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Introduction Chapter Introduction This chapter will introduce you to India’s early empires. You will learn about the rulers and cultures of the Maurya and Gupta empires. Section 1: The Maurya Empire Section 2: The Gupta Empire
Emperor Ashoka and the Gift of Dirt
myStory Emperor Ashoka and the Gift of Dirt How long had Ashoka been Maurya emperor before he waged war against Kalinga? What made Ashoka question his wisdom in waging the battle? Watch the myStory Video and ask students to think about the number of people who died at the battle of Kalinga.
Emperor Ashoka and the Gift of Dirt
myStory Emperor Ashoka and the Gift of Dirt How did Ashoka first learn about Buddhism? What was the monks’ legend about the gift of dirt? Watch the myStory Video and have students focus on Ashoka’s thoughts as he remembers the monks’ legend.
Emperor Ashoka and the Gift of Dirt
myStory Emperor Ashoka and the Gift of Dirt How was the battle of Kalinga a turning point for Ashoka? What is dharma, according to this story? Watch the myStory Video and ask students to think about a turning point in their own lives or in American history. Remind students that they learned about dharma in the previous chapter.
Emperor Ashoka and the Gift of Dirt
myStory Emperor Ashoka and the Gift of Dirt Identify five actions of Ashoka after he turned to Buddhism. Refer students to this diagram in their Student Journals. Have them use information in the myStory and in Section 1 of this chapter to complete the diagram.
How are religion and culture connected?
myStory How are religion and culture connected? Describe or give examples of elements of your local culture. Then note whether and how religion influences these elements. Remind students that this graphic organizer may be found in their Student Journals. Have them think about the importance of Buddhism on Ashoka’s life. Then refer them to this diagram in their Student Journals and have them use it to make notes about the influence of religion on their own community.
Why would it be important for a ruler to gain control of Magadha?
The Maurya Empire Why would it be important for a ruler to gain control of Magadha? Remind students that in the previous chapter, they learned that a dozen Aryan kingdoms and republics covered the Ganges Plain by 500 B.C. Ask them to predict what will happen to these kingdoms when a strong ruler with powerful weapons emerges. Students may refer to this map as it appears in the Student Edition.
Academic Vocabulary welfare—n., well-being, comfort, prosperity
The Maurya Empire Academic Vocabulary welfare—n., well-being, comfort, prosperity Adding an entrance ramp to the office building improved the welfare of employees in wheelchairs. assure—v., promise, convince Toby assured his mother that he would drive carefully. Have students use the Academic Vocabulary or high-use words to review terms they may encounter in the section. If students are unfamiliar with the terms, read the definitions and practice by using them in sentences.
Key Ideas Chandragupta used military strategy to unite
The Maurya Empire Key Ideas Chandragupta used military strategy to unite much of India for the first time. Chandragupta developed a bureaucracy, a tax system, and a system of spies to help rule his empire.
Key Ideas The emperor Ashoka turned from war to peace,
The Maurya Empire Key Ideas The emperor Ashoka turned from war to peace, promoted the growth of Buddhism, and encouraged morality among his subjects.
Key Terms strategy—long-term plan for achieving a goal
The Maurya Empire Key Terms strategy—long-term plan for achieving a goal province—region with its own government within a country Students should use the Word Wise feature in the India’s Empires chapter of their Student Journal to explore Key Terms.
Key Terms bureaucracy—system of offices that
The Maurya Empire Key Terms bureaucracy—system of offices that carries out government rules and regulations subjects—people under a ruler’s control tolerance—willingness to respect different beliefs and customs Students should use the Word Wise feature in the India’s Empires chapter of their Student Journal to explore Key Terms.
Chandragupta Unites India
The Maurya Empire Chandragupta Unites India Chandragupta Maurya was the first to unite India’s many kingdoms into one empire—the Maurya. A brilliant military leader, Chandragupta was guided by a Brahmin named Kautilya.
What was Chandragupta’s strategy
The Maurya Empire What was Chandragupta’s strategy for gaining power? Chandragupta’s Steps to Success One Two Three Four Have students focus on military training and weaponry, Greeks in the northwest, Magadha’s borders, and other kingdoms.
