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Welcome to the Hindi Orientation 2017 -2018.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Hindi Orientation 2017 -2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Hindi Orientation

2 inakuMja ihMdI pazmaalaa p``vaoiSaka Reader cum workbook
Books inakuMja ihMdI pazmaalaa p``vaoiSaka Reader cum workbook


4 Workbook (आओ हिंदी सीखें)
One note book


6 LISTENING SKILLS: The student -
is attentive and follows instructions in Hindi. grasps the sounds of letters and words.

7 SPEAKING SKILLS: The student -
listens, learns and recites the correct pronunciation of letters and words said by the teacher.

8 READING SKILLS : The student - recognizes letters and their sounds.
reads and recites with correct pronunciation, clarity and fluency. demonstrates interest and enthusiasm in reading and recitation.

9 WRITING SKILLS: The student - forms letters writes words correctly.
attempts to write sentences. has neat and legible handwriting. completes work on time.

10 PORTION in class I

11 vaNa-maalaa (Alphabets)
k K ga Ga ca C ja Ja T z D(D,) Z(Z,) Na t qa d Qa na Pa f ba Ba ma ya r la va Sa Ya sa h

12 maa~a (Matras) A ] u Aao ao Aa a } U AaO aO [ i e o [ I eo O

13 Names of- Vegetables Fruits Colours

14 4.Animals 5.Birds 6.Flowers

15 How do we teach? 1. Make a small ‘ c ’. 3.Make a standing line.
2. Then , make another ‘ c ’ under it ,take the tail up. 3.Make a standing line. 4.Make a sleeping line

16 Make the English letter ‘ J’
2. Make a slanting line downwards . 3.Make a sleeping line.

17 Word formation घर घन

18 Frame sentences jaa - rama Gar jaa . laa -saIta saoba laa ­

19 कार्यपत्रिका (Worksheet):
Write Hindi words for the given English words: fruit – listen – sun- up – ten - keep – Name the pictures given below in Hindi: _____________ ______________

20 Points to remember Kindly send the notebook everyday to school .
Day to day’s work should be practised at home regularly. If any correction work is given, make sure they do it at home.

21 Qanyavaad

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