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What was it like as a poor immigrant?

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Presentation on theme: "What was it like as a poor immigrant?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What was it like as a poor immigrant?
Ellis Island What was it like as a poor immigrant?


3 Ellis Island

4 Rich vs. Poor 1st and 2nd class passengers endured a brief examination of board of the ship Passengers in steerage had to enter Ellis Island They had to be examined by officers of Bureau of Immigration.


6 Medical Examinations Once immigrants came off the boat, they were quickly examined and looked for: People who: limped, wheezed, showed signs of a disability or disease This is known as the “six-second exam” These individuals, were taken away for a “closer” examination.

7 Medical Examination… Immigrants would line up and a doctor would examine them. With chalk, Doctors would labor individuals with… L: Lameness H: Heart Condition X: Mental Problem E: Eye Condition

8 Trachoma #1 reason for DEPORTATION – being sent to home country (kicked out) Eye condition that will cause blindness…

9 Medical… If an immigrant did not pass the medical exam, they would be sent to a detention area (holding room)


11 Legal Interviews in the Great Hall TODAY

12 Great Hall…then

13 Interview An officer would ask immigrants 29 questions
The first question was “What is your ________?” At the port of departure, they were also given the same 29 questions….

14 Questions Name Age Sex Race Marital Status Occupation Destination


16 What do you do if you fail….
About 20% of immigrants failed either the medical or the interview. Not all were deported They were sent to hospitals for therapy until a doctor could find the to be FIT! Others were sent to dormitories that resembled those in steerage to await a hearing in front of a Board of Special Inquiry


18 Sent to a hearing Those immigrants who were detained in the dormitories would await a trial but the Board of Special Inquiry

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