The Maurya Empire Ruling an Empire Chandragupta divided his large empire into four regions further divided into smaller provinces. A bureaucracy of appointed officials in each region, province, and village carried out his orders. Taxes supported the army and the emperor’s costly lifestyle.
Chandragupta Protects Himself Against Enemies
The Maurya Empire Chandragupta feared his enemies. What actions did he take to safeguard his life? Chandragupta Protects Himself Against Enemies Have students study the information in Section 1 before attempting to complete this graphic organizer.
The Maurya Empire Ruling an Empire Chandragupta’s subjects had no right to privacy or freedom of speech. Kautilya’s book Arthashastra advised Chandragupta to protect his people, but also to do whatever was necessary to keep power.
The Maurya Empire Ruling an Empire According to the Arthashastra, what made a ruler good? Why do you think Kautilya said that people cannot be trusted?
The Maurya Empire Ashoka Turns to Peace Ashoka, Chandragupta’s grandson, fought his brothers to become the third Maurya emperor. After a terrible war against the kingdom of Kalinga, Ashoka turned to Buddhism. He replaced rule by force with rule based on dharma, or moral law.
What three principles were included in Ashoka’s rule of moral law?
The Maurya Empire What three principles were included in Ashoka’s rule of moral law? Three Principles of Ashoka’s Rule Have students use information in the section to identify the three principles of Ashoka’s rule based on dharma.
Ashoka Turns to Peace To share his ideas, Ashoka had stone pillars, or
The Maurya Empire Ashoka Turns to Peace To share his ideas, Ashoka had stone pillars, or columns, set up across his empire. Ashoka had messages carved on the pillars and rocks in which he assured his subjects that he was focused on their well-being.
What did Ashoka’s messages
The Maurya Empire What did Ashoka’s messages urge the people to do? Ashoka’s New Goals Point out to students that only ten pillars with inscriptions have survived the centuries; the remaining edicts are etched into rocks.
How did Ashoka’s support for Buddhism help the religion spread?
The Maurya Empire How did Ashoka’s support for Buddhism help the religion spread? • Buddhism Expands Discuss with students how a ruler’s support for a policy or an idea gives it validity and prestige.
Ashoka’s Aftermath Ashoka ruled India for nearly 40 years.
The Maurya Empire Ashoka’s Aftermath Ashoka ruled India for nearly 40 years. During that time, he did much to improve life for his people. After Ashoka died in 232 B.C., the Maurya empire declined.
In what ways did Ashoka improve the well-being of his subjects?
The Maurya Empire In what ways did Ashoka improve the well-being of his subjects? Ashoka’s Achievements Have students address such categories as trade, travel, health, and safety.
What impact did religion have on the Maurya empire?
Impact of Religion • Tell students to think back on everything they learned in the section. Have them use the graphic organizer to identify the effects of Ashoka’s conversion to Buddhism on the Maurya empire’s laws, warfare, daily life, and economy.
The Gupta Empire Which Late Gupta numerals look most similar to those numerals we use today? Explain to students that in this section, they will read about Gupta achievements in mathematics, literature, art, astronomy, medicine, and metallurgy. Remind students that this chart is also in the Student Edition.
The Gupta Empire Academic Vocabulary drama—n., plays or performances that tell stories Julio enjoys performing dramas because he has always liked a good story. extract—v., remove, draw out To avoid future dental problems, many people have their wisdom teeth extracted. Have students use the Academic Vocabulary or high-use words to review terms they may encounter in the section. If students are unfamiliar with the words, have them read the definitions and practice by using them in sentences.
Key Ideas The Gupta dynasty created the second major Indian empire.
The Gupta Empire Key Ideas The Gupta dynasty created the second major Indian empire. The Guptas ruled an India that made advances in the arts, science, and mathematics, including our modern system of numerals.
Key Terms citizenship—a status with political rights and obligations
The Gupta Empire Key Terms citizenship—a status with political rights and obligations numeral—a symbol used to represent a number Students should use the Word Wise feature in the India’s Empires chapter of their Student Journal to explore Key Terms.
