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Flat roof: General.

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Presentation on theme: "Flat roof: General."— Presentation transcript:

1 Flat roof: General

2 Flat roof - Generalities
Changed requirements due to the PV system Roof types Planning process Flat roof solutions Conclusion 110112

3 Changed requirements to the buildings because of PV systems
Noticeably elevated loads on the roof Own weight of PV system Wind loads Vertical (= uplift) Horizontal (= slipping)* Changed load on the roof: point loads as apposed to previous consistent surface loading Additional operational demands on the roof cladding Slipping of the mounting system, frction with roof surface material Roof penetration Tightness Insulation *only at firm embedding in the roof 110112

4 Important roof construction features for the PV system
Permissible additional load Per m² roofi surface As line load/point load on bearing substructure Consistence of roof surface Trapezodial sheeting (exact shape, material, strength) Gravel fillings (Weight per m²)… Substructure Exact position of beams and distance between each other material and dimensions of beams Distance to surface of the roof (Insulation material, thickness,…) Superstructure or special requirements: roof windows, chimneys, ventilation shafts, fire access points etc. 110112

5 Planning procedure flat roof
Gather information about the roof: Location, building height etc. (cf. planning aids) Construction information about the roof: Permissible additional load, roof cladding, substructure etc. (cf. previous page) Estimation if a standard system is suitable or not Via customer Via Mounting Systems Standard suitable: Quote standard material Order Standard not suitable: Request to Mounting Systems, enclosing the necessary information Project quote by Mounting Systems Order of project material 110112

6 Flat roof solutions System with ballasting
On concrete strip foundation On sheets with spread-out ballast (e.g. gravel) System with roof penetration: With concrete anchors directly through the footers of the triangle With various fixings and bottom rail/beam constructions Additional measures for the reduction of the additional load: Enlargement of the distance between the rows, reducing overall load on the complete roof Reduction of the module pitch Interconnection of the rows, support against the attica, counteracting horizontal loads Wind deflector on the back of the module rows Some roof penetration points on the outer margin of the otherwise ballasted PV system 110112

7 Flat roof - Conclusion A flat roof PV system changes the roof load significantly, so that the building‘s static has to be considered at each project Depending on construction type and static of the building, different solutions of mounting system may be suitable According to the solution option the resulting prices of the mounting system can vary widely Gather the building data at each request for a flat roof! Take into account increased planning time and costs according to the building restrictions! 110112


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