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Reformation and Protestantism

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1 Reformation and Protestantism

2 Reformation Thirty Years’ War
‘English Reformation’ (Church of England, 1532) Puritans, Levellers, Independents, Diggers, Quakers, Shakers, Presbyterians (Church of Scotland, John Knox, 1560), Methodists Religious contexts of life: witch-hunts, the reality of the devil

3 Protestantism „Any man who wishes to be saved must work out his beliefs for himself” (Milton) a personally FELT religion less emphasis on things between the individual and the word of God: „God hath revealed the way of eternal salvation only to the individual faith of every man” (Milton); „God’s word alone is the rule of faith” (Milton)

4 The idea of the Covenant
in Paradise Lost: the Spirit „doth prefer / Before all Temples th’upright heart and pure” (I. 17-8) No mediators, no intercession: just the word of God

5 Bible translations Luther 1534; Geneva Bible 1560
Vizsolyi Biblia (Károli Gáspár, publ. 1590) John Wyclif(fe), 1384 (from Latin); William Tyndale (from Hebrew and Greek) Early 17th century: the King James Bible (the „Authorized Version”)

6 John Milton ( )

7 Milton Renaissance poet (poetry: vocation) poeta doctus
+Protestant sense of poetic mission tracts (in Latin and English): theology (De Doctrina Christiana), government, freedom of speech and censorship (Areopagitica, 1644), divorce Defensio Prima (1650-5): justification of the Regicide

8 Munkácsy Mihály: A vak Milton műveit diktálja leányainak (1878)

9 Orlay Petrich Soma: A vak Milton (1862)

10 Gustave Doré’s illustrations: Satan

11 Satan on his throne

12 Satan’s journey

13 Satan and the sublime

14 Satan, Adam and Eve

15 Satan, Adam and Eve

16 William Blake: Satan envious of Adam and Eve

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