Key Terms decimal system—a counting system based on units of ten
The Gupta Empire Key Terms decimal system—a counting system based on units of ten metallurgy—the science that deals with extracting metal from ore and using it to create useful objects Students should use the Word Wise feature in the India’s Empires chapter of their Student Journal to explore Key Terms.
A New Empire in India After the Maurya empire fell, India broke into
The Gupta Empire A New Empire in India After the Maurya empire fell, India broke into small, warring kingdoms. These kingdoms traded with China, Southeast Asia, and the Roman empire. After 500 years, northern India was united again into one empire—the Gupta.
The Gupta Empire Who were the first three Gupta rulers, and what areas did they conquer? First Gupta Rulers As students complete this graphic organizer, have them study the map of the Gupta empire in Section 2 of this chapter.
A New Empire in India The Gupta empire reached its greatest size
under Chandra Gupta II. Like Ashoka, Chandra Gupta II tried to bring peace and prosperity to India. Instead of trying to rule their entire empire directly, the Guptas allowed local leaders to make decisions.
A New Empire in India What people served on the council in villages?
The Gupta Empire A New Empire in India What people served on the council in villages? What are guilds? Why were guilds important to city government?
A New Empire in India People living in the Maurya and Gupta empires
The Gupta Empire A New Empire in India People living in the Maurya and Gupta empires were subjects, with a duty to obey the emperor. Yet some people in the Gupta empire also had a kind of citizenship, with political rights and obligations. The last Gupta ruler died around A.D. 540.
A Rich Culture Literature, painting, architecture, and other
The Gupta Empire A Rich Culture Literature, painting, architecture, and other culture flourished under the Guptas. Much of the art was religious. Although Buddhism remained important, the Guptas favored Hinduism.
The Gupta Empire What three forms of literature flourished around the time of the Guptas? Gupta Literature Ask a student volunteer to read aloud the fable presented in the section. Have students think of other fables with which they are familiar.
A Rich Culture The greatest writer of the time was the poet and
The Gupta Empire A Rich Culture The greatest writer of the time was the poet and playwright Kalidasa. Dancers created works based on Hindu literature. Musicians played stringed instruments and drums.
A Rich Culture Drama often combined dance, music, and stories.
The Gupta Empire A Rich Culture Drama often combined dance, music, and stories. The game of chess was invented under the Guptas and spread to Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. Artisans created beautiful Hindu and Buddhist temples, monasteries, and sculptures.
Mathematics and Science
The Gupta Empire Mathematics and Science Gupta scholars developed the concept of zero, the decimal system, and numerals that we use today. With the new Indian system of numerals and the decimal system, operations such as multiplication and division became much easier. Aryabhata was an important Indian astronomer and mathematician.
What mathematical and astronomical discoveries did Aryabhata make?
The Gupta Empire What mathematical and astronomical discoveries did Aryabhata make? Aryabhata’s Discoveries Mathematics • Astronomy Have students read the red subheads A New World of Mathematics and Astronomy before completing this graphic organizer.
Mathematics and Science
The Gupta Empire Mathematics and Science Indian doctors developed a system of medicine known as Ayurveda. Ayurvedic medical textbooks described diseases, medicines, and treatments. Gupta artisans improved metallurgy and produced high-quality metal compounds.
Mathematics and Science
The Gupta Empire Mathematics and Science What advances in medicine did Indian doctors make? Why would producing metals of great purity be considered an important skill by Gupta rulers?
The Gupta Legacy The Gupta Empire Gupta Achievements
Emperors and Their Achievements Achievements in Arts and Literature Achievements in Math and Astronomy Achievements in Medicine and Metallurgy Tell students to think back on everything they learned in the section. Have them use the graphic organizer to summarize Gupta achievements in the categories shown.
Religion did not influence…
The Gupta Empire Which aspects of Gupta civilization were connected to religion? Which were not? Gupta Civilization Religion influenced… Religion did not influence…
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