! The subconscious always magnifies what you give attention to!

66 Open Q & A

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