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Chemical Elements By: Nicholas Jackson.

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1 Chemical Elements By: Nicholas Jackson

2 What is an element? An element is a pure substance that consists of only type of atom that is distinguished by its atomic number. There are currently 118 elements that exist! Among these are many famous elements such as gold, silver, iron, and copper and some that are not so well known.

3 The Periodic Table The elements are classified on the periodic table.
The periodic table has a strange and seemingly arbitrary shape, but elements are arranged into columns of elements with similar properties. That is why the periodic table looks like such a strange shape!

4 A Quick Crash Course on the Periodic Table...

5 Why Are These “Elements” So Important?
Elements make up the world as we know it! Even you are composed of elements like carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Your DNA, proteins, bones, and much more is all composed of metals. In addition many elements that are metals are used as building materials, computer chips and for common items that many use around the house!

6 Compounds A chemical compound is a pure chemical substance that consists of two or more chemical elements. Elements often combine with other elements to form stable compounds that we use every day! One of the most famous compounds is probably H2O, water. Some others famous compounds include NaCl, CO2, and NH3, which are table salt, carbon dioxide, and ammonia respectively.

7 The Noble Gases Group 18 on the periodic table includes the noble gases, the most stable group of elements on the periodic table. These are elements that do not readily form compounds. Among these are famous elements such as Neon and Helium.

8 Carbon Carbon is the most essential element for life. All living things contain carbon. Diamonds are made of carbon! Believe it or not, the term “organic compound” actually means containing carbon.

9 The End!

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