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Presentation on theme: "OTHERNESS AND THE ITALIAN IMMIGRANT EXPERIENCE"— Presentation transcript:

Week 5

2 The American mob Loosely based on Sicilian Mafia (Lucky Luciano)
Began in impoverished Italian neighborhoods of NY – East Harlem, LES, Brooklyn Active in NY, NJ, NE > Boston, Providence NY home to 5 main families: Gambino, Lucchese, Genovese, Bonanno, Colombo Each family operates individually although The Commission oversees national coordination

3 Lucky luciano Salvatore lucania
Father of american organized crime; 1st official genovese family boss 1907 – Lucania family moves to LES and starts a protection racket for Jewish kids (from Italian and Irish families – remember this is how the Sicilian Mafia began) 19-teens he starts learning the pimping trade and befriends Myer Lanksy

4 Myer Lansky 1902-1983 (born in modern Belarus)
Known as “mob’s accountant” and develops, with lucky luciano, the national crime syndicate in america Ran a gambling empire and probably owned parts of the casino industry in america and abroad Became friends with Bugsy Siegel and became involved in bootlegging, and eventually went to Vegas According to many, Lanksy is responsible for the Masseria and Maranzano murders – and by extension, Lucky Luciano’s rise to power

5 1920 – prohibition begins, luciano recruited as a Masseria gunman
1920 – prohibition begins, luciano recruited as a Masseria gunman. Luciano, Frank Costello, and Vito Genovese start bootlegging ring financed by gambler arnold rothstein. “The brain” was also principally responsible for Luciano’s rise to the higher echelons of society. By mid 1920s, he’s earning millions and spending about $8 million/year on bribes of public officials. Luciano’s power and success helped him to rise to a top aid for Masseria. Around this time, Maranzano has arrived and is refusing to pay commissions to Masseria. 1931 – decides to kill Masseria. Makes deal with Maranzano to become second in command for killing off Masseria. In April, orchestrates his murder at a coney island restaurant during a card game (genovese and bugsy siegel are 2 of 4 gunmen!). Maranzano divides remaining groups into 5 families (but declare himself capo dei capi). In September, Maranzano decides to kill luciano, recognizes the threat. Lucchese tips him off, and he hires jewish gangsters to kill him (with help of lansky and siegel). Luciano becomes head of italian organized crime in america

6 Luciano starts to dominate gambling, bookmaking, loan sharking, drugs, extortion. Also involved in garbage, labor unions, construction, garment center, trucking. Eliminates title of capo dei capi, establishes THE COMMISSION (Mini bio) (The Commission idea) (establishing the Commission)

7 The COMMISSION Governing body for organized crime, established to help regulate rackets, territories, but also Luciano’s power over the families and prevent future rivalries and wars 5 NY families, philadelphia, buffalo, la, al capon’s chicago group. Later came detroit and KC. Also representation for jewish and irish organizations. 1935 – dutch schultz wants to murder special prosecutor thomas dewey. Luciano fears police crackdown. Schultz refuses, so he is eliminated. It’s dewey who later indicts luciano on pandering charges. 1936 – luciano convicted of 62 counts of compulsory prostitution (“The Combination”). Sentenced to 30 years. Genovese is temporary boss, but luciano still directs family business from prison. In 1937, Genovese fleese to naples, costello takes over. Luciano finally steps down in 1938 after exhausting appeal attempts.

8 1942, luciano helps naval intelligence (as controller of waterfront) and organizes dock workers, and also possibly provides sicilian mafia contacts 1946 – dewey is now governer and commutes luciano’s sentence pending deportation to italy. Luciano goes back to italy and then to cuba (lansky has gambling outfit here, luciano has bootleg contacts here). 1946 – lansky calls meeting “to see sinatra perform” but to include luciano in mob dealings (heroin, vegas, gambling in cuba). Deported by cubans after threats of cutting of us products (prescription drugs) Carlo gambino gave eulogy at luciano’s funeral in queens after dying of a heart attack in 1962.

9 Additional resources Selwyn Raab on his book The five families ( JSVvgGGC8) Myer Lanksy ( Lucky Luciano (


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